0117 - "Daniel's a Liar" (1/17/07)

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Post by sparkybennett »


I think they did give us a good video, but because it was more about characters and less about plot, the impatient people are getting antsy (ant-sy, not nasty, I just realized that might look like a typo).

it was nice to see the character side dont'cha think?
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Post by AM »

Well, I really couldn't have said it any better than that! You took the words right out of my mouth but articulated my similiar thoughts with more precision. Um, creators? Hello, creators? You there? Could you take some suggestions from this particular fan because he/she knows what they are talking about and has his/her finger on the pulse of this series!
Wisi girl, thank you. You made me blush :D
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Post by nakita »

sparkybennett wrote:just sit back and enjoy the ride!!
I want to make an inappropiate joke about that, but I don't know which one to make... Daniel and Jonas, Bree and Daniel, Bree and Jonas, Jonas and a boxer, Bree and Thor, Daniel and a Cornish hen...

argh :?

edit: hey, when did I become a lonely fan? 8) That's a pleasent surpise
* a misinterpreted metaphor *

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Post by sparkybennett »

nakita wrote:
sparkybennett wrote:just sit back and enjoy the ride!!
I want to make an inappropiate joke about that, but I don't know which one to make... Daniel and Jonas, Bree and Daniel, Bree and Jonas, Jonas and a boxer, Bree and Thor, Daniel and a Cornish hen...

argh :?
I was trying to say what ever ride you..l.....
no wait that sounds bad....

but this is a good story however it comes....
dontcha think?
"Children analyze fantasy. They know you're kidding them. There's got to be logic in the way you kid them. Their fun is pretending...making believe they believe it." Dr Seuss
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Post by nakita »

sparkybennett wrote:
nakita wrote:
sparkybennett wrote:just sit back and enjoy the ride!!
I want to make an inappropiate joke about that, but I don't know which one to make... Daniel and Jonas, Bree and Daniel, Bree and Jonas, Jonas and a boxer, Bree and Thor, Daniel and a Cornish hen...

argh :?
I was trying to say what ever ride you..l.....
no wait that sounds bad....

but this is a good story however it comes....
dontcha think?
I do think.
And I know what you were trying to say, that's what makes the joke so much fun. :D
* a misinterpreted metaphor *

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Post by LadyBugGirl »

arammat wrote:
girlAnachronism wrote:Well, personally, I like bitchy bree. V. funny and daniel deserved it.

As for the pub. stunt. Urgh, I think i'm the only american who hates A.I. Now maybe if the Order killed Simon or Paula...that would be a better twist...
No, I hate it, too. Won't watch it at all, and I agree that the Order would be doing the world a favor if they knocked off Simon and Paula, and whoever that other guy is.

I also don't like american idol...
:::sigh I was hoping this wouldn't include "famous" people. I like all the actors/actresses they have. I don't think they should have known actresses/actors included.
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Post by losthoughts »

Sorry if someone has already brought this up. I don't exactly have time to read all 14 pages. But the title of this video made me think of the video What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About? like immediately. In it, Bree repeatedly calls Daniell a liar. I don't know if there's any connection there. Doubt it. But I thought I'd mention it.
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Post by Kanazaka »

Very funny video, but also rather dramatic--a nice balance. It's good that Bree is suspicious, since Daniel has very much not been himself lately. I'm also glad that she stood up for herself, because--drugged/hypnotized or not--Daniel needs to realize that Bree needs to take care of herself more than he needs to take care of her. She doesn't need a boyfriend right now, because it would complicate her already troubled emotional state. She still needs friends, though, so Daniel needs to wake up (literally or figuratively) and realize that he needs to be supportive of what she wants, not what he thinks she wants.
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Post by zippo69 »

Ok sorry if I'm budding into any subjects here, but if someone said that and made a video I would be showering myself in alcohol. that is in mysery.
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