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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:29 am
by lostgamer
michiev wrote:
kjones wrote:ok I agree it's not life threatening but, it's still serious enough that she might put someone else's welfare above her own.
Can you BLAME bree for acting this way? shes scared of being found by the order, you were never chased by a secret order trying to get you to do a ceremony ; basically you would probably act the same way if you were.
um no i would not my freinds lives are whay more inportint then mine and anyone who thinks other was is an a-hole

and I aculy have ones saved a freinds lfe by risking my own

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:13 am
by betz28
i thought this video was weird. i am not complaining about was quite entertaining ~ just weird. it just did not seem to fit in...i can't explain why.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:30 am
by Sappho
Hand injuries can be very serious if neglected. A small cut on my finger became blood poisoning when my stepfather refused to allow me to put a bandaid and Neosporin on it. I was sick as a, pardon the expression, dog, and needed to go to the hospital for IV antibiotics and cauterization. Not fun.

My teenaged son had a couple of hand injuries that required trips to the emergency room. If the muscles are exposed to the air, they can die. Once they die, function is lost forever. It's very important to treat such injuries ASAP, I learned.

Bree is still a child in many ways. She isn't good in a medical emergency. She can't take care of someone else or put his needs first. Daniel is older and it shows.

As for the vet thing, back in the day there were old time country vets who would patch up farmers as well as farm animals. Those days are pretty much gone. Now everyone is worried about their insurance. Is whatever cash Jonas gives him worth getting sued should something go wrong? Is it worth losing his insurance, even if his license is okay? I also think it's cute that they assume the vet will be safe. It's like vets love animals, so they can't be with the Order, they're "All Creatures Great and Small."

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:43 am
by watching_watchers
That was gross. O.o; I was like ewwww poor Jonas..>_> <_<

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:46 am
by chevalier
bethy wrote:An ethicist's commentary on when a veterinarian can render medical assistance to people: ... tid=340065]
I'm glad you posted this. I've known two vets who have treated humans in emergent conditions--ie burns, lacerations, etc. As the article says, tissue is tissue.

From a common sense perspective: three panicky teens come into your veterinary clinic. One of them is bleeding profusely, and has already lost a little blood. Isn't it easier to stitch his hand up then send him on his way? Add in the fact that we don't know how remote an area Jonas' aunt lives in; perhaps the vet realized that a hospital was quite a distance away.

I'm no lawyer (that you know of) but as others have noted, turning away someone who obviously needs help that you can provide could potentially expose oneself to more liability than rendering competent assistance.

The real question: did he bill Jonas as a dog or as a guinea pig?


PS When Bree said "We put Jonas down as Fido..." I heard "We put Jonas down..." and thought "Oh no! They had to euthanize TKO!"

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:46 am
by aeryolol
watching_watchers wrote:That was gross. O.o; I was like ewwww poor Jonas..>_> <_<
It was gross :?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:59 am
by Vintage_Angel
I feel so bad for Jonas!

It reminds me when I cut my hand two months ago... eck 8 stitches...

And Bree really got me POed this time, they should've just said screw it and went to the hospital.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:15 pm
by Lurker
janesalteredstates wrote:Man do I hope that vet works for The Order.
That would be bloody hilarious. It would show us one time and for all that Bree can do no wrong. In Bizarro World.
longlostposter wrote:OK, I can count on one hand the number of times I've complained about a video, but I'm going to complain now.

It's dumb. Why not break the window, and then replace it?
Presumably there's not a window for that room. That'd be the best room to have an office you were going to lock.
longlostposter wrote:However, if it turns out that Jonas wanted them to found...good job, Creators.
I don't think he does. If he wanted that, there would be much easier ways than impaling his hand (calling them from the bathroom, for instance).

Also, he said he was willing to go to the hospital by himself.
longlostposter wrote:
TommyIsCancer wrote:I liked the video and no offense to the LG15 peeps but dang, that cut and the blood looked soooooooooooooooo fake.
Hmmm. I've had an injury like that before, and it looked exactly the way it was shown here. I thought they did a really good job on it.
I agree. I've seen similar injuries and that was well done. I meant to compliment them on that last night.
AM wrote:Sarcasm alert folks!

Okay, it's official. I am on Oppy's side. Where can I sign up and get my pizza and ice cream? Where's the line for the spin art?

I am convinced that Bree has not an ounce of moral fibre in her entire body. We keep waiting for her to vindicate herself and she keeps failing every single test miserably.

I started a thread in the character discussion forum a long time ago asking why the creators want us to hate Bree so much. I can't for the life of me figure it out. The only explanation I can find is they want us to defect to OPAPHID's side.

