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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:42 pm
by AM
When I first saw Daniel I thought he was not a particularly handsome actor. When I first saw Jonas I thought wow, he's hot. But looks are only superficial. Yusef is a way better actor than Jackson and Daniel is a far more complex sympathetic 'everyman turned hero' character than Jonas could ever be. He has grown on the fans in a much more meaningful way than Jonas has ever had the chance to.
On another note:
I just thought of something that leads me to believe that Bree is 100% right on target thinking Jonas was a trap. Remember when Jonas was 'kicked out' while Dbeast romanced Bree with cornish game hen? He mentioned that he'd never actually had a girlfriend.
Remember how many of us thought 'Say wha?' how could Jonas, as hot as he is, be inexperienced?
Well, for the same reason Bree, despite her beauty, is so inexperienced when it comes to all matters sexual and romantic. It's like they have the same piece of human-ness missing because they were both brought up by this freaky cult that supresses everything it cannot control (like sexuality).
Also, let's say Jonas is not currently with the order but his parents were. That still means he knew more than he was letting on and he tricked them into believing he was a complete outsider. If he or his family had any association with the Order now or ever, any info he does have may help Bree, Daniel and Tachy. Now is the time to spill.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:44 pm
by Incognito
remember how danielB was talking about how jonas kept making phone calls? if he was part of the order, that would make sense. who else would he be calling?
also, what if tachyon (being brilliant) knew jonas was working with the order, but didn't want bree and db to know until she sent them the package, which had the symbol, which led bree to uncover jonas's true colors. if they uncovered jonas's true identity before they were safely hidden away in the wilderness, so bree could question him...?
i don't know, just some random ideas...
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:48 pm
by trainer101
TheFatLady wrote:HisGirl wrote:
so what is this? how did she find it? where?
Exactly. I'm utterly confused, wondering if this is an object she found in Jonas' house, or if she's showing us a piece of the drawing Daniel decoded. WTF?
This is from the video description:
"I found some really interesting artwork here at Jonas's vacation home. It was on my mind all night and I wasn't able to sleep. I guess you could say it inspired a little bit of perspective on things..."
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:52 pm
by HisGirl
trainer101 wrote:TheFatLady wrote:HisGirl wrote:
so what is this? how did she find it? where?
Exactly. I'm utterly confused, wondering if this is an object she found in Jonas' house, or if she's showing us a piece of the drawing Daniel decoded. WTF?
This is from the video description:
"I found some really interesting artwork here at Jonas's vacation home. It was on my mind all night and I wasn't able to sleep. I guess you could say it inspired a little bit of perspective on things..."
Ya, but what kind of artwork IS THAT??? or did she break a piece off?
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:56 pm
by AM
Ya, but what kind of artwork IS THAT??? or did she break a piece off?
Oooh! Vandalism, breaking and entering, carjacking, identity theft, using a fake ID to obtain liquor. And, hopefully we'll soon see torture and interrogation. I seriously doubt they'll be giving Jonas pizza and ice cream. Spin art? Forget about it.
Will this duo stop at nothing? I still want to see Oppy sick the police on Bree and Daniel for all their criminal law-breaking ways

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:13 pm
by longlostposter
AM wrote:Ya, but what kind of artwork IS THAT??? or did she break a piece off?
Oooh! Vandalism, breaking and entering, carjacking, identity theft, using a fake ID to obtain liquor. And, hopefully we'll soon see torture and interrogation. I seriously doubt they'll be giving Jonas pizza and ice cream. Spin art? Forget about it.
Will this duo stop at nothing? I still want to see Oppy sick the police on Bree and Daniel for all their criminal law-breaking ways

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:22 pm
by Ziola
So, I just got home from work and saw the newest LG video and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping that they wouldn't make Jonas be "evil" simply because it would be such a predictable plot twist. I'm not one of those "OMG he's too hot to be bad" girls, I was just hoping that they wouldn't go down a path that they have already taken.
Don't get me wrong, its nice to see Bree with a fire lit inside her, I just wish it was for different reasons....
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:23 pm
by cup o' noodles
I loved this video. I think Bree needs to tell Jonas the story of the hot man who was brought to a cabin in the wilderness and sodomized with his own boxing gloves.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:28 pm
by michiev
Ziola wrote:So, I just got home from work and saw the newest LG video and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping that they wouldn't make Jonas be "evil" simply because it would be such a predictable plot twist. I'm not one of those "OMG he's too hot to be bad" girls, I was just hoping that they wouldn't go down a path that they have already taken.
Don't get me wrong, its nice to see Bree with a fire lit inside her, I just wish it was for different reasons....
I think that its good that they are doing this kind of storyline. it had to be done because alot of people had been wondering about who jonas really is and what his motives really are. They aren't exactly revealing that he is EVIL. in any way, because nobody knows what the symbol bree found means so they can't just assume that he is in fact a part of the order.
But they are revealing that maybe jonas didn't tell bree alot of things that she maybe should have known.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:45 pm
by islandlove
AM wrote:Ya, but what kind of artwork IS THAT??? or did she break a piece off?
Oooh! Vandalism, breaking and entering, carjacking, identity theft, using a fake ID to obtain liquor. And, hopefully we'll soon see torture and interrogation. I seriously doubt they'll be giving Jonas pizza and ice cream. Spin art? Forget about it.
Will this duo stop at nothing? I still want to see Oppy sick the police on Bree and Daniel for all their criminal law-breaking ways

They're badasses
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:47 pm
by paigeb25
Hi all...Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm so above my head with information and need to give a great big "thank you" <slapping forehead> to all you puzzle, and code breakers!
I haven't seen this mentioned. But Bree said she found "artwork" laying around Jonas house, she didn't mention where she found it. How do we know for sure that -
1- it wasn't planted prior to them getting there?
2- it didn't accidently come out of the package with the Nancy Drew books?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:49 pm
by emosux
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:53 pm
by lonelygirl
oh wow, i guess the only trustworthy people are daniel, tachyon, and brother. seems like everyone is with the order.
If Jonas was bad, tachyon would have outed him long ago, like Gemma. I think she means to communicate something else. Perhaps Jonas has been sent by another order to protect Bree?
yeah, i tend to agree with that theory. tachyon should probably be a bit clearer in her messages.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:57 pm
by Ziola
heh...I'd trust Tachyon et al as far as I could throw them...
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:58 pm
by Scrawnyfish