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Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:55 pm
by omegawoman
Reb wrote:sparkybennett wrote:Reb wrote:I think that gemma is acting more and more suspicious as time goes on. this video deffaintely had threatening undertones.
If gemma is indeed hinting the P monkey is bugged then the question becomes how would she know that?
She would know about the plant if she never really left the order , she may be one of them and is acting as a plant trying to gain Bree's trust.
Thats what I thought but then if that is the case then why is she telling bree? to gain her trust maybe?
Maybe she is acting as a double agent. That would explain her flip flop attitude.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:59 pm
by trainer101
Bree responds to my letter! ... 8552#68552
Seems we are on the right track!
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:19 pm
by DavetheAvatar
I know this has been discussed and it kinda breaks the train of thought but Gemma's completely random and out of context use of w*nker was hilarious! That was without a doubt the worst attempt to say "I'm British" that I've ever seen.
Anyway, I'm think P.Monkey is bugged too. If I were the Order, and knowing as much as we do Bree, that'd be what I'd do. The perfect mole, her best friend...sort of...
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:21 pm
by omegawoman
I am confused. How are we on the right track? Bree suggested you gave her some good advice, and said she read a book about George Washington.
Have I missed something on the forums, I thought I read through them all?
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:29 pm
by Wisi Girl
trainer101: First of all, I didn't know that they would actually respond to us! That is really neat! I wonder how that fits in to this whole mess, though. It's fake but we must pretend that it's real because they, as the characters, continue to do so in the blogs. But then they read these forums? Do they, the characters, see how we know they're faking it? I'm confused. This is a fine line between fan and actor with this new form of entertainment, eh? Rather surreal in my opinion. Also, I wanted to ask you something concerning the Illuminati. I must confess, I know very little about it. Can you explain why we have those symbols on our dollar bills?
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:42 pm
by trainer101
omegawoman wrote:
I am confused. How are we on the right track? Bree suggested you gave her some good advice, and said she read a book about George Washington.
Have I missed something on the forums, I thought I read through them all?
I believe we are looking for a secret society that includes elements of or references to:
Water (though I think this may be a P.Monkey clue)
Infiltration of the authorities
"my little eye"
Ancient Egypt
John Harrison's chronometer (or, I believe, the era it was invented)
In the end, there will be a single thread that ties all of this together. I believe the thread is the Illuminati (also convenient because in it's current incarnation the Illuminati is
The reference to George Washington is important because there were allegations that he too was a member of the Illuminati. History has established that while the U.S. was at war with Britain, GW was allowed to enter a British camp to be sworn in as a Freemason even though he was the General of the enemy army. In fiction, the Freemason's are portrayed as a faction of the Illuminati.
whew! Hope I made sense...

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:46 pm
by Kasdeja
Don't forget the overwhelming amount of Freemasons who signed the Declaration of Independance...
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:48 pm
by trainer101
Wisi Girl wrote:trainer101: First of all, I didn't know that they would actually respond to us! That is really neat! I wonder how that fits in to this whole mess, though. It's fake but we must pretend that it's real because they, as the characters, continue to do so in the blogs. But then they read these forums? Do they, the characters, see how we know they're faking it? I'm confused. This is a fine line between fan and actor with this new form of entertainment, eh? Rather surreal in my opinion. Also, I wanted to ask you something concerning the Illuminati. I must confess, I know very little about it. Can you explain why we have those symbols on our dollar bills?
The pyramid represents the Illuminati ties to ancient Egypt and the structure of the organization. The eye represents the "All Seeing Eye" aka "The Eye of Horus" (also from ancient Egypt).
Allegedly, it's the sign that the Illuminati controls the governments of the worlds major powers as well as the world banking system.
Who's on the front of the dollar bill? George Washington.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:57 pm
by Wisi Girl
I don't know if it is because I'm so discouraged by the lack of answers we have recieved through the videos or if this is actually the right theory but I'm inclined to believe it. It seems like everything posted on here gets nowhere. I guess we just have to see! However, can I take a moment to applaud you trainer101, because this is the first theory I've read that makes a lot of sense. Truly.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:00 pm
by trainer101
Wisi Girl wrote:I don't know if it is because I'm so discouraged by the lack of answers we have recieved through the videos or if this is actually the right theory but I'm inclined to believe it. It seems like everything posted on here gets nowhere. I guess we just have to see! However, can I take a moment to applaud you trainer101, because this is the first theory I've read that makes a lot of sense. Truly.
Thank you. I'm hoping that this is a nod from the Creators for us to continue down this path and expand on the discussion. (and Lord knows I hope it's not another dead end)
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:05 pm
by Kasdeja
Hate to poke ya in the eye again...but we were just as sure it was Thelema at one our little nods after that, too.

Either they are crafty or they change it when we figure something out.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:08 pm
by omegawoman
trainer101 wrote:omegawoman wrote:
I am confused. How are we on the right track? Bree suggested you gave her some good advice, and said she read a book about George Washington.
Have I missed something on the forums, I thought I read through them all?
I believe we are looking for a secret society that includes elements of or references to:
Water (though I think this may be a P.Monkey clue)
Infiltration of the authorities
"my little eye"
Ancient Egypt
John Harrison's chronometer (or, I believe, the era it was invented)
In the end, there will be a single thread that ties all of this together. I believe the thread is the Illuminati (also convenient because in it's current incarnation the Illuminati is
The reference to George Washington is important because there were allegations that he too was a member of the Illuminati. History has established that while the U.S. was at war with Britain, GW was allowed to enter a British camp to be sworn in as a Freemason even though he was the General of the enemy army. In fiction, the Freemason's are portrayed as a faction of the Illuminati.
whew! Hope I made sense...

This being said, I think Gemma fits more into the "George Washington" area. She is allowed into "enemy camp" to gather info, or mabe further her ranking. Just a thought.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:10 pm
by trainer101
Kasdeja wrote:Hate to poke ya in the eye again...but we were just as sure it was Thelema at one our little nods after that, too.

Either they are crafty or they change it when we figure something out.
Yeah, I know, that's why I hope this doesn't end up in another dead end. I think that Thelema was the original plan but then one or two angry Thelemites came to the forum bitching that their religion was being maligned and threatening lawsuits and stuff. Ask Cuddlebunni about it, she had to deal with one of 'em.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:10 pm
by thinkitthrough
I think trainer 101 is the only person who has found any real evidence as to who or what The Order is. I just think he makes some valid points and has linked a lot of this with one thing in common. The Illuminati. Bree read about George Washington recently and responded to Trainer 101 about it. Coincidence?! I think not!
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:11 pm
by Kasdeja
trainer101 wrote:Kasdeja wrote:Hate to poke ya in the eye again...but we were just as sure it was Thelema at one our little nods after that, too.

Either they are crafty or they change it when we figure something out.
Yeah, I know, that's why I hope this doesn't end up in another dead end. I think that Thelema was the original plan but then one or two angry Thelemites came to the forum bitching that their religion was being maligned and threatening lawsuits and stuff. Ask Cuddlebunni about it, she had to deal with one of 'em.
Oh trust me...I know, probably as well as cuddlebunni.