The Bree Solution (that sounds REALLY important Shocked)
How to transform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT: NEGATIVE
Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special Ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) The Genome for said ribozyme has a regular hyper mutation that changes with every generation
3) A non-functioning mutated ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl
4) This portion still functions but you cannot block it because the Complementary Strand of RNA won't combine
Theoretical Solution
1) Block the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme in order to synthesize it *
2) Create a complementary strand of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude its activity *
Practical Solution
1) obtain blood sample of Bree
2)synthesize complimentary strand of RNA
3) inject bree with this compliementary strand
4) Q.E.D. ribozymes blocked rendered defunctual
Intended Results
1) Once synthesized and injected into bree she'll become trait negative
2) additional consequences (if any) - TBD
Bree’s Trait Reference Points
The steps concerning ribozyme function
a)RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
b)splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
c)hammerhead related - telomere synthesis
d)GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway
this is what i got so far but it's a little farther than what we got!
the stars are the stuff i added. all the blanks are filled in but some of them might be wrong so if they are wrong correct them please!
the document is like a school science lab but a little more confusing. i could probubly help you, Spencer synthesizethe blood sample (if and when u get it) if i didn't live in Canada. lol