<a href="http://www.hymnofone.org/audition"><img src="http://www.hymnofone.org/audition/badge50.gif" width="129" height="142" border="0" /></a>
I had 45%, and got rounded up to 50. Hmm.
I only really remember four of my answers:
"Global conflict is escalating": Strongly agree.
"Describe the last dream you can remember having": Left blank
"What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?": "Birds flying" (cheesy, but semi-honest.

"What can you give to the Hymn of One, and what can the Hymn of One give to you?": "I can give the Hymn of one comfort for its members and it can give me hope for the future."
As for the video, I think Bree is brainwashed. I thought she was brainwashed as soon as she started walking to Lucy in "What the F*@k?"
It was an awesome video, though. SO creepy.
(A lot of people seem to have trouble getting their badges to show up, including me. I paste the code but it doesn't show. Wonder why?)
ETA: I definitely think something's gonna go down in #200. Everything happening right now seems to be leading to it.