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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:27 pm
by fsk282
is lucy opaphid? ok i know that op said she was one of the girls from the videos, and lucy is a blondie whom we all recognize, but i feel like bree adressed lucy as if she was the one behind the entire...operation. maybe she is? i can't think of anything to contradict it, besides the fact that op said she was the girl from the videos.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:02 pm
by aeryolol
fsk282 wrote:question:
is lucy opaphid? ok i know that op said she was one of the girls from the videos, and lucy is a blondie whom we all recognize, but i feel like bree adressed lucy as if she was the one behind the entire...operation. maybe she is? i can't think of anything to contradict it, besides the fact that op said she was the girl from the videos.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:08 pm
by VeiwerZane
fsk282 wrote:question:
is lucy opaphid? ok i know that op said she was one of the girls from the videos, and lucy is a blondie whom we all recognize, but i feel like bree adressed lucy as if she was the one behind the entire...operation. maybe she is? i can't think of anything to contradict it, besides the fact that op said she was the girl from the videos.
i was beliveing it could of been cassie. *just conecting the dots between itcassie is blonde* But in think she could possibly be lucy im going to look back at lucy and op vids now to compare.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:24 pm
by newworldview
What if Daniel's voicemail to Bree was genuine (his voice does sound more realistic than it did in the Op vid) and he has a plan? I don't see any reason why this should be the end - not after MONTHS of almost nothing interesting happening. I think this could be the big event that we've all been waiting for - Op thinks Bree is coming to do the ceremony, but Daniel and Bree have a plan to get away. Since we know Op is listening and watching, we have to assume that their messages (via voicemail) are encoded to each other to bypass Op's eyes.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:49 pm
by Cassie_xx
It's like that as soon as OpAphid videos went on the front page, Bree suddenly knows about them.
I don't think that was actually Daniel, and this could just be a trap.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:27 pm
by watermelonhead
Bree's a little brat! The past 30 videos or so, I've developed such a dislike for Bree, that I no longer care if she gets captured, tortured and reprogrammed! Maybe she'll probably have a better personality if she becomes a zombie
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:42 pm
by betz28
ok bree has been a brat...i will agree with that. she did however sound very genuine and concerned for daniels return.
This is how smart kids act
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:42 pm
by Kimmy
I loved lurker's summation of the three stooge-like behavior behind the camera. I prefer a gentler interpretation of their actions, in which they actually struggle with their emotions. Bree however, faces the most difficulty.
I think Bree's behavior is perfectly in line with what psychologists sometimes classify as "profoundly gifted" or "gifted" children. All brain and very little heart. Having two sons of this ilk I speak from sad experience. It takes many, many life changing and profound moments of emotional significance for them to "get" what the rest of the world takes for granted. Things like how to make friends, go on dates, how to act in groups, keep relationships going, and care about what other people think. People with high intelligence have varying degrees of this deficiency. It isn't present in everyone who is smart. (There are so many kinds and degrees of intelligence, and I'm just referring to the ability to grasp information quickly, a very limited focus). Since we are meant to think Bree is brilliant, it could follow that her sometimes clueless behavior is classical gifted kid emotional insensitivity. Now that she is experiencing real life she is just beginning to show emotional growth, but I'd expect it to be vey slow and uneven. She'll still want to rely on her strengths, her ability to reason (?), not her heart. (And part of the problem is that most of her
thinking has been based on purely intellectual exercise which provides no real world experience.)
Re: This is how smart kids act
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:04 pm
Kimmy wrote:I loved lurker's summation of the three stooge-like behavior behind the camera. I prefer a gentler interpretation of their actions, in which they actually struggle with their emotions. Bree however, faces the most difficulty.
I think Bree's behavior is perfectly in line with what psychologists sometimes classify as "profoundly gifted" or "gifted" children. All brain and very little heart. Having two sons of this ilk I speak from sad experience. It takes many, many life changing and profound moments of emotional significance for them to "get" what the rest of the world takes for granted. Things like how to make friends, go on dates, how to act in groups, keep relationships going, and care about what other people think. People with high intelligence have varying degrees of this deficiency. It isn't present in everyone who is smart. (There are so many kinds and degrees of intelligence, and I'm just referring to the ability to grasp information quickly, a very limited focus). Since we are meant to think Bree is brilliant, it could follow that her sometimes clueless behavior is classical gifted kid emotional insensitivity. Now that she is experiencing real life she is just beginning to show emotional growth, but I'd expect it to be vey slow and uneven. She'll still want to rely on her strengths, her ability to reason (?), not her heart. (And part of the problem is that most of her
thinking has been based on purely intellectual exercise which provides no real world experience.)
I have to agree w/you... most gifted/high IQ people are socially awkward... Einstein,Gates,Mozart,to name a few.... it is like the brain can only hold so much and if it has an abundance of intellect, the emotion suffers....
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:33 pm
by islandlove
i want to known more about the order and the ceremony before it happens..
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:46 pm
by aeryolol
islandlove wrote:i want to known more about the order and the ceremony before it happens..
Me too.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:52 pm
by 7Harry7Potter7
Ok, I have missed way to effing much. I'm so confused!
When did Op say that she was someone from the vids?
What Daniel voice message?
What have we found out about the last 2 videos?
What why the hell was Daniel talking like that? I felt like he was about to break out rapping! lol jk
Re: This is how smart kids act
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:35 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
LONGTIMELURKER wrote:I have to agree w/you... most gifted/high IQ people are socially awkward... Einstein,Gates,Mozart,to name a few.... it is like the brain can only hold so much and if it has an abundance of intellect, the emotion suffers....
Dude, who
isn't socially awkward? No one I've ever met.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:46 pm
by HoorayForMeImMakingOut
Well Bree has been homeschooled almost her whole life, her parents kept her all cooped up, not to mention she doesn't have any siblings, so of course someone who has been socially crippled is going to be a well, brat, lol.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:05 pm
by kellylen
But did bree get everything she wanted as a child? I feel like that would play a big part in her being a brat too.
and i agree I want to know more about the ceremony and order.
even though bree has been a bitch and should be given up and then LG15 could be about the boys antics. but that defeats the whole thing.
im rambling...