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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:35 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
I think that at ths point it's almost
obvious that her bloodline is of utmost importance and that nothing (or at least nothing significant) in her life so far has been by chance.
-edit- PS That:
Lord Balto wrote:And very early in the history of the Church, too. I was just reading some of the Christiam apocrypha in the service of a chronology project of mine, and there's actually a Book of Mary, in which she is supposed to have had a virgin birth with all the fixins.
is really interesting.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:37 pm
by Joyleaf
Lord Balto wrote:And one of the reasons the Egyptian kings were likely to marry their sisters was that the royal bloodline resided in the daughters of the pharaohs. Hmmm. Didn't think about that before, but if the Egyptian references are serious, there's a good reason to think of Bree as the inheritor of whatever position the Order wishes to confirm her in. Perhaps just so they can marry her to whatever male leader they have in mind.
In further regard to her adoption, remember that organizations like the Tibetan Buddhist monks like to remove the newly "recognized" Lama from his family and place him in a monastery for his education.
We remember that Gemma was learning Egyptian, yeah? Not Egyptian Arabic, not heiroglyphs--which are reasonable enough things to learn and use--but Egyptian. It's a weird choice of words.
And do I remember something about Enochian being related to Egypt somehow?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:15 pm
by robtomorrow
Joyleaf wrote:
And do I remember something about Enochian being related to Egypt somehow?
Enochian has no relation to Egypt, but both Enochian and Egyptian references or influences were used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and later by Aleister Crowley and Thelema.
lgpedia link for Enochian ... e=Enochian
But it seems all references to Thelema or Aleister Crowley have been dropped from the story line.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:21 pm
by Lord Balto
Joyleaf wrote:Lord Balto wrote:And one of the reasons the Egyptian kings were likely to marry their sisters was that the royal bloodline resided in the daughters of the pharaohs. Hmmm. Didn't think about that before, but if the Egyptian references are serious, there's a good reason to think of Bree as the inheritor of whatever position the Order wishes to confirm her in. Perhaps just so they can marry her to whatever male leader they have in mind.
In further regard to her adoption, remember that organizations like the Tibetan Buddhist monks like to remove the newly "recognized" Lama from his family and place him in a monastery for his education.
We remember that Gemma was learning Egyptian, yeah? Not Egyptian Arabic, not heiroglyphs--which are reasonable enough things to learn and use--but Egyptian. It's a weird choice of words.
And do I remember something about Enochian being related to Egypt somehow?
"Egyptian," as opposed to "Arabic," is normally used to refer to the hieroglyphs or the later demotic script, sometimes rendered in the Greek-like Coptic alphabet. The ascription of the "Enochian" language and alphabet to Enoch is probably wishful thinking on Dee's part. Enoch was the subject of many apocryphal writings, including the two surviving 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch. The Arab historians have him ruling Egypt and building the pyramids, though if he was king, it was much earlier, his place in the Hebrew version of the 10-member antediluvian king list making him equivalent to the predynastic Ammon, the successor of Her (equivalent to the Greek Hercules), of Upper Egypt. His immediate predecessors according to the Turin Papyrus were:
Anubis, and
Seth is the same Seth we find as the son of Adam.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:36 pm
by Joyleaf
Lord Balto wrote:Joyleaf wrote:Lord Balto wrote:And one of the reasons the Egyptian kings were likely to marry their sisters was that the royal bloodline resided in the daughters of the pharaohs. Hmmm. Didn't think about that before, but if the Egyptian references are serious, there's a good reason to think of Bree as the inheritor of whatever position the Order wishes to confirm her in. Perhaps just so they can marry her to whatever male leader they have in mind.
In further regard to her adoption, remember that organizations like the Tibetan Buddhist monks like to remove the newly "recognized" Lama from his family and place him in a monastery for his education.
We remember that Gemma was learning Egyptian, yeah? Not Egyptian Arabic, not heiroglyphs--which are reasonable enough things to learn and use--but Egyptian. It's a weird choice of words.
And do I remember something about Enochian being related to Egypt somehow?
"Egyptian," as opposed to "Arabic," is normally used to refer to the hieroglyphs or the later demotic script, sometimes rendered in the Greek-like Coptic alphabet. The ascription of the "Enochian" language and alphabet to Enoch is probably wishful thinking on Dee's part. Enoch was the subject of many apocryphal writings, including the two surviving 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch. The Arab historians have him ruling Egypt and building the pyramids, though if he was king, it was much earlier, his place in the Hebrew version of the 10-member antediluvian king list making him equivalent to the predynastic Ammon, the successor of Her (equivalent to the Greek Hercules), of Upper Egypt. His immediate predecessors according to the Turin Papyrus were:
Anubis, and
Seth is the same Seth we find as the son of Adam.
Okay, that was awesome! Do you have a reference, or a link to info? I was not expecting to see Enochian, ancient Egyptian and the old Testament intersect in that way.
(... Which is perhaps to be expected, as I have what I can only call superficial knowledge in all three...)
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:40 pm
by robtomorrow
Lord Balto
Yes, that was vey informative, you have a much better knowldge of the subject than I do.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:07 pm
by Lord Balto
"Okay, that was awesome! Do you have a reference, or a link to info? I was not expecting to see Enochian, ancient Egyptian and the old Testament intersect in that way.
"(... Which is perhaps to be expected, as I have what I can only call superficial knowledge in all three...)" ... tediluvian
This is a comparison of antediluvian king lists. It's my own reconstruction, so take it with a grain of salt. Some of my sources may be found in the surrounding text, but this is all still "under construction," so everything isn't backed up solidly yet.
That being said, there's no question that Enoch and his Mesopotamian equivalent Enmeduranki were thought of as perveyors of celestial knowledge to mankind, though that "knowledge" is way out of line with modern astronomy.
I don't know enough about Dee's Enochian to compare it with real ancient languages, but it might be interesting to do so. I don't think anybody has ever taken it seriously enough to find out how legitimate it is. By the way, I wonder if it's a coincidence that the
Lonely Girl song was written by a band called Dee out of Montreal?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:37 pm
by livelongandprosper77
Okay i finally waited for the vid to be put on YouTube it just takes me too long to view it through Revver sometimes. Anyways, wow! yes indeed Jessica did an amazing job in this video and she did almost seem to be interacting with us fans more than usual in some ways. As far as her parents not being her parents, i do indeed remember someone mentioning this theory and whoever you are big kudos for that weeee score one for the theorists haha. This revelation certainly gave me a surprise for sure.
I realize that Bree is really shook up right now and does not want to talk to Daniel or Jonas due to her painful feelings, but i find all of their situations to be somewhat similiar. Of course not in degrees of pain or difficulty, but i am not sure why she feels she can't discuss things with them. They are her best friends and all have their share of problems and i think it would do them good to speak to each other now.
I am also starting to find it quite strange how the 3 main characters of Daniel, Jonas, and Bree all have these parental issues in certain ways:
Daniel - Parents do not really care if he is around or whatever
Jonas - Parents are dead; not much is really known about them
Bree - Real parents are probably dead. Most recent parents: Dad is now dead but mother is still in question.
Like maybe there is some kinda connection between all of their parental problems. Just thought i would throw that out there.
As far as the Starwars theory i thought that was funny (Big Starwars fan here

