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Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:58 pm
by imogene2004
saralynn wrote:I think the tracking device is in Bree herself. You know how you can inject your pets with a small chip that can be scanned to see the owner electronically? It probably can't be any bigger than that, and could've easily have been planted by her father in the place of one of her regular shots. This theory might only work if her father was in on it, though. Unless one of her doctor's visits involved a mystery shot as well, which could've been the chip.

The Order could be paranoid, if we needed a reason why they'd do this. Maybe they've had girls run before. Whatever they're doing they've been doing it for awhile. You have to prepare for everything, right?
I agree, either there's a tracking device in Bree or Daniel. It might be this

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:58 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
iqfrenzy wrote:I am convinced they are waiting for Daniel to abandon her.
It's a definate possibility. It's really very cruel if you ask me. Their sanity, patience, loyalty..etc are all being tested. I think they're basically waiting for one of them to filp out which will then cause the other to be completely devastated.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:04 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
me no likey

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:06 pm
by trainer101
spaciegirl wrote:
me no likey
There's also this: ... ing-device

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:08 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
trainer101 wrote:There's also this: ... ing-device
me no likey that either

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:14 pm
by trainer101
While I was searching for patents on tracking devices I visited my favorite conspiracy website

One of the links leads to this:
Patent 4,717,343 - Method of Changing Person's Behavior

"A method of conditioning a person's unconscious mind in order to effect a desired change in the person's behavior which does not require the services of a trained therapist. Instead the person to be treated views a program of video pictures appearing on a screen. The program as viewed by the person's unconscious mind acts to condition the person's thought patterns in a manner which alters that person's behavior in a positive way. "

It reminded me of Bree's "Lazy Eye" video where she had to "put the monkey in the cage".

Click here

radioactive shots

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:32 pm
by glowe126
I think the Dad was injecting her with barium, so the Order could track her using radioactive half-lives and x-rays. it would explain why she felt so bad....

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:52 pm
by lonelygirl
Icaterus wrote:
H2Overdose wrote:
sapphiradream wrote:whats with those symbols on Daniels shirt (when he is in the car sleeping)
Yeah, what's with them? They look like someone drew them on... Or it could be that i need better glasses.
Here's a screenshot:


Now umm what do those symbols mean??
I don't think there's any significance. He wore a shirt one time that everyone said had a name of some prison on there. It's just one of Daniel's shirts.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:58 pm
by lonelygirl
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Wisi Girl wrote:
imogene2004 wrote: You're kidding, right? :?
Nope! Ha ha ha! This is some incredible irony! It isn't even a big university! You want proof? I am staying in hale 5 and the night show is going to start really soon. I can hear it perfectly from my window!

what is up with all these creepy avatars. yours and spaciegirl's one are annoying the sh** out of me.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:27 pm
by islandlove
shouldn't the watcher have like i dont know, tried to stop them from leaving?

great watcher.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:29 pm
by Broken Kid
islandlove wrote:shouldn't the watcher have like i dont know, tried to stop them from leaving?

great watcher.
Hey, he's not called a doer or a stopper or a catcher or grabber! He's a watcher! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:30 pm
by islandlove
i think we have to assume the order knows bree is making vlogs now

or at least they're suspicious about why bree was fliming herself at a pool

(the watcher saw her)

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:33 pm
by islandlove
Broken Kid wrote:
islandlove wrote:shouldn't the watcher have like i dont know, tried to stop them from leaving?

great watcher.
Hey, he's not called a doer or a stopper or a catcher or grabber! He's a watcher! :)
haha i see your point
but c'mon i mean he could have done something

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:56 pm
by trainer101
islandlove wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
islandlove wrote:shouldn't the watcher have like i dont know, tried to stop them from leaving?

great watcher.
Hey, he's not called a doer or a stopper or a catcher or grabber! He's a watcher! :)
haha i see your point
but c'mon i mean he could have done something
In all likelyhood, a Watcher is probably forbidden from interfering with the "natural" course of events. It's that whole damned "free will" thing, ya know.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:19 pm
by lonelygirl
can't wait for another video, waiting, waiting.....