0210 - "Mr. Park Ranger" [6/11/07]

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Post by longlostposter »

sack36 wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
sorno wrote:Question: where the f**k do they find the money to live on the run for all this time????? renting houses, having multiple cars. I know Jonas is quite wealthy but he ain't a meeping millionaire for crying out loud!

not when he hasn't worked for about 6 months!
How do you know he's not a millionaire?

Anyway, even if he wasn't, the interest on, say, $200,000 would be enough to maintain DBJ. It would be somewhere in the area of $3,000 a month.
That's 30% interest! I want to know where you bank, Juli!
No, Susan, it's more like 18% interest, but that is not unlikely if the interest is compounded daily.
Last edited by longlostposter on Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
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Post by Shaneener »

When Jonas was going to say how Bree left, this is what came to mind...

Jonas is asleep in bed, tired after sleeping with Bree. Bree is pulling on a sweatshirt and tying her hair in a pony tail. She kissed Jonas lightly and he opens his eyes. "Where er you goin'?" he asks, half asleep.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she lies.

Jonas blinks open his eyes and smiles. "Last night was amazing."

Bree smiles and kisses him again. "I'll be back in a second."

Jonas rolls over and falls asleep. Bree closes the door gently behind her and walks outside, taking out her cell phone.

"Lucy? This is Bree. I'm walking to town. Okay. Bye."

I did put a lot of thought into this.
Thank you.
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Post by chevalier »

longlostposter wrote:
sack36 wrote:
longlostposter wrote: How do you know he's not a millionaire?

Anyway, even if he wasn't, the interest on, say, $200,000 would be enough to maintain DBJ. It would be somewhere in the area of $3,000 a month.
That's 30% interest! I want to know where you bank, Juli!
No, Susan, it's more like 18% interest, but that is not unlikely if the interest is compounded daily.

You know I love ya--and the new avatar is great--but 18% is a ludicrous amount of interest in the real world. Banks right now are paying 1%-3% depending on what size account, CDs are AROUND 5%, and the 30-year treasury closed today at 5.4% APY. The historical return on the stock market is about 11%--and it's risky, not safe like a government bond or FDIC bank account.

I learned all this because I've been handling Lurker's accounts (plural). Ladies, he is LOADED. :)

And based on Jonas' parents yachting proclivities, large house in the middle of the woods, etc., I think he IS a millionaire--there are more out there than you think.

His being rich is a plot device, so they can get around without people saying "hey? how do they play for those motels and cabins"

Sic 'em TAAG! Get the order!

Last edited by chevalier on Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TOSG »

longlostposter wrote:
sack36 wrote:
longlostposter wrote: How do you know he's not a millionaire?

Anyway, even if he wasn't, the interest on, say, $200,000 would be enough to maintain DBJ. It would be somewhere in the area of $3,000 a month.
That's 30% interest! I want to know where you bank, Juli!
No, Susan, it's more like 18% interest, but that is not unlikely if the interest is compounded daily.
Shit, I'd better get an account at Jonas' bank!
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Post by HeatherAnneDear »

MintyBeast wrote:I died at teh whole "oh Mr. Park ranger" thing. oh my!
w/e it made sarah seem even sluttier than normal
sarah is an idiot!
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Post by longlostposter »

Fine. I give. So let's say he has 500,000. It's still enough.

Oh, and Chev, I don't know why you are saying Lurker is loaded...that's a line of shit.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
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Post by raptattention »

I hate when people do this, but I am leaving the house in a few and can't read all the previous posts...

Did anyone notice at 1:13/1:14 how Sarah's head snaps really fast, almost unnaturally? I'm sure it's just the camera or the video speed wigging out, but it's freaky. It reminded my of the stop motion in "The Ring."

Also, the talk of squirrels brings back thoughts of Gemma. I don't think she's on her way back into the story, but the squirrels made me think of her and "Squirrel/Nut" game.
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Post by chevalier »

longlostposter wrote:Fine. I give. So let's say he has 500,000. It's still enough.

Oh, and Chev, I don't know why you are saying Lurker is loaded...that's a line of shit.
I was just joking around. For all I know, he's a po' mo fo.

The ladies all know who has the deep pockets on this forum. Hint: his name rhymes with Duvalier and he knows all about capital markets. Bling bling! :smt023
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Post by longlostposter »

chevalier wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Fine. I give. So let's say he has 500,000. It's still enough.

Oh, and Chev, I don't know why you are saying Lurker is loaded...that's a line of shit.
I was just joking around. For all I know, he's a po' mo fo.

