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Post by katiej88 »

kellylen wrote:
Bree Trait Reference Points:
Theories concerning ribozyme function
a)RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
b)splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
c)Hammerhead related - telomere synthesis
d)GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway

guys there IS a thread saying the solution ;)
I disagree with "Bree Trait"...
1. It doesn't make sense
2. It really doesn't look like that to me. The middle of the word doesn't have a t... i don't know. I can't explain it.

the best I can come up with is "Par In Dat"... which makes no sense. :(

but WOW on the rest of it!
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Post by megs229 »

Great job guys! Wish they could post this stuff so that it isn't in the middle of the night for the east coasters! Some of us have to work in the am and can't be up until midnight, but oh well. You all did great!!!! Just wish I could get the opportunity to help for once :oops: Anyways, party time, it finally looks like they have something solid that could possibly help Bree instead of just stabs in the dark. You all rock!!!! :smt060
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Post by TOSG »

megs229 wrote:Some of us have to work in the am and can't be up until midnight, but oh well.
And some of us have to work in the AM, but stay up til 3AM working on the puzzle anyway. :lol:

Bad decisions? :oops:
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The solution

Post by definenormal32 »

How to transform Bree from TRAIT:POSITIVE to TRAIT:NEGATIVE.

Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) _____ for said ribozyme has a ______ hyper mutation that changes with every generation
3) A non-functioning synthetic ribosyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl
4) This portion still functions, but you cannot bleed because the complementary strand of RNA won't clot

Theoretical Solution
1) Block the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of that same ribozyme ____
2) Create complementary strain of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude its _____

Practical Solution
1) Obtain blood sample of Bree
2) Synthesize a complimentary strand of RNA
3) Inject Bree with this compliementary strand
4) Q.E.D. Ribozymes blocked ________

Intended Results
1) Once synthesized and injected into Bree, she will become TRAIT:NEGATIVE
2) Additional consequences (if any) - TBD

______ Reference Points
Theories concerning ribozyme function
a)RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
b)splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
c)Hammerhead related - telomere synthesis
d)GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway
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Post by giddeanx »

Q.E.D. Ribozymes blocked rendered ineffectual.
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Post by allie »

SivartAlappes wrote:
Aponi wrote:
kellylen wrote: lololol yeah i see

and its copy guys.

like i said. things in science having to do with biochemistry and genetics DO NOT BLEND!
I am back! I needed food.
I agree with copy, it makes sense.
But it's NOT block.
you cannot block it because the complimenatary strand of RNA won't combine?
If it won't combine it's already being blocked. So 'you' don't need to block it.
Maybe its something else that begins with bl?
I'm just saying, block makes no sense in context.
Thankyou Aponi!!!!!
Okay guys, I realize that sounds counter intuitive but think about it. RNA is inherently single stranded. 3-unit nucleotides called codons temporarily bind to the RNA and each codon codes for an amino acid. A bunch of amino acids put together makes a protein. So like, we all know that DNA is like our body's "cookbook." double stranded DNA makes single stranded RNA which makes codons that code for proteins which make up our body. If RNA binds to a complimentary strand of opposite RNA (I have no idea how feasible this is, I've never heard of this happening), but if it were to bind to another strand of RNA, then it would block the ability for codons to be produced. Hence blocking a certain protein from being made. Bingo! Trait negative here we come!! =)
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Post by kellylen »

allie wrote:
SivartAlappes wrote:
Aponi wrote: I am back! I needed food.
I agree with copy, it makes sense.
But it's NOT block.
you cannot block it because the complimenatary strand of RNA won't combine?
If it won't combine it's already being blocked. So 'you' don't need to block it.
Maybe its something else that begins with bl?
I'm just saying, block makes no sense in context.
Thankyou Aponi!!!!!
Okay guys, I realize that sounds counter intuitive but think about it. RNA is inherently single stranded. 3-unit nucleotides called codons temporarily bind to the RNA and each codon codes for an amino acid. A bunch of amino acids put together makes a protein. So like, we all know that DNA is like our body's "cookbook." double stranded DNA makes single stranded RNA which makes codons that code for proteins which make up our body. If RNA binds to a complimentary strand of opposite RNA (I have no idea how feasible this is, I've never heard of this happening), but if it were to bind to another strand of RNA, then it would block the ability for codons to be produced. Hence blocking a certain protein from being made. Bingo! Trait negative here we come!! =)
RNA comes in single stranded and double stranded. DNA also comes in single stranded and double stranded. I know. I got this question wrong on an exam XD and that was the answer
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by Taig »

for god's sake STOP with the mutliple quotes!!!!!!! what is wrong with you people? Is this your first time on a web forum?

