joygasm wrote:Welly, well, well! I have a good idea of what to wear when the pleasure of meeting Mr. Lurker is finally mine!

you, baby.
sparkybennett wrote:this is all good natured debate, please take it as such Lurker. I enjoy your posts and admire your devotion to the sisters

No worries. I'm taking it just as you've described. Oh, and thank you. Your devotion to Jonas is also quite admirable.
sparkybennett wrote:Lurker wrote:Yes, Bree humiliated Jonas. However, Jonas was the one who chose to make that humiliation public and as intense as possible. He so did not have to reveal that they'd fucked if he didn't want that information to be revealed..
I don't recall him saying that they had sex. He was just letting the audience know that he felt he "got through" (no pun intended) to Bree.
And he was responding to Sarah's video invading his privacy.
Sarah herself admitted she was "spy"ing on them. Jonas actually took that very good naturedly.
You're right that Jonas took it well, but he had to know how it looked. Even before the confirmation came down, most of us were sure that they'd done it. I mean, you've got him half-naked in her bed, drinking coffee, her shirt slung over the headboard, him definitely looking like he just got laid, and then how comfortably he knocked on the bathroom door and asked if she needed "any help in there."
He had to know. Had to.
sparkybennett wrote:Lurker wrote: I hear "Sarah has her own agenda" at least once a day, but no one ever bothers to explain it.
If you are hearing it alot maybe there is something to it. Jonas has been fairly open about his agenda, Sarah not so much. Her motivation to be there is unclear. A crush on Daniel , sure , but if she takes relationships so lightly , why chase this boy?
Ok, I see now.
Thank you for explaining.
I actually think that Sarah's explained her motivation for being there between her myspace blog and "Entertaining Myself." She was bored in Texas and also not doing well in trying to deal with her mom or her dad. She also said she was hoping it would be an adventure to go to Cali.
As for Daniel, she actually doesn't take relationships that lightly. That's just her defense mechanism at work when she says that. When you read her blogs it's most obvious that she says one thing and means another, like when she pretended to be annoyed that this guy she liked might want a lasting relationship, but was then hurt when he didn't care about talking to her anymore after they messed around.
sparkybennett wrote:She complains about trying to rescue Bree, until her last video, where she suddenly acts as if she cares? Why the sudden change?
She's seemed to be completely onboard about Bree since "It's A Cult." "Entertaining Myself" was the last time she complained about helping her.
sparkybennett wrote:Why tape Bree and Jonas without their knowledge and post it? That may be why people are saying Sarah has her own agenda.
Based on her personality, that one seems like the easiest to explain. She was probably bored, and by nature she seems to be mischievous (she'd also been waiting since "No Trespassing" to see confirmation of those two being more than friends).
sparkybennett wrote:I don't mean to imply that. I am implying that Sarah started this whole thing when she slyly and direspectfully invaded Jonas' privacy. He attempted to respond in his forthright manner. Then when Bree took off and he was vulnerable the sisters attacked.
That's not how I see it. As you said, he took the spying on the kiss thing just fine, so Sarah seemed to be off the hook in his opinion there.
As for him being vulnerable and them attacking, I see them (actually, only Taylor)
counterattacking after he started attacking them. They had tried to help and he was not only thankless, but he insulted them (in Taylor's case he insulted even her efforts to help, though she'd technically tried something more useful than any of them).
Marbella wrote:1st of all, why isn't Taylor as "traumatized and hurt" as Sarah about their father?
Well, not everyone takes it the same way. There's a lot of factors that could be significant, and the two of them are quite different in several ways.
In any case, Taylor
has said she's hurting, but she's definitely taken it better.
staticmorning wrote:GrrlyDervish wrote:Being human doesn't give you the right to assume your feelings trump everyone else's feelings, and to lash out hurtfully at your friends.
being human does, however, give you the right to reach out to your 'friends', the same friends who went on to mock him and make it seem like they didnt give a damn what jonas did as long as it didnt interfere with
their feelings, plans, and *ahem* sexual habits.
He didn't try reaching out to them to do anything more than metaphorically beat on them to make himself feel better. He wanted to use them as punching bags, and no friend should have to take that, nor should they allow it.
staticmorning wrote:im not saying everything he did was perfect, and there are better ways to handle these situations, but when you're hurt and actually in said situation, you don' think of every possibility. we can criticize him because we know more then he does about the other characters, we have time to sit down and think about why each person reacted the way they did. we have time to say 'that was a horrible decision' but in his shoes, we cant really be sure how we'd react.
You're right that we can't be sure how we'd react, but if we reacted the way he has we'd still be douchebags, no?
Sheqinah wrote:sparkybennett wrote:BlogGirl14 wrote:on the vid she made she actually wanted to help
She did not appear very sincere.
if you want to help someone you shouldn't mock and berate them.
I don't think she wanted to help at all
I don't buy into that idea that Sarah is really all that interested in helping Bree *as I picture her putting a fish shaped snack cracker in between the still and silent lips of Bree* Yeah, that image says enough.
In that particular situation, Sarah was the least likely person to be able to get through to Bree. She hardly had even talked to her before. Nonetheless, she did try. That one scenario — where she had next to no chance of being able to help in the first place — is not a fair example, especially when you've got "Getting Her Back" to consider.
nicole_x wrote:On another, less annoyed note, it has been mentioned that it was Jonas' first time. If I remember right, then he told us quite a while ago that he had "hooked up before." I don't know the name of the video, but it was the one where Daniel made dinner for Bree and Jonas was outside being all jealous. He did say in his e-mail "what's up with her telling everyone bree was my first time?" but I don't think that that confirms anything. It just shows that he was annoyed that Sarah told everyone she thinks it was his first time. Sarah doesn't know for sure.
I asked her in her in-character section if she knew for sure, and
she said she does, as "girls talk and so do boys. These kids are a tight group and no one can keep a secret for long."
WriterGirl wrote:You're right. That was "Kicked Out." I don't know why he doesn't point that out, but maybe he honestly thinks it doesn't matter. Maybe, though, it's just a continuity error.
I think that was him just trying to make it look like he'd had some before.