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Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:36 pm
by ericski
Hey, he's not called a doer or a stopper or a catcher or grabber! He's a watcher!
that was pretty funny.
actually, i thought the same thing only in regards to why they split when they did. if the guy was just a watcher...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:19 pm
by iqfrenzy
islandlove wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
islandlove wrote:shouldn't the watcher have like i dont know, tried to stop them from leaving?

great watcher.
Hey, he's not called a doer or a stopper or a catcher or grabber! He's a watcher! :)
haha i see your point
but c'mon i mean he could have done something
Yes, he reported it to his higher-ups. Honestly, read the thread. Don't you think it's possible they wanted them to leave? Or that they are waiting for a certain date or Daniel to abandon her? You really need to read the threads; this one and "The Watcher".

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:17 pm
by Smelltheflowers
Okay, this has been driving me nuts since Bree and Daniel ran away.

Where the hell are Daniel's parents?

I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't just accept the whole 'Sorry mom and dad, I have to go on the run for an unknown period of time to help my friend escape her fanatical religious [or whatever] cult. See you in a year! [Maybe!]" :roll:

Has this been explained somewhere, or is Daniel's mysterious lack of parents an important part of the story line in some way? Anyone have any idea?

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:18 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
Poor Daniel, he's so pooped.
but I guess that they found somewhere safe, cause she found a place to post the vid.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:19 pm
by ForeverMourn
Yeah I'm glad Bree made that last comment, Kimmy. ^_^

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:27 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
Smelltheflowers wrote:Okay, this has been driving me nuts since Bree and Daniel ran away.

Where the hell are Daniel's parents?

I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't just accept the whole 'Sorry mom and dad, I have to go on the run for an unknown period of time to help my friend escape her fanatical religious [or whatever] cult. See you in a year! [Maybe!]" :roll:

Has this been explained somewhere, or is Daniel's mysterious lack of parents an important part of the story line in some way? Anyone have any idea?
Well, he's a bit older than Bree, and a teenage boy his age can take off for a while, besides, he might not even live with them. I know lots of guys that just take off, it's not like a big deal or anything, but maybe that's just me.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:44 pm
by iqfrenzy
Kimmi-Chan wrote:
Smelltheflowers wrote:Okay, this has been driving me nuts since Bree and Daniel ran away.

Where the hell are Daniel's parents?

I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't just accept the whole 'Sorry mom and dad, I have to go on the run for an unknown period of time to help my friend escape her fanatical religious [or whatever] cult. See you in a year! [Maybe!]" :roll:

Has this been explained somewhere, or is Daniel's mysterious lack of parents an important part of the story line in some way? Anyone have any idea?
Well, he's a bit older than Bree, and a teenage boy his age can take off for a while, besides, he might not even live with them. I know lots of guys that just take off, it's not like a big deal or anything, but maybe that's just me.
But you would think we would at least see him calling them. Kimmi, I've been wondering the same thing. Wouldn't his parents file a missing persons report if they don't know where he is? That would just add cops that aren't related to "the order" looking for them as well.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:46 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
maybe they stopped by his parents' house before they left, or called from the road, I dunno.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:26 pm
by TheFatLady
I started thinking, when Bree was sleeping at Daniel's place, that he must not live with his parents. No one mentioned them at the time, and it didn't seem as though she'd had to ask anyone but Daniel if she could stay over.

Earlier, when she'd called his folks to ask where he was, and they said he was staying with a friend, it's possible he'd called from his own place to tell them he wouldn't be around for a bit. Possibly he did the same thing this time.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:31 am
by Languorous Lass
Luv2Skydive wrote:Bree said she hoped they could find someone to post the vid.....who do they trust to post it??? Is this possibly the beginning of a new character?
I thought she said "somewhere" to post the vid.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:32 am
by islandlove
iqfrenzy wrote:
islandlove wrote:
Broken Kid wrote: Hey, he's not called a doer or a stopper or a catcher or grabber! He's a watcher! :)
haha i see your point
but c'mon i mean he could have done something
Yes, he reported it to his higher-ups. Honestly, read the thread. Don't you think it's possible they wanted them to leave? Or that they are waiting for a certain date or Daniel to abandon her? You really need to read the threads; this one and "The Watcher".

i do read the threads, and honestly maybe you need to stop assuming things

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:41 am
by house
Well, we're about an hour and fifteen minutes away from Saturday being over and done with. So, whomever it was that said: "Wait for Saturday"...put up or shut up. 8)

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:07 am
by spaciegirlreturn
lonelygirl wrote:what is up with all these creepy avatars. yours and spaciegirl's one are annoying the sh** out of me. effin' bad. Your posts annoy the sh** out of me. Oh well.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:25 am
by Kimmi-Chan
Wow, people are so stupid, but maybe you're giving her nightmares Spaciegirl. lol... stupid people hurt my brain. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:35 am
by PushedButton
What I don't get is why Bree and Daniel didn't just bundle the watcher, kick seven shades of excrement out of him, tie him to a chair and torture information out of him.

The would have been much more entertaining than running off again. He looks like a pussy, Bree could probably have taken him on her own.

*edit* can you tell I'm getting impatient?