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Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:05 pm
by parakeet100
Agreed, WriterGirl.

Jonas has a right to be upset, and the others' antagonizing him isn't helping. I think Sarah is a trip and all, but she is distracting the guys and I bet Bree (deprogrammed and back to normal) wouldn't like her much.

Taylor just added fuel to the drama fire with this whole video, and it was done on purpose to get attention on herself. Jonas was venting and said some things he should have kept quiet, but her response was over the top and just stupid. :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:09 pm
by MintyBeast
Every action someone does is not to always get attention.

Anytime Sarah (and now Taylor it woudl appear) and Daniel do anything it is to get attention.

I think they coudl get stabbed by a masked villian and we would still have a group of people on here saying they did it for attention. :lol:

ETA to :smt044 :smt044 :smt043 :smt043 :smt044 :smt044 about the stage directions.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:13 pm
by longlostposter
MintyBeast wrote:Every action someone does is not to always get attention.

Anytime Sarah (and now Taylor it woudl appear) and Daniel do anything it is to get attention.

I think they coudl get stabbed by a masked villian and we would still have a group of people on here saying they did it for attention. :lol:
I strongly, strongly, strongly agree with Minty.

Minty, are we soulmates or something?

Are you an Aquarius, BTW.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:14 pm
by hamovbala4ever89
ok...hmm im guessing theres gunna b a make out seen with daniel and you know who :wink: cuz umm on his show yousef said that he had to do something embarassing that he couldnt talk about.......sooo im jsut taking a guess lol.........yeah its kind of a ramdon thing, but i jsut thought that i would throw it out there lol

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:47 pm
by crazycarebear815

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:48 pm
by joygasm
hockeygurl wrote:
sparkybennett wrote:oh Lurker, You are hopelessly whipped! :lol:
Interesting choice of words. Is he whipped or would he be happy with a riding crop?

My goal is to find this out through experience. I'm so in :smt060

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:53 pm
by MintyBeast
longlostposter wrote:
MintyBeast wrote:Every action someone does is not to always get attention.

Anytime Sarah (and now Taylor it woudl appear) and Daniel do anything it is to get attention.

I think they coudl get stabbed by a masked villian and we would still have a group of people on here saying they did it for attention. :lol:
I strongly, strongly, strongly agree with Minty.

Minty, are we soulmates or something?

Are you an Aquarius, BTW.
Perhaps we are. No aquarius, But I am a Scorpio which explains my annoyed responses as of late. Muahahaha

hamovbala4ever89 wrote:ok...hmm im guessing theres gunna b a make out seen with daniel and you know who :wink: cuz umm on his show yousef said that he had to do something embarassing that he couldnt talk about
This made me laugh at his embarressment. HA :)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:54 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:00 pm
by crazycarebear815
kissing isn't that embarassing soooo it must have been something worse...uh ohhhh...

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:02 pm
by staticmorning
crazycarebear815 wrote:kissing isn't that embarassing soooo it must have been something worse...uh ohhhh...
well.. kissing can be a little embarassing if you have to do it in front of a camer a with someone who is not much more then a friend..

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:15 pm
by megabyte
MintyBeast wrote:This is how things work I see

We get a "filler" (not my view on it, but whatever) video and people complain about it being a "filler" video and not an action one.

We get an action video and peopel complain about not getting answers.

We get a video with answers and people compain about it being boring or not getting the answers they wanted or not enough answers (as if there is some kind of quota).

I am glad for every video because i watch them to be entertained.

I am left perplexed as to how this all (the drama that is the Sarah vid+Jonas email+Taylor vid) will go over. Daniel seems to not be involved directly which I find odd personally (anyone else with me?).
I am with you on the whole filler, entretainment, information thing. You can't always have what you want. We are only in the back seat in this story, the creators are at the wheel. They choose the direction we go, but from time to time they listen to us on how to "drive."

Which brings me to the point of being careful what you wish for, 'cause you might get it (very cliché, I know). People wanted Bree and Daniel to be together at one pont, the creators gave us the infamous kisses (at a party, and at Jonas' house). They wanted Daniel to hook up with Alex (granted, that might have been planned all along) and they did, for a short time. Then we wanted Daniel and Sarah (Darah), and it is looking like we're slowly getting there. And some people wanted Bree and Jonas together, well, you see how that is turning out. My point here is, the creators have a direction they want to take this, but they listen to us and adjust to what we want. They can't make us completely happy in our requests, because that would kill or block their storylines. In fact, by giving us what we want, it prolongs the story, hence the need for "filler" vids. So don't ask for something to happen and the bitch that it didn't happen like you wanted, or that it happened at all (like the Bree+jonas kiss). Again, they adjust their plans, and our ideas to fit the plot. So allow to be entretained.