and definenormal32 please fix that gd avatar! a) it is oversized and b)well I can't say b) because then the post willl get deleted.
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Post by avian_firefly »

well I was going to post the words i had figure out the morning but ou guys already got those XD

here is is anyways:

The Bree Solution
How to tansform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT:NEGATIVE

Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) _____ for said ribozyme has a regular hyper mutation that changes with every generation
3) A non-function ________ ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl
4) This portion still functions but you cannot ___________ because the compatable strand of RNA won't connect

Theoretical Solution
1) __________ the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme (?)
2) Create a complimentary strand of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ___________

Practical Solution
1) Obtain blood sample of Bree
2) Synthesize complimentary strand of RNA
3) Inject Bree with this compliementary strand
4) Q.E.D. ribozymes _________

Intended Results:
1) Once ______ed and injected into Bree she will become ______
2) Additional consequences (if any) - TBD
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Post by allie »

kellylen wrote:
RNA comes in single stranded and double stranded. DNA also comes in single stranded and double stranded. I know. I got this question wrong on an exam XD and that was the answer
for real? weird. is that only in unusual circumstances, cause i've only taken one bio class so far at my school, but they made it clear dna was double stranded and rna was single.
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Post by marlasinger »

er, did i post here already? I thought I had. I swore I did. Didn't I?

Just in case I didn't: Kelly - check out TOSG's thread in Spencer Chat, ya?
my love tastes a lot like tofu.

The Bree Solution.

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Post by kellylen »

i did marlaaa but its still too early for my brain to work :D
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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the complete page!

Post by crazymonkeyq »

The Bree Solution (that sounds REALLY important Shocked)
How to transform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT: NEGATIVE

Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special Ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) The Genome for said ribozyme has a regular hyper mutation that changes with every generation
3) A non-functioning mutated ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl
4) This portion still functions but you cannot block it because the Complementary Strand of RNA won't combine

Theoretical Solution
1) Block the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme in order to synthesize it *
2) Create a complementary strand of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude its activity *

Practical Solution
1) obtain blood sample of Bree
2)synthesize complimentary strand of RNA
3) inject bree with this compliementary strand
4) Q.E.D. ribozymes blocked rendered defunctual

Intended Results
1) Once synthesized and injected into bree she'll become trait negative
2) additional consequences (if any) - TBD

Bree’s Trait Reference Points
The steps concerning ribozyme function
a)RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
b)splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
c)hammerhead related - telomere synthesis
d)GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway


this is what i got so far but it's a little farther than what we got! :D
the stars are the stuff i added. all the blanks are filled in but some of them might be wrong so if they are wrong correct them please!

the document is like a school science lab but a little more confusing. i could probubly help you, Spencer synthesizethe blood sample (if and when u get it) if i didn't live in Canada. lol
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Post by SivartAlappes »

TOSG wrote:
megs229 wrote:Some of us have to work in the am and can't be up until midnight, but oh well.
And some of us have to work in the AM, but stay up til 3AM working on the puzzle anyway. :lol:

Bad decisions? :oops:
Yeah, pretty much what I did too! :D
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Post by Sheqinah »

Samara wrote:
Sheqinah wrote:
Samara wrote:Oh, I give up. Too many cooks in the it were.
oh no, I really think your photoshop idea is a good one... I wanted to see the final copy.

Thanks. I just needed to pull out for sanity sake. The rest I will leave alone or I'll end up saying things I'll regret.
I hope you will finish it up. The TAAG may post it on their next vid
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