The ladies all know who has the deep pockets on this forum. Hint: his name rhymes with Duvalier and he knows all about capital markets. Bling bling! :smt023
That only leaves the question: Is he available?
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
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Post by looking4answers »

was it only me or did it sound like jonas told told Daniel to go play with Sarah's Bush? lol I know it was blist, but still I thought it sounded like bush lol
those two need to get it on already!!
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Post by chevalier »

longlostposter wrote:
chevalier wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Fine. I give. So let's say he has 500,000. It's still enough.

Oh, and Chev, I don't know why you are saying Lurker is loaded...that's a line of shit.
I was just joking around. For all I know, he's a po' mo fo.

The ladies all know who has the deep pockets on this forum. Hint: his name rhymes with Duvalier and he knows all about capital markets. Bling bling! :smt023
That only leaves the question: Is he available?
He's not taken! Still looking for that special avatar...er lady.
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Post by Rekidk »

je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:O_O I'm a fool, lol.

I've grown too confident in the Creators posting on youtube as the same time as they post elsewhere so I've been refreshing youtube since it's a hell of a lot faster than the main page and RAWR, MISSED 9 PAGES OF DISCUSSION.

*kicks self. waits for it to load*
I know! Creators, where the hell is my YouTube version of this vid?

You have 24 hours. ;)

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Post by Inigo »

Ok Everyone. Like many of you I'm itching for some Beast-Sarah lovin' so I did this little script. Enjoy.
Lonelygirl15 – Episode ??? – “Unleashing the Danielbeast”

Written by Inigo


Sarah sits outside near a tree

SARAH: So, Jonas is still out looking for Bree. When he isn't doing that, he’s on the couch drinking beer and (hold hand to her mouth) he sometimes even cries!


Clip of Jonas lying on the couch watching Blade Runner, with the lights turned off, with nothing but the glow of the TV to fill his sullen face.

SARAH (VO): He still won't talk to us because he says we’re as useful as a car that’s run out of gas.


Sarah holds the Camera, and talks into it.

SARAH: But like I said before, she left willingly, right? I bet he's just sore because she took off with his favorite shirt or something. One Night Stands... can really be painful the next morning (nods). I mean come on Jonas, how could fall for that one? Number one rule of life: Brainwashed girls will ALWAYS get into your pants to further a hidden agenda


Sarah walks around the cabin holding the camera.

SARAH: So after much roaming the woods like a bunch of boy scouts I am officially tired of this routine. Whatever happened to Carpe Diem? So, I've decided to seize the day - and the opportunity that Jonas has taken the car to go look for Little miss HoO – and do something for Daniel. Well, it's really as much for Daniel as it is for me. As far as taking hints go, Daniel is really slow. So - I - will do something about that tonight.


A sped up clip of Sarah walking into Daniel's room, (he's not there) placing the camera on a shelf looking towards the bed. She leaves it on, does a quick silly dance (as if to see if it's working) and leaves... the sped up footage keeps going until it gets dark and later Daniel arrives, sits on the bed and turns on the light. Just as he notices the camera, Sarah walks in, her back to the camera wearing a black bikini. She turns off the light. Only a small nightlight illuminates the scene.

DANIEL: Sarah? What's this all about? Where's Jonas?
SARAH: (in a British accent) never you mind, Mr. Park Ranger

Sarah slowly undoes her top and throws it at Daniel, her bare back facing the camera. With Sarah's top dangling off one ear and his mouth open in stunned disbelief, Daniel watches as Sarah walks toward him.

SARAH (Again with British accent, holding Daniel’s head): Tonight Beastie, I shall let you out of your cage.
Last edited by Inigo on Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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my thoughts..

Post by floridagirl »

ok I'm new to the forum, but after watching this video and then watching some of gemmas for the first time (from the site where the video is on youtube) I think...that Sarah is with the order and is out to get Daniel and use him unknowingly as a participant in the ceremony and that Bree used Jonas for the same purpose. Now, where we go from there I have no clue.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

I think Jonas IS a millionare. I also don't think 3,000 a month is what daniel and Bree need.

They don't eat out. They don't rent lavish hotels often (vegas, once, right) and dine on expensive food. They stay in all sorts of cabins and bunkers and his aunt's house.

Also, are people forgetting that according to the law both his parents are dead? Meaning he got their health insurance policies which could be significant.

I'd say he has about 2 million at least. That's not that much these days, especially in california but if it's invested right it can be a lot.

I'm sure a lot of his money is in a high interest bearing account. If someone was put in charge of managing his trustfund they have an obligaton to do so.
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