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Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:18 am
by MintyBeast
*15 mins of shock/freak out later . . and then another 15 reading all these pages*
Alex, Alex, Alex. I can't believe it. I still love her and want her and Daniel to sneak communication and she try to do at least one thing good (at least for him).
I think Bree either A. Knew about the gun prior, or B. Was in a state of shock of not only Jonas pulling out a gun, but the gun being violently pointed at Daniels head. That would explain why she was quiet.
And again GET THAT GUN AWAY FROM YOUR FRIEND JONAS! Daniel should NOT take that lightly. What if it went off!?
I think the Jonas throing rock bit was horrible and cheesey and didn't really feel natural.
Also, someone mentioned how Daniel looked like he was pushing Alex in teh car and wasn't concerned for Bree. Come on. If you have a car and the evil ones pull up - you get in the car- you don't -run for the beach- as Jonas told Bree to do. You get in the car and drive.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:27 am
by nickaflick
Oh Jonas, you sexy, sexy man
Daniel ... *whacks*
I KNEEEEEEEWWWWWWW IT! I never accepted Alex's apology and when I saw she was in black I was like "uh-oh." Good video, for a while it was kind of draggish but glad we have the Order back. I hope the trio go and help this girl.
Where are people getting the name Maddison? I watched the video again and never saw where the name was said. And why is Alex suddenly so important to the Order. Do you think it's a ploy? Why would she take the guys out to the beach.
Oh Alex, you broke the beast's heart. You bitch!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:04 am
by periblue3
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:47 am
by Huuney

..bai bai aunt alex
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:58 am
by Sophistication
I don't think that Maddison is the new girl. Like what others have mentioned, the acting isn't quite up to standard, and its seems...fake. Also, her second video takes a really long time to load (this may only be my computer, but I had no probs with the other 2 vids.) LG15 vids don't usually take that long so that's another point contributing to the fact that Maddison is not the new girl.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:42 am
by 7Harry7Potter7
Just watched the video.
Ho-lee Shishcabobs.
Why the hell wasn't Bree in front of the camera at all?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:40 am
by ericski
really interesting.
1. "i had no choice." ironic
2. daniel mentions his parents, rare moment.
3. alex wanted to say goodbye to a happier time in her life.
4. the gun, at this point seems a bit late but more in line w/ reality
5. bree irrelevant? figuratively out of the picture, foreshadowing?
6. alex with the "one last job" to do
7. good thing jonas was sober at the time, he was barely restrained as it was.
8. there is another skywalker
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:48 am
by Renegade
I was gonna go with "leeeeegs *drool*"...
...then came The Order, and the screaming, and the gun, and the comment "they don't need you anymore, Bree, they have another girl".
I have to admit, I didn't expect that one. Nice turn of events. Unfortunately, the Creators weren't brave enough to go all the way: On one hand, Alex has definite evil moments in there, making this the first "double-turn" in the series, but on the other hand, she clearly says "I don't have a choice" - giving the Creators a nice little hole to bring her back as a good girl later.
Also, I can't quite help to think that it may not be a coincidence we're getting confirmation of "another girl" right
now...just after the killing of OpAphid and the very, very blatant retcons in Nikki B's last video are the topic...
("Oh come on, this is so sucky, closing OpAphid and hey, did you see all the plot holes that generates and--- ...did you just hear that? They have another girl??? TO THE BREEMOBILE!")
And no, I didn't read the previous posts...11 pages...are you kidding me?
ETA: Secret soundtrack for this episode: Aerosmith - Jonas got a Gun
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:16 am
by Esteed
Dude. Jonas has a gun. Holy shit.
Okay, now that that's out of the way... It's about time one of them started thinking objectively. They have a secret society after them that obviously has no qualms about harming or killing them. There is no room for moral high ground in war, and that's what this is becoming.
The Order has a new girl? *coughMaddisonAtkinscough*
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:25 am
by hollyxmas
another good video in my opinion!
I had a feeling from the beginning of the video that someone was going to show up. Why else would Alex take them to an empty beach?
This definatly didn't help how I think of Alex. I can't see myself trusting her again any time soon.
I thought it was a good thing that Jonas had a gun, but I didn't really like how he was pointing it toward Daniel.
I wish we could've seen bree.
I dunno what to think of Maddison. I guess it would be neat if it was canon... Its kindof annoying how its sometimes hard to tell whos real and whos not.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:47 am
by saralynn
I'm not reading all the pages yet.. SO.
All I have to say is ~wow~!
I didn't expect that at all. Jonas probably didn't trust Alex from the point she apologized, so he got a gun. He's not as easily swayed, but seeing him with a gun was kind of crazy! He pointed it right at Daniel too, to get him away from Alex.
So, they don't need Bree anymore? What good will Alex do? She's older.. doubt she's pure.. hm.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:51 am
by love_leslie
Pretty sure that Bree wasn't available for filming this day, otherwise we would've seen her. Any supposed talking from her could be edited in later. It does make the video less believable, though. I wish they would wait until all characters could be there, especially for a video with this much going on (in the end, of course). The other thing that really bothers me is this: two guys on the beach, and they don't take their shirts off? Yes, I would love to see the boys (esp. Jonas) topless, but it also isn't realistic to me.
Can't wait to see where they take it now!
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:13 am
by mellie3204
Okay, just got home and saw the vid.... I'll go back and read this thread now.
*Head spinning with the craziness*
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:15 am
Chelseyrl wrote:I knew something was gonna go down on Friday the 13th... I just knew it.
I'm in love with my av.
I'm just glad the old Bree Avatar is gone,Lol! It was about to give me a headache w/ that crazy look on her face....

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:18 am
ericski wrote:really interesting.
8. there is another skywalker
Nice reference
