hi, im a 27/m and my girlfriend is 26. we live in south texas. i got into this a couple of weeks ago and kinda dismissed it as some random chic with a vlog so i didnt watch again til the 12th (the ceremony day) then i got really hooked when i saw LG15s vid was #1 on YT that day so i subscribed and watched em all, then i watched all the DB vids, then started subscribing to everything associated with LG15 DDB and cassie.
now we are both hooked, when she is over we spend all our time doing anagrams and deciphering morse code and such. i started a little late, but managed to figure out quite a bit before i found this place. now i can see that most of our interpretations are correct.
well i also started a secondlife acct to delve into the mysteries further and am a member of Cassie's Crew. my name there is Absynth Helvetic. i havent played too much, but i am planning on helping establish a teamspeak channel there. so if anyont has teamspeak... my server is and the password is : password. then join the E Tenebris channel and look for me there sometimes. i try to keep it on whenever im at the computer so people can discuss the ARG in real time with voice chatting. yes im lazy and dont wanna type more than necessary. but i think it may be a good place for ideas to flow quickly.
i dont know what else to say about myself right now, butif i think of something else i will post it.
and yes i know my handle has a little to do with the story, but ive had it for years(i used to spin records and "Absynth" was a play on Absinthe, since i tried it years ago. the play on words being that i played synthetic music, so i chenged the -sinthe to -synth) and Absynth was born!! so dont think im trying a spinoff, or that i am here to spread disinformation, as i have seen some of those accusations fly around the boards... i am only here to help and this whole mystery is just awesome... so ill be lurking, and if i come up with anything, ill share it on these boards somewhere.
thanks, and good to meet all of you.
The Truth Is Out There, Trust No One
Taylor Fanclub, Caught the Wish, Saved a Husband
Believed in The Year Zero,
One of the Cloudmakers
Currently trying to crack the Publius Enigma