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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:35 pm
by yarvin
tannhaus wrote:I think we have to assume that Tachyon was guessing as well. It doesn't make sense that Tachyon wouldn't know the meanings behind the symbols though.
Maybe Tachyon is a Watcher herself. That would explain why she knows the Watchers symbol. But if the Order keeps its branches divided from each other, she might not know the meaning of the others.
Maybe we should look at the characters as pictographs first. Watchers --> Eye. The Tau+Omicron could be a Sword+Shield, which would be a kind of "Knights of the Order." The Theta+Pi could be another branch similar to the Watchers, maybe kind of a Messengers group, since Pi is connected with speech.
However, I have to admit, now that it was brought it up a couple of comments back, I've never heard the world described as what lies "between the water and the sky," except in Genesis 1, but that has the same problem you, tannhaus, pointed out for the Egyptians: the Hebrews saw the sky as being made of water.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:52 pm
by tannhaus
yarvin wrote:However, I have to admit, now that it was brought it up a couple of comments back, I've never heard the world described as what lies "between the water and the sky," except in Genesis 1, but that has the same problem you, tannhaus, pointed out for the Egyptians: the Hebrews saw the sky as being made of water.
True..and they thought so because they lifted their story of creation almost verbatim from the Egyptians. If you read the book "101 Myths of the Bible", which is written by a Bible scholar, he points out how all the gods of the Egyptian creation myth are present in the Genesis account of creation just by the element they're the god instead of the god of the'd have wind. Then you have Elohim being Eloah...a feminine word for goddess combined with im...a masculine plural. So, the word "elohim" actually means a group of male and female gods. But Elohim was the word used in Genesis when he says "Let us make man in our image". Of course, there are MANY more just have to read the book.
I mean, I don't expect them to be TOTALLY accurate with their background information. But, you'd think that if they're trying to make puzzles up concerning this information, they'd educate themselves to make sure they're not making obvious errors of fact.
I mean, if we're talking about the Egyptians and what the sun and water would mean to them, for the sun I would think Ra...the creator of life. For the water I would think of the Nile...the sustainer of life. Or, like this in Wikipedia:
<i>The sun was thought to travel in a boat, to protect its fires from the primordial waters (Nun) of the underworld it passed through during the night. Ra traveled in the sunboat with various gods, including Ma'at who guided the boat's course and Set and Mehen who defended against monsters in the underworld. These monsters included Apep, the serpent who tried to stop the sunboat's journey every day by consuming it. So, the Egyptians saw the sunrise as the rebirth of the sun through Nut, the sky, and thus attributed the concept of rebirth and renewal to Ra, strengthening his role as a creator god.</i>
Also, there is the idea of the sun being the masculine giver of life and water being the feminine.
Or, maybe this:
But, at no point would I think that it meant ruling over everything between the sun and the waters...which would simply be the captain of Ra's boat...Ma'at

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:55 pm
by ladron121
yarvin wrote:Maybe Tachyon is a Watcher herself. That would explain why she knows the Watchers symbol. But if the Order keeps its branches divided from each other, she might not know the meaning of the others.
Just to clarify, the reason Tachyon has so much information about the Order is because she infiltrated one of their information gathering facilities. Her theft of this information is what lead OpAphid to pursue her in the first place.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:46 pm
by janesalteredstates
ladron121 wrote:yarvin wrote:Maybe Tachyon is a Watcher herself. That would explain why she knows the Watchers symbol. But if the Order keeps its branches divided from each other, she might not know the meaning of the others.
Just to clarify, the reason Tachyon has so much information about the Order is because she infiltrated one of their information gathering facilities. Her theft of this information is what lead OpAphid to pursue her in the first place.
I hate to even add to this thread at this point, but I have really been wanting to mention this.
Seems a lot of people have not given much thought to how Tachyon got this information.
She stole it from OpAphid.
Therefore! This is not a Tachyon puzzle. The password was. Not the contents.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:59 pm
by PinkoLady
Regardless, those symbols most likely still have significant meaning that we need to figure out. Why else would have given us this particular image without explaining the rest of the symbols?
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:58 pm
by KelQuelle
sorry if this has already been said, i just tried to read through most of this thread so i wouldn't repeat too much but i was going through a wiki site where i found a Phoenician alphabet that also shows how it corresponds to a greek alphabet so i looked up each greek letter and tried to find its corresponding phoenician letter. next i attempted to find a meaning or origin for each of these letters. here is what i found and what i think:
Theta-sun or possibly death, as Tachyon said
Mu-water, again from Tacyon
Pi-mouth, maybe speech (i found another site which i lost the page to where a symbol that appeared similar to pi represented a god of language)
Sigma-tooth, but upon further research i also found where it might mean royalty, or deity or something like that
Lambda-goats or shepard or shepard staff; something to do with hearding
So from that, I formed this however, it might not make sense after i've posted this. i've been reading it long enough and everything makes sense now...
Theta+Mu=Watcher (Tachyon)
Lambda+Sigma=Shepard of Gods maybe?
Theta+Pi=messengers or something like that. its been said before i just think it makes sense
actually thats all i have. i only came up with Lambda/Sigma...
EDIT-sorry i meant to include that wiki page
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:35 pm
by McPackage
I posted this in the symbols thread, but it is relevant here as well since it effects the numbers.
So the latest note from Tachyon seems to suggest that what we thought were an omicron and pi could be incorrect.
So if we're not seeing an omicron here, I'm guessing it's a phi.
And if we're not seeing a pi here, then similar to the mu on the other symbol, this may be a nu. After all, if

