0103 "Breaking and Entering" [12/21/06]

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Post by bethy »

OKay, that didn't look like a warehouse, but a storage facility...it looks just like the climate controlled one my boss's husband keeps a lot of his old peper records for his compnay.

At the beginning of the video, he's at the bottom of an enbankment...the kind that look very much like the freeway embankments here in LA:


Plus, there's this:


That's a freeway overpass.

And this:

Looks like a CalTrans storage yard...which would make sense right next to a freeway on/off ramp.
Last edited by bethy on Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mellie3204 »

kristenjane wrote:
So we have concluded that the med in this video was for either anemia or preparation for blood loss?

Yeah, that's definately the feeling I have. Some kind of Bree Bloodletting!

But (and I know someone alreadt asked this) why so many boxes? It's hard to see the back of the room at all but I get the impression there were a lot of boxes of meds in that room....
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Post by Ruberic »

Maybe the explanation of "chosen one" is a little...how do we say...over reaching. As in, any virgin is a chosen one.
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Post by trainer101 »

In an effort to stay organized... :)

Discussion about Epogen is here:

And since the symbol pops up again -
Discussion about the symbol is here:
It's ALL connected...
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my thories, anyone?

Post by Nena150 »

epogen and iron are used to produce more red blood cells. produce more blood. why would bree need more blood? she's perfectly healthy, does walking hiking swimming traveling.. healthy. perhaps they were planning to use her blood, in this creepy ceremony? she needed more so they could take lots in the ceremony and still let her be able to survive.

question. bree had gause on her arm, Is epogen taken through injection? or do we need the culprit for the gause as well?
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Post by childofmetis »

Beckers wrote:
iamcool wrote:
Jana4 wrote:He says at the end what it is, Epogen.


omg she has a kidney disease? that sucks
it just has to be something else other than that.
If it's for dialysis patients, I suspect that it's also an anticoagulant.
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Post by breewithcrackers »

I think more than trying to figure out a meaning behind the numbers we should try to figure out why they would have used room 195 to store that particular product (I think I remember someone earlier saying that Daniel went into room 195).

Could there be some association between the two? I'm not saying that the numbers combined don't mean anything--I just think since it seems that we're going in circles on this topic maybe we should try a new approach.
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Post by childofmetis »

omegawoman wrote:Oh how I love the bad boys, and Daniel is fitting that pattern with the B&E.

If this is the drug being used on Bree, then what was the other two drug pamphlets for?

BTW Daniel looked all criminal with his hoodie up over his head.
I totally wanted to love Jonas for being a "bad boy" type, but Daniel is just getting more and more badass.
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Post by senoritablanca »

i've been lurking for a few months now, so i figured i might as well come out of my hole eventually...

in reference to the numbers found in the movie, has anyone considered that perhaps instead of a 2 being the last number, it's an eight (the box.. i'm still not sold on the infinity idea)?
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Post by Ruberic »

childofmetis wrote:
Beckers wrote:
iamcool wrote:
omg she has a kidney disease? that sucks
it just has to be something else other than that.
If it's for dialysis patients, I suspect that it's also an anticoagulant.

The answer to Epogen's usage has its own thread in "plot", and can be read in my first reply on page 5. It is not an anticoagulant, but increases red blood cell production in the body
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Re: my thories, anyone?

Post by kristenjane »

Nena150 wrote:epogen and iron are used to produce more red blood cells. produce more blood. why would bree need more blood? she's perfectly healthy, does walking hiking swimming traveling.. healthy. perhaps they were planning to use her blood, in this creepy ceremony? she needed more so they could take lots in the ceremony and still let her be able to survive.

question. bree had gause on her arm, Is epogen taken through injection? or do we need the culprit for the gause as well?
Yeah, the gauze was from the shots. She mentioned it. And epogen is taken through injection. Daniel says that he thinks it is what they were injecting Bree with.
He makes assumptions. I mean, you go to this warehouse that happened to be owned by the company her dad worked for (wasnt he suppose to be a doctor) and finds a med, and then he assumes that is what she was being injected with.

Explain please? I am confused. What do I have wrong
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any one?

Post by Nena150 »

theories on my last post? questions

1. do we ever know that the epogen was in the box at bree's house? it could;ve been something else.

2. Why is Daniel letting the order know he's broken in. anyone could watch that.

3. do we know what was in the other boxes at the warehouse? same drug?

4. does the fact that the drug was expired signify anything? does the drug have a different effect when expired? why does it have such a short shelf life? apparently it is unstable, according to an earlier post.
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Post by Ruberic »

Unstable, meaning that the molecules break down quickly and loose potency. Not unstable as in "radioactive" etc. It just does not hold up its potency for very long.

You do have a good point, Epogen was not found at Bree's house that we know of. (Though, since this plot moves by episode of 1 minute or so each...our information has to move at the speed of videos...which means we have to make leaps of logic)

The box he broke into was exactly like the other boxes in the room (as far as we could tell). That box has several smaller boxes, each containing several Epogen injectates.

However, there are still unanswered questions.
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Post by childofmetis »

Ruberic wrote:
childofmetis wrote:
Beckers wrote: it just has to be something else other than that.
If it's for dialysis patients, I suspect that it's also an anticoagulant.

The answer to Epogen's usage has its own thread in "plot", and can be read in my first reply on page 5. It is not an anticoagulant, but increases red blood cell production in the body
Thanks, I realized that as I read and researched more. I hadn't gotten through the whole thread quite yet.
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Post by jennjenn »

Luv2Skydive wrote:I see a face....billboard maybe? Girl from the nose up....short, dark hair.

Actually, I think it is an Obey Giant poster. Obey Giant is a street art campaign big in LA and San Diego (maybe elsewhere too?).

http://forum.thegiant.org/gallery/displ ... um=8&pos=1

I think that goes with the graffiti theory.
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