This is what I found so far, more to come later hopefully:
The Bree Solution
How to tansform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT:NEGATIVE
Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) The _____me (?) for said ribozyme has a registered hyper mutation that changes with every generation.
3) A non-functioning synthetic ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl.
4) This portion still functions but you cannot bleed because the complimentary strand of RNA won't clot
Theoretical Solution
1) Block the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme orders
2) Create complimentary strand of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude it.
Practical Solution
1) __brown/blown blood sample of Bree
2) synthasize a complimentary strand of RNA
3) ____t Bree with this complementary strand
4) Q.E.D. – Ribozymes blocked undered __efi __tua___
Intended Results:
1) Once authorized/analyzed and in______/nto Bree, she will become TRAIT: NEGATIVE.
2) Additional consequences (if any) – TBD (to be determined)
Professional Reference Points
T________ Comparing Ribozyme Functions
A ______ise I treated – tRNA cleavage
_________ related - Intron/Exon splicing
_____________ - Telomere Synthesis
______oz mutated – fructose-6-phosphate pathway
Hope this helps! Surprisingly, Wikipedia has a lot of info about RNA and especially the things mentioned in the reference points, but Spencer can probably help you out with all that.
Byes & Good Luck,