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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:08 pm
by SivartAlappes
tazman2087 wrote:yeah copy makes more sense because the smear is too short for "combine"
And "Activity" is OBVIOUSLY "copy" as well... look at the reversed spectrum version posted a few pages back. You can make out the C and the P to go with that Y at the end.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:08 pm
by kellylen
The Bree Solution (that sounds REALLY important Shocked)
How to tansform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT:NEGATIVE

Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special Ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) The Gene for said ribozyme has a regulatory hyper mutation that changes with every generation
3) A non-functioning mutated ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl
4) This portion still functions but you cannot block it because the Complementary Strand of RNA won't copy

Theoretical Solution
1) Block the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme in order to copy it
2) Create a complementary strand of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude its copy

Practical Solution
1) obtain blood sample of Bree
2) synthesize complimentary strand of RNA
3) inject bree with this compliementary strand
4) Q.E.D. ribozymes blocked rendered ineffectual

Intended Results
1) Once synthesized and injected into bree she'll become trait negative
2) additional consequences (if any) - TBD

Bree Trait Reference Points
Theories concerning ribozyme function
a)RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
b)splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
c)Hammerhead related - telomere synthesis
d)GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway

guys there IS a thread saying the solution ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:09 pm
by ohpete
in 3 it could be
3) A non-functioning portion of the (?) ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:10 pm
by SivartAlappes
ohpete wrote:in 3 it could be
3) A non-functioning portion of the (?) ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl.
I thought of that too... but I'm not sure there's enough space for "portion of the"

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:11 pm
by SivartAlappes
kellylen wrote: guys there IS a thread saying the solution ;)
REALLY?! I haven't left this thread in like an hour!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:16 pm
by Aponi
SivartAlappes wrote:
kellylen wrote: guys there IS a thread saying the solution ;)
REALLY?! I haven't left this thread in like an hour!
Me either! Ooops lol.


3) A non-functioning mutated (?) ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl.
~I think it's mutated. Cause I said it. And it fits. This whole deal with the ribozyme is that it's mutated. It's not functioning because it's mutated. So there :P

4) This portion still functions but you cannot block it because the complimentary strands of RNA won't copy.
~I'm so done with this XD

3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude its activity?.
It's copy. It fits too.

______ Reference Points
The steps concerning ribozyme function
RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
Splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
Hammerhead or Telomerase(?) related - telomere synthesis
GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway

It looks like Pag Sociat Reference points, which makes no sense, but only because I don't know what the words are. I'm just saying what it looks like to me.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:31 pm
by anniid
kellylen wrote:
Bree Trait Reference Points
Theories concerning ribozyme function
a)RNAse P related -tRNA cleavage
b)splicosome related - intron/exon splicing
c)Hammerhead related - telomere synthesis
d)GlmS ribozyme related - fructose 6-phosphate pathway
That doesn't say concerning. Clear as day (or not so day... in this case...) there id a "d" before the ing.
It must be regarding, not that it makes much difference in this case.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:35 pm
by -R-
Taylor: Pavlov?
Taylor said that at the beginning of the video.

In the LGPedia, someone posted this in the notes:
"Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist and physician, who famously taught a dog to associate the ringing of a bell with being fed, to the point where the dog would salivate at the sound of the bell."
Remind anybody of anything?
"*ding* what if everyday was Friday?"
I just thought everyone would like to know that.

My first try

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:44 pm
by copperboom
This is what I found so far, more to come later hopefully:

The Bree Solution

How to tansform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT:NEGATIVE

Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special ribozyme mutated and unique only to her
2) The _____me (?) for said ribozyme has a registered hyper mutation that changes with every generation.
3) A non-functioning synthetic ribozyme exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One girl.
4) This portion still functions but you cannot bleed because the complimentary strand of RNA won't clot

Theoretical Solution
1) Block the ribozyme in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme orders
2) Create complimentary strand of RNA
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ribozyme and occlude it.

Practical Solution
1) __brown/blown blood sample of Bree
2) synthasize a complimentary strand of RNA
3) ____t Bree with this complementary strand
4) Q.E.D. – Ribozymes blocked undered __efi __tua___

Intended Results:

1) Once authorized/analyzed and in______/nto Bree, she will become TRAIT: NEGATIVE.
2) Additional consequences (if any) – TBD (to be determined)

Professional Reference Points

T________ Comparing Ribozyme Functions
A ______ise I treated – tRNA cleavage
_________ related - Intron/Exon splicing
_____________ - Telomere Synthesis
______oz mutated – fructose-6-phosphate pathway

Hope this helps! Surprisingly, Wikipedia has a lot of info about RNA and especially the things mentioned in the reference points, but Spencer can probably help you out with all that.

Byes & Good Luck,

Amanda :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:53 pm
by Aponi
Amanda could you please re-size your avatar?
And we already have it mostly solved, but thanks for helping anyway :D

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:03 am
by Sheqinah
Samara wrote:Oh, I give up. Too many cooks in the it were.
oh no, I really think your photoshop idea is a good one... I wanted to see the final copy.


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:17 am
by CaptainAwesome
LAlabrat wrote:So this is the important letter that was in the box. Here is what we could make out:

The Bree Solution (that sounds REALLY important :shock:)
How to tansform Bree from TRAIT: POSITIVE to TRAIT:NEGATIVE

Given Facts:
1) Bree's blood contains a special ______ mutated and unique only to her
2) _____ for said ribozyme has a ______ hyper mutation that changes with every ___________
3) A non-function ________ exists and manifests differently in every Hymn of One ______
4) This portion still functions but you cannot ___________ because the __________ of RNA won't _______

Theoretical Solution
1) __________ in question by obtaining a sample of the that same ribozyme (?)
2) Create _____
3) Q.E.D. strand will bind to ___________

Practical Solution
1) _____ blood sample of ____
2) _____ complimentary strand _____
3) _______ with this compliementary ____
4) Q.E.D. _________

______ Reference Points
This whole section is pretty illegible.

Hopefully you all can do a better job than Taylor and I did. Thanks for your help!

You're an annoying character. Taylor too.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:45 am
by Samara
Sheqinah wrote:
Samara wrote:Oh, I give up. Too many cooks in the it were.
oh no, I really think your photoshop idea is a good one... I wanted to see the final copy.

Thanks. I just needed to pull out for sanity sake. The rest I will leave alone or I'll end up saying things I'll regret.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:40 am
by KittyTaylor
wow good job Kelly!

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:42 am
by iampenguin
Kelly...Marry Me o___o