) but really that would not be cool. That has been done and i like how the creators are doing things in ways that we can not necessarily predict. No matter how many theories we throw out there we rarely hit the mark. Which is not all that bad i like to be surprised sometimes hehe.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:57 pm
by grellen
Broken Kid wrote:The video is loading fine on Revver:
I want to give credit to Grellen, who may not have been the first to say that Bree's parents weren't her real parents but at least was the most recent and the one that caught my attention: ... 894#127894
grellen wrote:OK, I read most of these pages but not all, so forgive me if someone posed this theory already, but how about...
The man we know as Bree's dad is not really her dad. Her real dad/parents died long ago and the Order assigned people to raise her in preparation for the ceremony. During her talk with her "dad," Bree learns the truth and thus mourns the loss of her real father some time in the past.
Just an idea...
Edit to add: Bree did learn this in her talk, apparently, but she is mourning that dad, not her real dad per appears her "dad" is still dead.
Awww, shucks. Thanks Broken Kid. I'm glad I finally had something worthwhile to post!

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:49 am
by girlAnachronism
Chartreuse wrote:And just as I was about to type "it's a shame Jonas is too old to be a "twin"... I thought CASSIE. Maybe Cassie ISN'T Bree's imaginary friends, or schizo Bree. Maybe Cassie is Bree's genetic reject twin. Maybe she was put in Daniel's class so that Bree wouldn't even begin to suspect. Maybe that's why Cassie never got into trouble for the prank calls. Maybe they were just separated.
Nope. Genetic twins look exactly alike. I doubt Bree would think it was completely normal if her mirror image was walking around school.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:05 am
by Luv2Skydive
girlAnachronism wrote:Chartreuse wrote:And just as I was about to type "it's a shame Jonas is too old to be a "twin"... I thought CASSIE. Maybe Cassie ISN'T Bree's imaginary friends, or schizo Bree. Maybe Cassie is Bree's genetic reject twin. Maybe she was put in Daniel's class so that Bree wouldn't even begin to suspect. Maybe that's why Cassie never got into trouble for the prank calls. Maybe they were just separated.
Nope. Genetic twins look exactly alike. I doubt Bree would think it was completely normal if her mirror image was walking around school.
Cassie could a) be an alter (other personality created to "deal" with Bree's screwed up life).
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:06 am
by ViolinAddict
I don't think she was "adopted". If she were adopted or something that acceptable and requiring of kindness, then she wouldn't be so angry at her mom.
I definitely found a website a few months ago in mid-research about how children were bred for the purpose of satanic/ cult rituals. It was really creepy... I'll see if I can find it in my history if anyone is interested.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:08 am
by ViolinAddict
betz28 wrote:omegawoman wrote:I have a very close friend who adopted a baby that the agency called a "bred baby". This child was bred special for a sacrifice. The parents of this child were chosen for certian character traits. Apparantly it was all a part of some weird satanic cult. The baby was to be sacrificed around the age of 3, and there were several other children as well. This brings back memories of this adoption.
BTW- the little girl is now an adult and doing fine.
just had to comment on this...strange and scary things go on in this world! glad your friend is doing ok.
This is what I was talking about... ha. I should have read through all 14 pages first. But anyway, I'll try to find that website.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:16 am
by livelongandprosper77
Yeah adoption would seem to be a little too nice when dealing with the Order wouldn't it? I am tending to lean more toward the genetically bred Bree theory with the ribozymes info found. However, abduction may have played a part in her coming in to being like the Order abducting individuals they deemed worthy to get the right mix for her creation. Wow Violin Satanic Cult


That is creepy to be sure but interesting... If you find info post it because it might give a better sense about what the Order may be thinking of doing with Bree. Even if it is kinda weird or shocking.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:20 am
by ViolinAddict ... _abuse.htm
There it is. Really long. But a bit farther down (if you skip the start) are actual accounts and pictures drawn by children. But really it's ... uh, worth the read for the information. And plentiful nightmares.