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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:01 pm
by minsky
thinkitthrough wrote:minsky wrote:Hmm. The way the parents left with Lucy and the Baldy dude without any struggle bugged me. Then I did some thinking of possible scenarios.
Someone mentioned Bree's Parents look really young and I agree.
I have a theory that may be far fetched but sort of fits with what has been going on lately.
What if Bree's parents are not her real parents.
What if Bree was identified as a baby as being important. maybe born from a previous ceremony where the parents dissapreared for whatever reason.
So the order gets two trusted members of the order to look after her and groom her for the ceremony.
So these two become Bree's parents. Anyway they become attached to thier daughter and concerned for her. Even though their purpose is to bring her up ready for the ceremony.
Bree decides she does not want to do the ceremony and they approach the Order to see if they can get her out it.
The Order gets angry at them because thay have failed in thier mission of preparing Bree for the ceremony and take them away for reprogramming or make them dissappear or whatever.
On the other hand they could be her real Parents and have just resided themselves to the fact that all they can do is go with the order to protect thier daughter.
Just some of my random thoughts.
I really like this theory it makes sense to me. The ceromony could be what ties in the importance of a blood line. A blood line that must not end becuase of a prophecy that was made long ago... or something to that nature. any thoughts on this? how does her religion work into it? Or is it purely a scientific study that is being done?
My thoughts are it is a cult in the guise of a religion doing scientific experiments in genetics.
As some have suggested in the past I think the Bloodline and ceremony tie in somehow to some sort of genetic programming to produce children of certian bloodline/genetic makeup.
As to why they are doing this I have no idea yet.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:02 pm
by thejyav
Kasdeja wrote:Aw, man, silvermoon...I didn't even think about the missed opportunity for her parents to make a video. Of course, they supposedly don't know about her vlogs..but...that would be neat.
Of course...maybe it WAS Bree's hard drive that Lucy put into the trunk.
Oh man...this is getting interesting...
We still may see her rents... I mean who is to say lucy & Co won't have her parents put up a video saying we are fine and at home please come back.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:06 pm
by thejyav
raindown wrote:Oooh this is exciting and I've so much to say and ask!
first of all, I thought that Deacon McCreepy Kinda looks like Phil Collins - the heavier version.
(yea, when Daniel asked, "Bree, who's that guy?" I almost expected her to answer, "I dunno, but he kinda looks like Phil Collins...")
...I thought I felt something in the air tonight...
So the deacon's can Invisible Touch Bree?
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:09 pm
by thejyav
raindown wrote:Some more thoughts...

What about the radio sounds?
Finally somebody. I was going to wait till having read everything before bringing it up but I can't believe it took this long for someone to catch that. I can't make out what was said on the radio but if there is anything in this video to be disecting....I'd start there. That was very odd and out of the blue. It had that " do you remember cassie?" feel.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:41 pm
by Cassie_xx
thejyav wrote:raindown wrote:Some more thoughts...

What about the radio sounds?
Finally somebody. I was going to wait till having read everything before bringing it up but I can't believe it took this long for someone to catch that. I can't make out what was said on the radio but if there is anything in this video to be disecting....I'd start there. That was very odd and out of the blue. It had that " do you remember cassie?" feel.
Maybe since the "hidden message" videos, ie, Cassie, opaphid, etc, are so popular, the Creators are starting to do the same with Lonelygirl15?
It seems to be the Cassie, Ahid side of the story is just as popular (if more so) than Bree, since it's alot more fun with the clues and stuff.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:47 pm
by thinkitthrough
Cassie_xx wrote:thejyav wrote:raindown wrote:Some more thoughts...