Sorry for the ranting, but since I am one of those preffer to read an entire thread before posting, I have been seing this kinda thing going on for a while (I'll admit that I didn't finish reading THIS thread, so shoot me).

Oh and Minty, this was not directed to you, I just started typing my agreement with you and I got carried away. I don't find it odd that Daniel is keeping quiet, I find it smart.
And as far as getting attention, I don't know, I don't necesarily agree yet, but I might change my mind on that.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:19 pm
by lonelycrack15
megabyte wrote:
MintyBeast wrote:This is how things work I see

We get a "filler" (not my view on it, but whatever) video and people complain about it being a "filler" video and not an action one.

We get an action video and peopel complain about not getting answers.

We get a video with answers and people compain about it being boring or not getting the answers they wanted or not enough answers (as if there is some kind of quota).

I am glad for every video because i watch them to be entertained.

I am left perplexed as to how this all (the drama that is the Sarah vid+Jonas email+Taylor vid) will go over. Daniel seems to not be involved directly which I find odd personally (anyone else with me?).
I am with you on the whole filler, entretainment, information thing. You can't always have what you want. We are only in the back seat in this story, the creators are at the wheel. They choose the direction we go, but from time to time they listen to us on how to "drive."

Which brings me to the point of being careful what you wish for, 'cause you might get it (very cliché, I know). People wanted Bree and Daniel to be together at one pont, the creators gave us the infamous kisses (at a party, and at Jonas' house). They wanted Daniel to hook up with Alex (granted, that might have been planned all along) and they did, for a short time. Then we wanted Daniel and Sarah (Darah), and it is looking like we're slowly getting there. And some people wanted Bree and Jonas together, well, you see how that is turning out. My point here is, the creators have a direction they want to take this, but they listen to us and adjust to what we want. They can't make us completely happy in our requests, because that would kill or block their storylines. In fact, by giving us what we want, it prolongs the story, hence the need for "filler" vids. So don't ask for something to happen and the bitch that it didn't happen like you wanted, or that it happened at all (like the Bree+jonas kiss). Again, they adjust their plans, and our ideas to fit the plot. So allow to be entretained.

Sorry for the ranting, but since I am one of those preffer to read an entire thread before posting, I have been seing this kinda thing going on for a while (I'll admit that I didn't finish reading THIS thread, so shoot me).

Oh and Minty, this was not directed to you, I just started typing my agreement with you and I got carried away. I don't find it odd that Daniel is keeping quiet, I find it smart.
And as far as getting attention, I don't know, I don't necesarily agree yet, but I might change my mind on that.
oh noes! its the great wall of text! :o

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:33 pm
by megabyte
lonelycrack15 wrote:
oh noes! its the great wall of text! :o
Gee, thanks for the support ](*,)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:33 pm
by amybagofdonuts
MintyBeast wrote:This is how things work I see

We get a "filler" (not my view on it, but whatever) video and people complain about it being a "filler" video and not an action one.

We get an action video and peopel complain about not getting answers.

We get a video with answers and people compain about it being boring or not getting the answers they wanted or not enough answers (as if there is some kind of quota).

I am glad for every video because i watch them to be entertained.

I am left perplexed as to how this all (the drama that is the Sarah vid+Jonas email+Taylor vid) will go over. Daniel seems to not be involved directly which I find odd personally (anyone else with me?).
'Fillers' can be annoying sometimes, because it doesn't move the story much (in certain instances). But I can deal with the 'fillers'. In fact, sometimes I really like them because they're just plain entertaining. I think the reason I really hated this video is because I just don't like Taylor. I don't know why...I just think she was annoying. And she comes off as really condescending to me.

I find it odd, as well. I would think DB would be more involved than he is right now. Especially since-IMO-we've been led to believe him and Sarah are somehow 'involved'(? I don't know how else to put it) and Jonas isn't a big fan of hers right now.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:38 pm
by lonelycrack15
megabyte wrote:
lonelycrack15 wrote:
oh noes! its the great wall of text! :o
Gee, thanks for the support ](*,)
lol, i did actually read it and i agree with you 100%. we cant push the creators to do exactly what we want, but we can nudge them in the direction we want the story to go, simply by asking.