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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:53 pm
by Cleo
Correct me if I'm wrong, Garnet, but I think the accent sounds a little like my childhood accent...just a wee bit Kentuckian. There's nothing typically Texan about it, but she could live in the burbs of Houston or something. As you know, every large southern city has a myriad of accent variations. Plus, Bree sounds a tad Austrailian and not so Californian, and Gemma always had a fluctuating accent too. Perhaps Jules' family has also moved around. Texas seems to be the state they're going for with her myspace location and her taste in music.
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:17 pm
by LadyBugGirl
PushedButton wrote:I'm pretty sure she's cannon cos of the editing style and the fact that Bree and Nikki have basically pushed her under our noses.
This is a shame cos I find her bland and uninspiring. If she does start talking to us I think the LG community should convince her that the ceremony is great and she should defiantly do it as soon as possible, that way we can learn what we saved Bree from and get rid of this annoying character Cassie style asap.
Whatever happened to Jules? ..... Who gives a f**k?!

Good call...I totally agree!!
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:14 am
by sonya_w
I never log on to this forum, and rarely ever post, but I just have to say I really hate Jules.
Just adding my voice. Each one counts, I figure, and the creators must read this, right?
Call me Henry Higgins
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:02 am
by garnet
Cleo wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, Garnet, but I think the accent sounds a little like my childhood accent...just a wee bit Kentuckian. There's nothing typically Texan about it, but she could live in the burbs of Houston or something. As you know, every large southern city has a myriad of accent variations. Plus, Bree sounds a tad Austrailian and not so Californian, and Gemma always had a fluctuating accent too. Perhaps Jules' family has also moved around. Texas seems to be the state they're going for with her myspace location and her taste in music.
Yeah. Jessica and Jackie (the actors) both moved around as kids, I think. Hence, they have mixed-up accents. I was just hoping to get a video explaination on this one -- kind of like "Secrets of my Past, Revealed," which was a graceful way to explain why Bree pronounces it "bean" instead of "been."
This Jules character seems to be cannon, and I agree with your earlier post, Cleo, that the writing should slow down on this particular subplot. I think a little monologue on her accent, where she's lived, etc. might be nice. She's being shoved down our throats right now. It's much more attractive if we're lured in. Give us some more cute stories to latch onto. I guess the cat was a start. . .
And yes! She sounds dead-up like someone from back in the 'ville. . . especially when she says, "ah promise." Not too country, and just a little bit southern. I think this actress must be from the KY/IN/OH area. I could be wrong, but she doesn't sound like anyone from Texas . . . at least not anyone I've ever met. Is there someone out there from the Lonestar state who cares to weigh in??
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:35 pm
by K23239
If aparently this girl has something to do with the LG15 scheme and The Order, I can tell that she must be one of the Chosen Ones for the ceremony. Her dad is always quising her? Yeah. Ceremony. The Order's Ceremony for thier religion has lots of questions and you have to know lots of stuff, right?
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:58 pm
by Pippsterina
Her mouth is so. big.
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:02 pm
by kellylen
I think once she grows into herself shell be wayyyyyyy cuter

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:19 pm
by Susan
kellylen wrote:I think once she grows into herself shell be wayyyyyyy cuter

KellyLen, I love your avatar. Which one is that from?
The new girl is not so new: iluuvme
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:18 am
by tigress
The new girl is not so new she has been around for awhile and has been building a back story. Very interesting:
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:09 am
by grammar_nazi
Julie can’t be in Texas at present. The Bodies exhibition, which she mentions in her “Field Trip” video, isn’t available there.
These are the US cities where that exhibit is being held:
Pittsburgh, PA (future)
San Diego, CA
Durham, NC
Seattle, WA
Las Vegas, NV
New York, NY
Washington, DC
It was painfully obvious to me that this was the exhibit she was referencing, and I'm unaware of anything similar to it, so that goes against the myspace location and Taylor's information. Thoughts?
*Edit: Aw, hell, she said the name of the exhibit, which is in Dallas. And is the same thing. So she's in the DFW area. My bad.
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:32 pm
by melissa78
grammar_nazi wrote:Julie can’t be in Texas at present. The Bodies exhibition, which she mentions in her “Field Trip” video, isn’t available there.
These are the US cities where that exhibit is being held:
Pittsburgh, PA (future)
San Diego, CA
Durham, NC
Seattle, WA
Las Vegas, NV
New York, NY
Washington, DC
It was painfully obvious to me that this was the exhibit she was referencing, and I'm unaware of anything similar to it, so that goes against the myspace location and Taylor's information. Thoughts?
*Edit: Aw, hell, she said the name of the exhibit, which is in Dallas. And is the same thing. So she's in the DFW area. My bad.
Bodyworlds is in Dallas until May 22nd.
About the accent-- so many people around Dallas are from other places that people may not always have a Texan accent.
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:35 pm
by kellylen
Susan wrote:kellylen wrote:I think once she grows into herself shell be wayyyyyyy cuter

KellyLen, I love your avatar. Which one is that from?
its from the new vid when jonas says he needs a lab coat

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:09 pm
by garnet
Haha. I wonder if NikkiB's new video is a response to my call for southern accents. That will teach me to be careful what I ask for. . .
BTW, Did Nikki get hair extensions or was it always that long?
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:06 pm
by Cat
on the fence, i really hope shes a red harring

shes just too much and yet blah....again on the fence
though if it weren't cannon id like it much more, just MHO!
*theres so many of these threads on Jules can we murge them or something?*