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Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:50 pm
by Laurilea
silvermoon wrote: Did Jonas know about Tachyon ahead of time? I can't seem to recall. :?

I've been under the (perhaps wrong) impression that Jonas was surprised when the rescue started going down.
I was wondering this same thing. It almost seemed like he was somewhat aware, but I don't really know at what point it would have been revealed.

I think Jonas seemed very earnest and upset at the thought of the girls being raised in Order homes for the ceremony, and he seemed very upset by Daniel's disappearance and Bree's resolve to do the ceremony.

Of course there is a good chance he was just putting on a show for whatever end.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:22 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Laurilea wrote:
silvermoon wrote: Did Jonas know about Tachyon ahead of time? I can't seem to recall. :?

I've been under the (perhaps wrong) impression that Jonas was surprised when the rescue started going down.
I was wondering this same thing. It almost seemed like he was somewhat aware, but I don't really know at what point it would have been revealed.

I think Jonas seemed very earnest and upset at the thought of the girls being raised in Order homes for the ceremony, and he seemed very upset by Daniel's disappearance and Bree's resolve to do the ceremony.

Of course there is a good chance he was just putting on a show for whatever end.
For a long time, there has been a notable amount of evidence connecting Jonas and Tachyon. I have always suspected he had some knowledge of her, if he didn't know her personally. But when he acted so surprised in the "human ransom" video, I felt that theory was shot. :(
It would have been a cool twist, no? Oh well.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:28 pm
by impulse
ladron121 wrote:
HisGirl wrote: But if Jonas actually IS part of the Order, then the Order has been playing US (specifically, you, Lad... making you run out and find a bowling alley they already knew was there to locate the home of one of their own operatives???? To what purpose???) which is just not a bit nice at all. I hope that's not true...
If Jonas is screwing with me, he is not long for this Earth.

Bet you didn't know that the secondary use of the D.R.O.P. is to go kill whoever I see fit, did ya :smt029
Ladron's realizing he's been a puppet in the hands of Opaphid all along the line.....:lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:35 pm
by longlostposter
colbertnationgirl wrote:
R1kk1 wrote:Maybe this is a ploy to get Tachyon to them? I mean, the hidden notes etc., maybe they want her to explain herself so are making up this stuff to get her to come...

i doubt it. if jonas was in the order Tachyon would know it. which brings up the question of whether or not jonas is actually in the order. :roll:
Let's not forget that Tachyon (for some reason?) felt comfortable spending the weekend at Jonas's house, according to Bree.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:45 pm
by khjq
longlostposter wrote:Let's not forget that Tachyon (for some reason?) felt comfortable spending the weekend at Jonas's house, according to Bree.
yea, in which case if Jonas was really with the Order I don't understand why the Order wouldn't of came and captured Tachyon...So I assume that Jonas isn't with the Order and that that little symbol that Bree found means something else...but if he has been working for the Order, the creators have made some errors..

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:24 pm
by HisGirl
khjq wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Let's not forget that Tachyon (for some reason?) felt comfortable spending the weekend at Jonas's house, according to Bree.
yea, in which case if Jonas was really with the Order I don't understand why the Order wouldn't of came and captured Tachyon...So I assume that Jonas isn't with the Order and that that little symbol that Bree found means something else...but if he has been working for the Order, the creators have made some errors..

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:39 am
by longlostposter
HisGirl wrote:
khjq wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Let's not forget that Tachyon (for some reason?) felt comfortable spending the weekend at Jonas's house, according to Bree.
yea, in which case if Jonas was really with the Order I don't understand why the Order wouldn't of came and captured Tachyon...So I assume that Jonas isn't with the Order and that that little symbol that Bree found means something else...but if he has been working for the Order, the creators have made some errors..
Unless...Tachyon belongs to a faction of the Order that split off from the core, and Jonas is a part of this rebel faction. In this case, it's conceivable that Jonas is assigned to protect Daniel and Bree.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:58 am
by Lurker
longlostposter wrote:Unless...Tachyon belongs to a faction of the Order that split off from the core, and Jonas is a part of this rebel faction. In this case, it's conceivable that Jonas is assigned to protect Daniel and Bree.
Were that the case, Jonas and Tachyon would have made some significant tactical errors in never telling Bree and Daniel about it. A development like this would be inevitable.

This would especially be a poor plan since Jonas continues to say he has no idea what's up with the symbol or what it means (it wouldn't have helped that Tachyon included the symbol with the one that's known to be used by OpAPHID either).

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:56 pm
by Kasdeja
I just figured that Tach didn't feel comfortable at JOnas' because she knew it was only a matter of time before the Order was there and also that when you are on the run, you don't sit in one place for too long.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:15 pm
by Languorous Lass
autumneternal wrote:
GawainsChallenge wrote:Yeah, Jonas' parents were affiliated with the Order. He knows it but doesn't want to let on. He's going to have to soon though.
While I agree that Jonas' parents were probably affiliated with the Order, how are we to know for certain that Jonas had any knowledge of it?
longlostposter wrote:Because Jonas said that was there from a long time ago. That was indicate that Jonas's parents were in the Order; so were Bree's "adoptive" parents. Is there a connection there? I think it's a good possibility.
I'm sure there are quite a number of members that make up the Order. Even if Jonas' parents were involved with the Order, what are the odds that his biological parents were also Bree's? It's a possibility, yes, but I don't thinks that it's as big of a possibility as people are making it out to be.

Again, I don't understand why everyone in this series has to be related to everyone else somehow. :?
I agree completely with autumneternal. I think the "evidence" that B&J are brother and sister is scanty, and that those who are pushing this theory are reading way more into it than is warranted.

LLP, you say that we're "throwing around theories here, not presenting evidence." But theories have to be based on evidence; otherwise, they're nothing but idle speculation. "Maybe Jonas's parents and Bree's original parents went off together in a UFO, to, like, Mars, and are planning to come back the next time Jupiter moves into the sign of Aquarius!"
ladron121 wrote:Also, all this brother/sister separated stuff just reeks of STAR WARS, and you all know it :P
Yeah. And I hated that development in STAR WARS too. :smt012
AM wrote:
voyboy wrote:i'm really hoping that the creators dont make it so bree's over reacting or jumped the gun. it would take away the validity of her last video. the last few lines were so powerful and proud. i want to see her kick some ass!!!!
My thoughts exactly! It would be like the creators 'crying wolf' if they tossed out something as intense as Bree's last video and then undermined it. It would ruin the last shred of Bree's credibility.
Disagree. What makes the series intriguing is that we don't know a lot of the answers. Is Jonas a part of the Order? Is Bree crazy? Has Daniel been brainwashed? All three of them have the potential for turning out to be the villain of the series.
Kasdeja wrote:I just figured that Tach didn't feel comfortable at JOnas' because she knew it was only a matter of time before the Order was there and also that when you are on the run, you don't sit in one place for too long.
Kas, I think you may have gotten things a bit backward here. If Tach was uncomfortable at Jonas's, a weekend would have been an awfully long time for her to stick around. I can see her staying an hour or so in that instance.