Do the ceremony Bree. After all you've put us through some blood sacrifice on your part is definitely in order :wink:
I don't think more than the first paragraph after the sarcasm alert was actually sarcasm, was it?
tenshiakui wrote:It is time for someone to stand up to Bree and let little Miss Princess know she isn't god.
Perhaps the in-universe creator of the forum needs to inform her that this site is dedicated to LG15 videos, and not just the person who uses the title.
longlostposter wrote:Again...I don't know why everyone keeps saying it's only Bree's safety that is at risk. Have some of you forgotten that Daniel was the one that got kidnapped. It puts them all at risk, not just Bree.
The thing is, Daniel wanted to take him to the hospital too. He'd already decided that the risk was worth it for himself, as had Jonas.
AM wrote:I keep waiting for a mature Bree to emerge and maybe that's not fair of me. Maybe she just doesn't have what it takes to become like Tachyon.
Maybe that's the point.
raindown wrote:Ah, dear G-d.

First of all, I hate the way Jonas constantly swears. Sure, it makes sense sometimes, but lately I began labeling him as 'the guy who says f*ck all the time and wears a tea cozy' (©iamcool). oh, and 'is exteremly hot'.
He doesn't really swear any more than Daniel. Daniel doesn't say f**k as much, but he says "hell" and "dammit" pretty often.

Anyway, I like the fact they're including the swears. I'd think it less realistic if they didn't (and barely notice when they're said sometimes; that's the mark of actually achieving realism; when you don't notice).
janesalteredstates wrote:She made a mistake. I am not sure why people hate her for that. She is ... human, right?
janesalteredstates wrote:But I certainly wouldn't expect to see her be less self-absorbed any time soon. I mean, she's Bree. What did you sign on for? :lol:
Daniel. He is human.
butterfly wrote:Someone mentioned that Bree may have some special healing power and that's why The Order has chosen her. I think it's a theory worth considering...
If she had them she would have used them. Well, then again, this is Bree we're talking about so she probably wouldn't have.

Anyway, she might think she has some kind of elite Elven healing eye rays, but I doubt it.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:47 pm
by AM
If somebody told me Bree was never going to mature and become more likable I think I would be less likely to keep participating and watching. I have to hold out some hope. But, dang, it's getting harder and harder with each new video.

In that way I guess you could say I'm like Daniel in the sense that I am nearing the end of my rope but still willing to try to find something to like about her and give her just one more chance.

I finally found a name for what I'm suffering from when I watch Bree in action, still wanting to find something to like about her. It's called denial.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:05 pm
by Lurker
AM wrote:I finally found a name for what I'm suffering from when I watch Bree in action, still wanting to find something to like about her. It's called denial.
I was thinking "foolish optimism," but that works too.

Really, though, I stopped expecting Bree to become more likable a while ago. I watch not because I like her, but because I like Daniel and Jonas.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:10 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Ahh.. I kept wincing through that whole video. It isn't good that they left that wound open so long.. I hope it isn't infected or anything.

Uhm I think it's weird they took him to a vet. What'd they say when they went into the office? Yeah sorry, Fiko is our pet.. disregard the humanlike appearance and speech.

Fiko rhymes with Tiko. Ahaha.

Sometimes I wonder if Bree actually knows as much as she makes it seem. I mean, is there some huge secret she isn't telling us? Does she even know what she's doing? Or does she just think she knows?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:13 pm
by jeezy
longlostposter wrote:OK, I can count on one hand the number of times I've complained about a video, but I'm going to complain now.

It's dumb. Why not break the window, and then replace it?

However, if it turns out that Jonas wanted them to found...good job, Creators.
This is what have been saying from the beginning... Or why not kick in the door... Jonas can pay for it! haha

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:29 pm
by khjq
I've never seen someone try to pick a lock with a freakin screw driver...he could of unscrewed it instead or tried to bash it open or break a window and climb in...but he probably would of cut his head off doing that though...

They could of took Jonas into the emergency room, had him stitched up, and then left...they couldn't of been tracked...where would they be tracked too?? Not to Jonas' aunt's house...

Wouldn't the people that work at the vet clinic be curious as to why someone has come to them instead of a hospital seeking medical attention for their hand...

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:31 pm
by kwicherbichen
Should have used a bunk key.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:41 pm
by Lurker
khjq wrote:I've never seen someone try to pick a lock with a freakin screw driver...he could of unscrewed it instead or tried to bash it open or break a window and climb in...
The screws are most likely on the inside of the door and there's probably not a window leading to that room. Why even bother locking it if somebody could do one of those things?
khjq wrote:They could of took Jonas into the emergency room, had him stitched up, and then left...they couldn't of been tracked...where would they be tracked too?? Not to Jonas' aunt's house...
Yeah, I think they could have gone and it wouldn't have put them in any more danger than going to the home of someone Jonas is related to. Just like with the cabin, the Order probably already knows where it is.
khjq wrote:Wouldn't the people that work at the vet clinic be curious as to why someone has come to them instead of a hospital seeking medical attention for their hand...
Of course they'd be curious, but they'd probably try not to care if they were getting paid a lot of money to do medical work on a human. Typically people don't go to vets instead of hospitals unless they don't want to be found for one reason or another. Vets know that.