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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:17 pm
by ohhhmyyygoddd
"i dont do codes, thats her shit"
Re: If Frank is Dead...
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:25 pm
by Requiem
A_Gray_Phantom wrote:I'm still a little spooked over this. If Cassie was posessing Frank, and Frank is dead, who is running all of this? Who's the man behind the curtain?
Cassie has another like Frank she visits, as well as possessing Bree.
Re: there is no way
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:39 pm
by Rick9955
thejyav wrote:if its his head hitting the keyboard then it was done poorly. either he has a head the size of stewie or there is no way he could hit that many keys
... or it was the pieces of his head ...
Re: there is no way
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:40 pm
by nakita
Rick9955 wrote:thejyav wrote:if its his head hitting the keyboard then it was done poorly. either he has a head the size of stewie or there is no way he could hit that many keys
... or it was the pieces of his head ...
ew... ew... ewewew gross
(and what are the chances that a piece would hit submit

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:54 pm
by angie78gg
I think if anything, he wrote, he submitted it..Then did whatever he d id. Not unless, Cassie magically took over his dead body and finished the blog, ummm don't think so. No likely.
Also , I still dont believe(even if), that his wife took the time to type out a message. If he blew his brains out. Logically, there would be brain matter lodged into the key's(saying he shot himself). I would think making it hard to type. Who know's, maybe they removed every key and cleaned it thoroughly. Still not likely. I dont think this part was very well thought out.
I still am not sure if "frank" the character is dead, I would really hope not. I think the whole "frank" part, had run it's course. Due to the fact, they were unaware of how the storyline would end. Thats just me though. I could be right, or I could very well be wrong.
So, if anything. I think if he did kill himself, that he would have stepped away from where he was sitting. maybe the bed, or floor. Also, THe only way anyone would have found him so quickly is if house keeping, went in and found him. I still dont think the clues add up to how he was found. All the blog said was "Frank passed away last night". For all we know, he was killed...I think I have too much free time lol
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:22 pm
by nakita
angie78gg wrote:All the blog said was "Frank passed away last night". For all we know, he was killed...I think I have too much free time lol
Look at us... we all have too much free time... join the club
But I think that is a good point, about not saying specificaly (sp?) how Frank died. I just assumed he shot himself.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:46 pm
by Dunneh
Well, everyone knows the 'death' is part of the game. Whether its the end of the game, or simply just another piece of the puzzle remains to be seen.
It would very much suck if CiW ended here after the popularity and interest it generated. Kinda seems like an anti-climax.
I do believe Frank is really dead (as per the game world, not in real life). The PM wouldn't make Frank fake his death-- seems to go against Frank's character. I realise Cassie says he lies, but there wouldn't be a lot of purpose to Frank doing that. It wouldn't make Cassie go away, it would make US go away-- but so would turning the net off. Well maybe he's dramatic, I guess it remains to be seen... As for suicide vs passing, he could have died of fright or died when Cassie possed him... ever think that she wanted him to join her? That she made him do it like she made him do the rest. I too noticed that his wife is very careful to leave out actual details about it.
I am kinda hoping the game will still progress.
EDIT: Personally, I want Cassie to posses twjaniak! Imagine his videos if he had her voice in his head! Awesome!

(Kidding of course)
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:58 pm
by DontHaveAClue
Dunneh wrote:
EDIT: Personally, I want Cassie to posses twjaniak! Imagine his videos if he had her voice in his head! Awesome!

(Kidding of course)
Why? I think that's a great idea! Let's ask Cassie to possess TWJ! I vote for that! ...uh...Hello TWJ...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:43 pm
by nakita
Dunneh wrote:The PM wouldn't make Frank fake his death-- seems to go against Frank's character.
Don't forget, Frank is mentally unstable, and he seems to drink a lot. He doesn't have a really solid personality.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:49 am
by xnyanpanx
I haven't read through the entire forum yet (it's rather HUGE), but...
Has anyone entertained the possibility that Frank was just the split personality of Cassie? Or that Frank and Kaye were the split personalities of Cassie... or that.. Frank and Cassie were the split personalities of Kaye? Or basically any combination of those three.
From what I've heard it's not entirely "uncommon" for one personality of a split personality to "die off".
And it might explain why Cassie is still around... or why Kaye would post something that a sane person might not post about her husbands death so soon after. OR why there's no real current record of Frank's death. Frank might not have "existed" outside the mind of Kaye or Cassie in the first place.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:35 am
by martha
Why on earth would there be a real record of Frank's death?
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:46 am
by helix52
And where would we get it..?

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:54 am
by martha
Really, logically, there wouldn't be, because Frank does not actually exist. Frank only exists in the game, so there would be no way for there to be an obit in a paper, or anything like that.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:17 am
by xnyanpanx
Okay.. leaving out the part with the record of Frank's death...
Is there something else that can be eliminated from that theory? Or is it still possible?
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:02 pm
by martha
I just don't think the multiple personalities are it, but that's only my opinion. The reason Kaye posted that little blurb about Frank dying is because he threatened to end his life the night before in the chat, and really the only way for us to actually know that he followed through with it was a post by someone, preferably not a ghost, because Frank told us Cassie can't be trusted.