Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:59 pm
Lol anngry, we're recruiting! xP
And anngry was the one who saw it, so -grovels-
And anngry was the one who saw it, so -grovels-
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Yep, I've posted this elsewhere, but I think that the Order wants to mark Bree as royalty (perhaps with some sort of bacteria, nanomachine or microbe injected into her body), and divinity is another strong possibility. So I'm with you on that. I'm also glad that Daniel is angry, but I hope he focuses that anger into productive actions, such as finding and removing a camera (which he already did) and uncovering the identity of the company that sent the now-empty box (which he plans on doing soon).Languorous Lass wrote:Based on what trainer found out about the symbol, I'm wondering whether the ceremony involves an attempt to turn someone into a divinity -- IOW, a god or, more likely, goddess. Like Bree. Which is a possible reason why the Order would get its panties in such a twist when she turned down the opportunity to participate: who turns their back on godhood?
And reading the Thelema Encyclopedia website nobackspacebutton found makes me wonder whether the concept of infinity has anything to do with the principles that Richard Feynman and Jared Diamond (particularly Feynman) have been writing about.
Kanazaka wrote:Yep, I've posted this elsewhere, but I think that the Order wants to mark Bree as royalty (perhaps with some sort of bacteria, nanomachine or microbe injected into her body), and divinity is another strong possibility. So I'm with you on that. I'm also glad that Daniel is angry, but I hope he focuses that anger into productive actions, such as finding and removing a camera (which he already did) and uncovering the identity of the company that sent the now-empty box (which he plans on doing soon).Languorous Lass wrote:Based on what trainer found out about the symbol, I'm wondering whether the ceremony involves an attempt to turn someone into a divinity -- IOW, a god or, more likely, goddess. Like Bree. Which is a possible reason why the Order would get its panties in such a twist when she turned down the opportunity to participate: who turns their back on godhood?
And reading the Thelema Encyclopedia website nobackspacebutton found makes me wonder whether the concept of infinity has anything to do with the principles that Richard Feynman and Jared Diamond (particularly Feynman) have been writing about.
trainer101 wrote:Disclaimer
Before anyone accuses me of being totally off my rocker– I did not make this up. You can read it for yourself here: ... part10.htm
The Use of Giving Demonic Assistance to entrap
One of the principles (giving tactics) of the spirit world is that if you go to get help from demons, they have a spiritual opportunity to enter into your life in other ways. This involves spiritual laws. People, who have been healed by occult healers, have discovered that it set them up for demonic activity in their life. Of course, it is easy to write this, but often only the victims of occult help, who have already learned the lesson the hard way, believe it.
The ultimate that Lucifer can pretend to give is divinity. Divinity is sometimes symbolized by the Illuminati as an 8 on its side or the infinity symbol. The divine within a hierarchy member is called the High Self. It also goes by the name Dian Y Glas or Blue God in the hierarchy’s parlance. The given names of Joan, Janicot, Jean, and Jonet are popular in generational witchcraft families because they mean the High Self. The cabalistic name for the High Self (internal divinity) is NESHAMAH. According to Illuminati hierarchy beliefs, the High Self can only be communicated to via symbols, music and myth that go through the unconscious mind. In other words, don’t talk to it, show it. This is part of the reason Illuminati witch covens make noise in ceremonies, dance and use objects, they believe these are essential to communicate to their High Self.
I think that only brings up more questions, actually. The drops were supposed to be part of the ARG. As far as we knew, Daniel and the others couldn't play the ARG. That seems like it would somewhat contradict the purpose. I'm a little curious as to how he knows this stuff, and more curious as to what the explanation for who sees what when and where is going to be.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:daniel knows about tachyon drops? i think this answers some questions about who sees what. weird..? so why the hell didn't he see op vids?
I think it will be hilarious if -- after all the speculation over that particular point -- her legal name is actually "Bree."nobackspacebutton wrote:Maybe once we get through all this, we will discover what her name "bree" really stands for...Gabriel, anyone?
Lurker wrote:I think that only brings up more questions, actually. The drops were supposed to be part of the ARG. As far as we knew, Daniel and the others couldn't play the ARG. That seems like it would somewhat contradict the purpose. I'm a little curious as to how he knows this stuff, and more curious as to what the explanation for who sees what when and where is going to be.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:daniel knows about tachyon drops? i think this answers some questions about who sees what. weird..? so why the hell didn't he see op vids?
Well, Tachyon was already part of the story. ARG elements aren't necessarily going to be seperate, but I just got the impression that the drops themselves were. Of course Tachyon and Brother would be leaving messages for one another on the internet and such, so that part made sense, but I didn't expect that -- from the perspective of the characters in the story -- there were fans involved with any of that. I'm not sure what Tachyon's intention is with those things (especially something like that birthday card).nobackspacebutton wrote:So if Daniel sees the drops, then Tachyon is no longer an ARG..its part of the actual story---placing Tach as more of an addtional character (like jonas), isn't it?
Okay, you're right. It doesn't really solve anything lol.Lurker wrote:Well, Tachyon was already part of the story. ARG elements aren't necessarily going to be seperate, but I just got the impression that the drops themselves were. Of course Tachyon and Brother would be leaving messages for one another on the internet and such, so that part made sense, but I didn't expect that -- from the perspective of the characters in the story -- there were fans involved with any of that. I'm not sure what Tachyon's intention is with those things (especially something like that birthday card).nobackspacebutton wrote:So if Daniel sees the drops, then Tachyon is no longer an ARG..its part of the actual story---placing Tach as more of an addtional character (like jonas), isn't it?
One of the main reasons it's surprising to me is that for Daniel to so casually mention it must mean that he knows about Tachyon's videos. Clearly she must be posting them to YouTube and Revver in the fictional world. It's just really sudden -- and kind of random -- for that sort of revelation to be layed on us now. I guess it brings us a little closer to knowing who can see what when and where, but that in itself brings up questions like "Why didn't B&D seem to know sooner?" It also further brings into question whether or not the OpAphid videos were uploaded to the internet (as if the very first OpAphid video didn't make that question prominent enough on its own).
Lurker wrote:I think that only brings up more questions, actually. The drops were supposed to be part of the ARG. As far as we knew, Daniel and the others couldn't play the ARG. That seems like it would somewhat contradict the purpose. I'm a little curious as to how he knows this stuff, and more curious as to what the explanation for who sees what when and where is going to be.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:daniel knows about tachyon drops? i think this answers some questions about who sees what. weird..? so why the hell didn't he see op vids?
I think it will be hilarious if -- after all the speculation over that particular point -- her legal name is actually "Bree."nobackspacebutton wrote:Maybe once we get through all this, we will discover what her name "bree" really stands for...Gabriel, anyone?