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Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:20 pm
by trainer101
Bella-swan wrote:Oh c'mon people , ive seen many comments about how jules may be a real person and bree , daniel and jonas kidnapped a real girl ..
Where have you seen that?
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:24 pm
by impulse
Oh my. Waking up in a hotel room in Japan to see that.
The Creators wrote:Hey everyone,…
Hope you enjoy where we go with things. Thanks!
Sorry, I don’t. Breaking and entering was fun. THIS is insane. I can’t believe you have two lawyers in the production team. Please now, get these kids arrested (and Jonas too since he didn’t do anything to stop the insanity), throw them in jail, get the Writers fired and start everything over with new characters. It’s getting beyond ridiculous.
If ever you need help on how to turn things around, just contact Warpylol, he'll clean up this mess for you guys.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:40 pm
by Lurker
impulse wrote:Oh my. Waking up in a hotel room in Japan to see that.
The cool thing about that, though, is that even if you didn't like the video, you
woke up in Japan. XD
impulse wrote:... get the Writers fired ...
are the writers.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:43 pm
by impulse
Lurker wrote:
They are the writers.
*whispers* yes I know.
Now I think only
Sarah can save the day!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:46 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I like the idea that the Creators are doing this so we can actually have some answers about the Ceremony. BRILLIANT! whoever said that! This would be perfect because 1) we all hate Julia anyway 2) it could confirm whether the Order is actually as evil as Bree has conveyed it and 3) the creepy overtones that have been lost could potentially return, which would make me very very happy.
Regarding my opinion of the actual idea of kidnapping Julia, well, Bree is just such a freaking hypocrit. First she calls out the Order like "Yo, what ever happened to free will? This is so not free, man." and then she goes and kidnaps a girl who was willing to do the ceremony. JEEZE.
So I guess Bree doesn't believe in free will anymore. Even when it comes to simple moral choices, like kidnapping children. After this, she has no right to call the Order hypocritical.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:57 pm
by Lurker
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I like the idea that the Creators are doing this so we can actually have some answers about the Ceremony. BRILLIANT! whoever said that! This would be perfect because 1) we all hate Julia anyway 2) it could confirm whether the Order is actually as evil as Bree has conveyed it ...
Well, we don't all hate Jules. She's just an innocent kid. I also don't think Bree's really had to make any effort to paint the Order as evil. They've done a pretty good job on their own.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:So I guess Bree doesn't believe in free will anymore. Even when it comes to simple moral choices, like kidnapping children.
There's no simple moral choice about this as far as I can see. If she thought the girl was going to die and she felt her choice was let it happen or kidnap her ... well ... this isn't exactly "My name is Luke Skywalker. I want to become a Jedi and overthrow the evil Empire that has committed mass slaughter and forced the entire galaxy under the iron heel of its tyranny."
This isn't black and white stuff.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:After this, she has no right to call the Order hypocritical.
If we find out for sure that the ceremony can kill, what then?
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:11 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Lurker wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I like the idea that the Creators are doing this so we can actually have some answers about the Ceremony. BRILLIANT! whoever said that! This would be perfect because 1) we all hate Julia anyway 2) it could confirm whether the Order is actually as evil as Bree has conveyed it ...
Well, we don't all hate Jules. She's just an innocent kid. I also don't think Bree's really had to make any effort to paint the Order as evil. They've done a pretty good job on their own.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:So I guess Bree doesn't believe in free will anymore. Even when it comes to simple moral choices, like kidnapping children.
There's no simple moral choice about this as far as I can see. If she thought the girl was going to die and she felt her choice was let it happen or kidnap her ... well ... this isn't exactly "My name is Luke Skywalker. I want to become a Jedi and overthrow the evil Empire that has committed mass slaughter and forced the entire galaxy under the iron heel of its tyranny."
This isn't black and white stuff.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:After this, she has no right to call the Order hypocritical.
If we find out for sure that the ceremony can kill, what then?
Well, I didn't mean to say that Bree purposely made the Order seem evil. I meant the Creators have conveyed them as the clear bad guy. But I still think this could be a great series if they would make the line a little fuzzier. Being unsure who is good and who is bad is an awesome suspense story, usually.
I think Bree jumped the gun on this. First of all, when she initially approached Jules, she just ran out to her and was like I KNOW YOU'RE THE CEREMONY GIRL. Then she immediately jumps to kidnapping her? Stupid stupid stupid. She could have approached this in better ways. Instead, she made a total ass of herself.
Lastly, I highly doubt that the ceremony involves murder. The whole point is that the girl is this sacred untouchable human.
