voyboy wrote:its still so strange. remember she said that her mother used to side with her? hmmmm maybe that meant in other situations, meaning that the female is dominant in their society?
most pagan faiths hold the woman higher then men
This wouldn't surprise me. We've been discussing for a long time that Bree's mother held a very high role in the community, especially from what Gemma said about her mother still having respect for Bree's 'mom'.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
1.) The reason Bree is "chosen" is because she is uninterested in the opposite sex and she has difficulty feeling(actually having emotion).
2.) Daniel is somehow involved with The Order.
3.) Bree's shots may have been some kind of birth control - possibly the type that causes you to stop getting your period.
Some other things to think about:
How did Bree come about? Was she stolen? Was she "created"?
Has anyone considered that maybe Bree's immaturity (playing with purple monkey) has something to do with it? Most people once they hit puberty stop playing with dolls or action figures because they are trying to fit in with everyone else. They don't want to be made fun of. She has serious relationships with her stuffed animals. She considers them true friends.
It seems to be that Bree has had several tests. She was tested by being put in school. She was made fun of for asking questions about stars. She kept asking questions even though she was facing the wrath of other students. Even Daniel has said that she doesn't seem to care what other people think.
She was also tested by being paired with Daniel. Even though they have kissed; she seemed to act like it was more of a lesson than an experience. She did research and analyzed her first kiss. This is not something a normal 16-17 year old does.
I also think that she was tested when they asked her not to tell Daniel about the fake Ceremony. They were trying to see where her real loyalty would be. With her close friend, the ONLY one she has, or The Order. She chose The Order over Daniel. Early on she even has a nasty fight with Daniel when he tells her, her religion is weird.
Lastly this whole experience in itself seems to be some kind of test. They really don't seem to be after her. They killed her father in front of her. Maybe that was planned? He was on a low level of The Order. Maybe that was all to plan. And if that is the case maybe Jonas has more of a part in The Order than we think. He has said that he tried to help her with some psychologial stuff. Maybe he is to replace her "parents" and keep up with all the work they were doing. She is still very much isolated from the world.
Kanazaka wrote:Wow , maybe the Creators do value our input and this is indeed an interactive series. Many of us have theorized that Bree's mom is a higher-up in the Order, and now Bree tells us that she is. The same holds true for the chosen parents theory and the "Chosen One Bree" theory. I haven't gone back and read the previous posts yet, but I will do so and post my thoughts on those.
Does make it problematic to understand things in retrospect, though. I mean, if they make the stories on the brainstorming here, as cool as the interaction is, it doesn't leave us a trail of clues to understand--it leaves us with a realm of infinite possibility as the story takes whatever unanticipated turns look attractive, as provided in the forum.
If that is in fact the case, then microanalysis of past dialogue and whatnot will not yield any new hints; rather, our suggestions may be manifested, but there's nothing to find, since it's only tied together after the fact.
Yeah, I've had issues with this for a LONG time....and still haven't gotten answer from the Creators about it.
I've been wondering the same thing. It's an awfully thin line to walk, trying to balance this sort of "choose Bree's adventures" fan input with the intricate Creatortron clue-dropping/clue-solution-revealed process that would need to take place for a good mystery story to evolve. Seems to me that clues and questions that seemed really important to the mystery are being ignored in the effort to play up to ideas generated in the forum. The Creatorsauruses have chosen a hard narrative row to hoe, and I'm interested to see how they handle it.
BTW, I'm not saying that they shouldn't listen to us, just that it's hard to create a good mystery if even they aren't sure how it's going to unravel, KWIM?
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:That part of the Carrie was so strange. It was pretty obvious that Stephen King had never experienced his first period.
I thought it was kind of smart of him. He was writing from the perspective of a 17 year old girl who lived a religious, sheltered, lonely life; Carrie had never had a real friend. How many people can actually relate to that, and how many of those people will actually pick up a King book?
(sorry, off-topic, I know, but I'm a huge King fan)
Yeah I know. But the way he described was like ..well I'm not gonna go into details. But it wasn't the way girls usually have periods. Unless I'm diseased and I don't know it. Ahaha.
Have you read On Writing? It's amazing. Do you know he actually hates Carrie? He thinks it's his worst book.
Well, it was weird, but Carrie was a very... special girl.
I'm not surpirsed he hated it. It was his first published novel, wasn't it? At that time, he probably had loads of potential locked away inside his head.
nobackspacebutton wrote:Wasn't she taken out of school because some kids made fun of her and how she was almost flirting with the teacher or something?
no, the story is that she used to always ask questions about stars b/c she was so interested in them, and her peers started teasing her; calling her "stargirl" saying that she was from a star. then they started saying that she was doing "other stuff" with her teacher. that's when she stopped asking questions about stars.
aideen wrote:I just want to know how Bree's real parents could have given her to these Order peoples. Unless it is similar to the Avian race and there's a building somewhere full of captured pregnant women whose children will be taken away at birth
avian race = bird people!
but seriously...
i don't know why i didn't post this earlier (seeing as how we've mostly moved on from discussing this video)... but here's some info on "Lebensborn children" from Nazi breeding programs.
In the beginning, the "Lebensborn" were SS nurseries. But in order to create a "super-race", the SS transformed these nurseries in "meeting places" for "racially pure" German women who wanted to meet and make children with SS officers. The children born in the Lebensborn were taken in charge by the SS and it is important to know that most of them were also victims of this race policy....
From 1939, one of the most horrible side of the Lebensborn policy was the kidnapping of children "racially goods" in the eastern occupied countries. These kidnappings were organized by the SS in order to take by force children who matched the Nazi's racial criteria (blond hair, blue eyes, etc....). Thousands of children were transferred to the "Lebensborn" centers in order to be "Germanized". In these centers, everything was done to force the children to reject and forget their birth parents. As an example, the SS nurses tried to persuade the children that they were deliberately abandoned by their parents. The children who refused the Nazi education were often beaten. Most of them were finally transferred to concentration camps (most of the time Kalish in Poland) and exterminated. The others were adopted by SS families.