looks like

, then

could look like

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:23 pm
by KelQuelle
haha, i replied to it there but i might as well do it here.
the "theta/pi" is definately not nu because nu looks like this : N, v
the first could be phi...i'm not sure anymore.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:51 am
by windsong
But the mu is definitely mutated to fit the symbol, so I can see how the nu would be as well. If the M werent changed, then i would say no way to nu, but it was, so I think it is a definite possibility as the other letter, if not the front runner.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:54 am
by KelQuelle
i just think its a huge change for Nu. it seems like too much. granted, it is possible.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:02 am
by deagol
How about Eta?
Eta (uppercase Η, lowercase η) is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 8. It was derived from the Phoenician letter
The simple number substitution cipher she used in Tachyon's recent note makes me think she's reiterating the greek letter = number interpretation.

= Φ + Τ = phi + tau = 21 + 19 = 40 (or Ϙ + T = qoppa + tau = ? + 19 = ?)

= Θ + Μ = theta + mu = 8 + 12 = 20

= Λ + Σ = lambda + sigma = 11 + 18 = 29

= Θ + Η = theta + eta = 8 + 7 = 15
40 20 29 15
Or using Greek numerals,
Φ + Τ = 500 + 300 = 800 (or Ϙ + Τ = 90 + 300 = 390)
Θ + Μ = 9 + 40 = 49
Λ + Σ = 30 + 200 = 230
Θ + Η = 9 + 8 = 17
800 (or 390) 49 230 17
1-(800) 492-3017... or
1-(800) 230-4917... or
1-(800) 230-1749... can someone check those?
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:44 pm
by ladron121
deagol wrote:
800 (or 390) 49 230 17
1-(800) 492-3017... or
1-(800) 230-4917... or
1-(800) 230-1749... can someone check those?
None are good D. First one is disco, 2nd one asks you to ok a charge of $6 per minute, and the third belongs to a guy named Josh
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:33 pm
by Lurker
ladron121 wrote:deagol wrote:
800 (or 390) 49 230 17
1-(800) 492-3017... or
1-(800) 230-4917... or
1-(800) 230-1749... can someone check those?
None are good D. First one is disco, 2nd one asks you to ok a charge of $6 per minute, and
the third belongs to a guy named Josh
I knew iamcool was canon.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:37 pm
by impulse
Lurker wrote:ladron121 wrote:
None are good D. First one is disco, 2nd one asks you to ok a charge of $6 per minute, and the third belongs to a guy named Josh
I knew iamcool was canon.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:52 pm
by iamcool
Lurker wrote:ladron121 wrote:deagol wrote:
800 (or 390) 49 230 17
1-(800) 492-3017... or
1-(800) 230-4917... or
1-(800) 230-1749... can someone check those?
None are good D. First one is disco, 2nd one asks you to ok a charge of $6 per minute, and
the third belongs to a guy named Josh
I knew iamcool was canon.
damnit my covers blown