But, I'll tell you what may lead to murder. Bree kidnapping the Order's new girl. They don't need Bree anymore. They'll kill her and her little friends too.
She's really being stupid.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:16 pm
by voyboy
I want to bring up the fact that for about a month now so many people "in real life" have been posting horribly nasty things about the actress who plays Jules. Really mean, hateful, nasty things about her acting, her voice, her looks...but everyone has gone full on drama queen about what is pure and plain fiction?
Can you not tell the difference between what is real and what isn't? Seriously, reading some of the comments, that's the way it appears.
If any damage has been done to any persons during this series it's been to the actors, from certain fans who have spoken so scathingly about them in every way imaginable. And of course the Creators. I'd have thrown in the towel a long time ago after being treated the way they have.
(sits and waits to be beaten)
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:18 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
What? I hope that wasn't directed to me. I don't like the girl's acting who plays Jules, but I wasn't bashing her.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:26 pm
by voyboy
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:What? I hope that wasn't directed to me. I don't like the girl's acting who plays Jules, but I wasn't bashing her.
No. Not at all I would have quoted you
It just seems that the majority of people who are up in arms about the BD&J's plan to kidnapp Jules, are the same people who have posted hateful things about the girl. Im not saying everyone.
But a lot of them.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:08 pm
by Lurker
I can't remember if it's the same folks complaining about the kidnapping who were speaking so badly of Jules before (I don't really plan to check; I'll leave it to them if they want to remind us since I've forgotten), but I do find it astonishing how much bile was flung at the poor girl (that was astonishing on its own), especially when one considers how many people seem to be in an uproar over the kidnapping.
I really have to agree with voyboy. If any harm has befallen anyone (other than Greg's dad when his finger magically dislocated itself while they filmed "The Unthinkable Happened"), it's been some of the actors, and I'd say Jules' actor is at the top of the list. I don't want to preach to anyone, but I am baffled at just how many threads, posts, etc. I've seen saying something to the effect of "You don't do that to a little kid" or "You don't portray that happening to a little kid" when there was maybe a handful of complaints about people expressing hate for the girl, saying they hoped she (well, her character anyway) was used in the ceremony post haste, that she sounded like an animal slurping when she spoke, or that she looked hideous (I agree with none of that, by the way).
She's a kid. She's an actor too, but she is a kid. If people didn't get in an uproar over the kidnapping of other fictional kids that were a few years older than Jules (by someone that was pumping them full of drugs, mind you), and they didn't get in an uproar over all the stuff that was being said to Jules' actor (a real kid, who was visibly really hurt given her acting in "Hear Me Out"), I don't think that it makes sense that they're upset about this.
Yeah, we're supposed to pretend all this is real. I know that. I'm one of the people who says that more than anyone else. But what kind of trauma are we talking about being inflicted on Jules here (and for the sake of saving her life)? Psychological? Briefly? From which she can and should recover? I can't imagine that a hundred people telling you that you suck doesn't count as psychological trauma of some kind - and that's not been done to any good purpose that I can think of. I don't think her being an actor is a good enough excuse, especially when someone won't take "This is fictional" as an excuse where the kidnapping is concerned (again, I do think we should pretend it's all real, but goddamn; just goddamn).
Sorry for being preachy. Everyone feel free to kick my ass, if you'd like. People are totally entitled to feel whatever they feel and say whatever they want, but I'm just saying I don't think what's happened over the last few weeks up to right now makes a whole lot of sense.
please let the kidnap be a fake!
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:05 am
by llama_burger
i think i'll subscribe to the 'kidnapping is a fake' theory. they've done this kinda thing before, when bree pretended she was going to do the ceremony. i like it cuz then they won't get arrested and then they can have a spy in the order cuz the order will think she's been held against her will. sounds good to me!
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:23 am
by Languorous Lass
Well, the new vid proves this theory isn't correct.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:58 pm
by house
MayhemII wrote:Lurker wrote:
Melisa wrote:
Haha, that's great!
We still need somebody to photoshop the gang on a rollercoaster, though, with Jules still tied up. Anybody up for it?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:19 pm
by garnet
Lurker, thanks for saying that! You're right -- it's completely rediculous for people to be hateful toward a real kid, then get upset about fictional characters hurting a fictional kid.
I think it stems from a good place -- love for the trio -- but this isn't the way to show it. I don't think any of us want someone to take Bree's place, and we all want Bree to remain a likeable sympathetic character. But there's just nothing to be gained from hatin'!
On a related note, I really think Jules has been a lot more believable in the past few vids. I know others disagree, but she's really been able to show emotions -- defensiveness, hurt, fear, urgency, etc. She seems to work better when she is reacting to something.