What about the radio sounds?
Finally somebody. I was going to wait till having read everything before bringing it up but I can't believe it took this long for someone to catch that. I can't make out what was said on the radio but if there is anything in this video to be disecting....I'd start there. That was very odd and out of the blue. It had that " do you remember cassie?" feel.
Maybe since the "hidden message" videos, ie, Cassie, opaphid, etc, are so popular, the Creators are starting to do the same with Lonelygirl15?
It seems to be the Cassie, Ahid side of the story is just as popular (if more so) than Bree, since it's alot more fun with the clues and stuff.
Yeah it seems like that is what everyone on here wants anyway... like the Nikki Bower Report where she goes out and is investigating the LG15 Land Marks is pretty cool. I liked it.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:54 pm
by echoesofury
echoesofury wrote:Someone asked what the little radio blurbs were saying (after Bree says "I think it's time for a break"), so I decided to post what I heard.
Couldn't make out the man's voice, but the woman definately said something like
"And finally, the last question that is smathering/scattering? the voters" so I'm guessing it's election coverage.
Page 10
The woman's voice is first, then a softer man's.
Quoting myself makes me feel important.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:14 pm
by savingbree
Inigo wrote:It says on the LGpedia that LA police blocked off some roads for the filming of the episode.
I believe the post in LGpedia is grossly inaccurate.
"Irvine (California) police had several side streets that shoot off of Harvard blocked off for the filming of On The Run. "
There is no street called Harvard in Irvine.. And there would have been no need to close streets for the kind of filming being done by LG15.
What might be confused with this, is that over the weekend, the 105 fwy near LAX was closed down for filming a Bruce Willis action flick.
I will gladly be corrected, but will need some facts before accepting what is in the LGpedia.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:18 pm
by NikkiBowerReport
It says on the LGpedia that LA police blocked off some roads for the filming of the episode.
Could that be true? (Nikki why don't you go find out?)
Parts of this video were filmed in Irvine, which is located in Orange County not Los Angeles. According to my sources at the Orange County Film Commission (one of my friends from college works for the City Mangager) no film permits were applied for or given to the Lonelygirl15 crew. Oh, but I did find out where they film "Laguna Beach" if anyone's interested...
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:22 pm
by sweetie55
actually there is a street called havard around Irvine. I think I've been on it getting lost on the way to a tournament in that area.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:28 pm
by savingbree
NikkiBowerReport wrote:Parts of this video were filmed in Irvine, which is located in Orange County not Los Angeles. According to my sources at the Orange County Film Commission (one of my friends from college works for the City Mangager) no film permits were applied for or given to the Lonelygirl15 crew. Oh, but I did find out where they film "Laguna Beach" if anyone's interested...
Thanks for the info Nikki.. I was a little worried when I heard you were going looking for the house. Yes, this entire video appears to be filmed in and around Irvine. And by the way, Nikki, if you find the house... it has been made pretty clear that it is to be left alone. If you go back to the "Who Is This" thread, you will find plenty of commentary on the first discovery of the house. As well, there used to be a sticky on the forum forbidding people to go to the house. Anyway...
I was kind of wondering why the mods took the sticky down though. Maybe there could be a clarification if it is "fair game" now. But till clarification is made, it is safe to assume it is not.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:39 pm
by thejyav
NikkiBowerReport wrote:It says on the LGpedia that LA police blocked off some roads for the filming of the episode.
Could that be true? (Nikki why don't you go find out?)
Parts of this video were filmed in Irvine, which is located in Orange County not Los Angeles. According to my sources at the Orange County Film Commission (one of my friends from college works for the City Mangager) no film permits were applied for or given to the Lonelygirl15 crew. Oh, but I did find out where they film "Laguna Beach" if anyone's interested...
I just saw your videos good stuff..though alot of people on you tube are saying your part of the show
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:02 pm
by arammat
Mvidrine wrote:I too think that her reaction is odd, crying and then cheerfull, chipper, and childlike. its odd expecially when compaired to her mood when her and daniel were fighting. I don't think its due to the drugs. I think that there are three possible reasons, 1) she's trying to look strong, or at least not as affected in front of daniel. A mask of normalcy 2) she's in deniel, she thinks "oh they won't hurt my parents, they'll find a way out" or 3) her parents are in no actuall danger and neither is she. This is for all the wicker man/its a trap daniel theorists out there.
On another note, does anyone find it odd how much trust the parents are placeing in daniel? I have been surprised over the course of the last few videos, starting when they let him back over. I think this is odd and might point to a wicker man situation, though I personally doubt the creators are going in that direction
It may simply be a matter of their not having anyone else OUTSIDE of the community that they really know to entrust Bree with. They may be socially isolated from non-cult people, if you will. And while I do agree it is somewhat odd that parents would put their 17 year old in the care of an 18 year old, they do know that Daniel has always had Bree's best interests at heart.
I don't think it is as strange as some of you do that Bree is acting pretty normal during the videos. First, they've already established that she is breaking down crying every few hours, but just aren't showing that on video. And if you have ever been in a really terrible situation, you can really only cry and fret for so long. You have periods of normalcy mixed in with periods of being upset. That's been my experience at least.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:07 pm
by arammat
Languorous Lass wrote:spaciegirl wrote:I've been thinking..What the hell kind of religion even wants someone to participate in some ceremony if they have to threaten her to do so? What would make that person so special? . . . Even if they only still wanted her because she's already "prepared", wouldn't they have a back-up? They must not have a back-up and there can only be a certain number of reasons why.
There aren't any other sixteen-year-old virgins in the community?

LOL I think you've just answered Spaciegirl's question. Do you know how hard it would be to find TWO virgins in CA? lol
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:18 pm
by arammat
Sami wrote:ps: In my country a kid could chech in to a hotel, paying in cash, without even having to give up their name.
And does Bree and Daniel get the chanse to vote? That's my biggest question

LOL I think it's funny that their getting to vote was on your mind, Sami. Only Daniel would be old enough. And maybe that's why they were driving around rather than driving away.... so he could be close enough to the polls to vote!
And this is totally off-topic, but if kids can check into motels so easily in Norway, is there a big problem with kids renting rooms to have parties or to have sex with their boyfriends or girlfriends? Just wondered......