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Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:26 am
by Wisi Girl
Anyway..I think many of us miss the deep analysis that used to go on and the days of CIW, but I think the fact that all our work never led to much of anything has caused the current state of affairs. Sometimes, by the time I am ready to comment on a video, there's not much left to say becuase they are getting more and more vapid....then, even when there is something to analyze, it's like what's the point? It never goes anywhere. I just wanted to say that I don't think it's really the members' fault.[/quote]

I didn't think of that when I made my comments but it is so true. I can see why these forums have been lacking lately. I also have lost motivation to interpret the videos. It seems like 99% of the theories fall to the wayside. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong all the time! However, that isn't the case! Like you said, it never goes anywhere. I will hope in spite of everything that indicates these creators are making it up as they go along. I will just hope. I hope that they have a vague outline that we will eventually notice as well, and then all these questions will be answered.

i don't think it's beneath me to comment in a forum, i think it's ridiculous how disrespectful and bitchy people are. thanks for solidifying my decision. peace out, and le f**k off.[/quote]

I love how he complains about me being "bitchy" and then leaves the forum in a tizzy, cursing at me! Ha ha! Now, the comment of mine that he replied to was very calm, right? I don't use that language. How was I "bitchy" and how is he not hypocritical? Eh. This is supposed to be about LG15. Sorry, but I just wanted to get that out there. Enough said. On to the important things!
The next day the body of Sir Cloudesley was thrown ashore upon the island of Scilly, and was found by some fishermen, who having taken a valuable emerald ring from his finger, stripped him and buried him in the sand. The ring being handed about, and becoming a subject of conversation on the island, was heard of by Mr. Paxton, purser of the Arundel, who having sought out the men, and desired a sight of the ring, declared it to be Sir Cloudesley Shovel's, and obliged them to show where they had deposited the body. The place having been pointed out, the body was taken up and conveyed on board the Arundel, in which it was brought to Plymouth, and from thence to the admiral`s house in Soho. square. It was afterwards buried with great solemnity in Westminster Abbey.
...This defies what bree told us..?

Oooh! Thanks for all your input! I read everything but this part seemed the most interesting. Of course, I recall there being a lot more red flags in that particular video which may help explain the references to these olympic games in the last two videos. So, he was thrown in the water and his dead body a log....he couldn't breathe because, well, he was dead. Heh.......A corpse in the water who failed to navigate his path and who brought about his own demise. Gemma talking about not breathing. Thor lied about being in that race. Bree remarks on Danielbeasts being in the way and possibly obstructing one's path at the end of the video. He took her away from her parents and ultimately The Order to keep her safe but his sincere efforts to protect her may end up being the catalyst for her demise. Or his. Gemma is in Europe. The Atlantic seperates her from Bree and Daniel. Longitude. The maps on Lucy's computer. Traveling. Struggle. Water. Tomorrow, when I come up for air from my research paper, I will view that video again and perhaps I can make my thoughts more concise. But thanks for the help! I need to think this through more. Sorry. I know I'm making no sense. Perhaps that video has nothing to do with these recent ones. Like spacegirl said, it seems rather useless. Our theories get nowhere.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:29 am
by Wisi Girl
Oh, and why doesn't it show that I quoted xrockette19x, JustAnotherLonelyGirl or spaciegirl? I am brand new everyone! Please show me the mechanics of all this! And why don't I have a picture? I bet it isn't called "picture" either, eh? Okay, it's really off topic but I would appreciate some pointers! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:16 am
by GoodGollyItsHolly
I have far too short of an attention span to read that much! How long did it take you to type? Hours? Days? Months? years?!!


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:54 am
by madeliza
ooh forgot to mention this earlier... probably irrelevant but smeh, so are most other things being discussed. the things that humans can't control are basically the seasons, fire and water. we can build mountains and valleys but we can never been able to control water or fire compleately. As a result, water and fire are more closesly tied to religion than any other concept. the whole purpose of religion to to explain the unknown, so of course they focuss on that which we cannot control. just flip through the bible and you will see any number of references, nearly all symbolic, to these aspects. Our lack of understanding of these things means that they are what most strongly represents our chosen deity, as it is naturally human to say, why are the waves bigger today?... because god made them that way. so the less control we have over something, the more importance it gains spiritually. it is hard to explain but yeah. similarly, academic communities focus on learning new, and understanding the world more efectively, rather than revisiting the old. so my point is just that water and fire, both of which have been referenced regularly lately, symbolise that which is out of our control, and have done for gazzillions of years. i dunno, just though it was important to note their religious significance and how they tie in and wateva. ok cool!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:59 am
by Languorous Lass
spaciegirl wrote:Sometimes, by the time I am ready to comment on a video, there's not much left to say becuase they are getting more and more vapid....then, even when there is something to analyze, it's like what's the point? It never goes anywhere. I just wanted to say that I don't think it's really the members' fault.
I'm with spacie. "Vapid" is a terrific word to describe these latest vids. And Gemma's stuff is just weird. Maybe P. Monkey is bugged, maybe the ceremony will involve some kind of water torture (waterboarding anyone?). I'm starting to get so frustrated that I don't care a whole lot anymore.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:52 am
by Kasdeja
thejyav wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:
thejyav wrote: its more athletic than say...bowling
I took Bowling in college as my Physical Education class. It was either that or ballroom dancing, billiards, or water aerobics. :lol:
I'm not bashing bowlin BTW..I bowl on occasion ...just taking a cheap shot.
Then you should know, good sir, that not all bowlers eat hot dogs....some eat pizza.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:56 am
by Kasdeja
Wisi Girl wrote:Anyway..I think many of us miss the deep analysis that used to go on and the days of CIW, but I think the fact that all our work never led to much of anything has caused the current state of affairs. Sometimes, by the time I am ready to comment on a video, there's not much left to say becuase they are getting more and more vapid....then, even when there is something to analyze, it's like what's the point? It never goes anywhere. I just wanted to say that I don't think it's really the members' fault.
I didn't think of that when I made my comments but it is so true. I can see why these forums have been lacking lately. I also have lost motivation to interpret the videos. It seems like 99% of the theories fall to the wayside. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong all the time! However, that isn't the case! Like you said, it never goes anywhere. I will hope in spite of everything that indicates these creators are making it up as they go along. I will just hope. I hope that they have a vague outline that we will eventually notice as well, and then all these questions will be answered.

i don't think it's beneath me to comment in a forum, i think it's ridiculous how disrespectful and bitchy people are. thanks for solidifying my decision. peace out, and le f**k off.[/quote]

I love how he complains about me being "bitchy" and then leaves the forum in a tizzy, cursing at me! Ha ha! Now, the comment of mine that he replied to was very calm, right? I don't use that language. How was I "bitchy" and how is he not hypocritical? Eh. This is supposed to be about LG15. Sorry, but I just wanted to get that out there. Enough said. On to the important things!
The next day the body of Sir Cloudesley was thrown ashore upon the island of Scilly, and was found by some fishermen, who having taken a valuable emerald ring from his finger, stripped him and buried him in the sand. The ring being handed about, and becoming a subject of conversation on the island, was heard of by Mr. Paxton, purser of the Arundel, who having sought out the men, and desired a sight of the ring, declared it to be Sir Cloudesley Shovel's, and obliged them to show where they had deposited the body. The place having been pointed out, the body was taken up and conveyed on board the Arundel, in which it was brought to Plymouth, and from thence to the admiral`s house in Soho. square. It was afterwards buried with great solemnity in Westminster Abbey.
...This defies what bree told us..?

Oooh! Thanks for all your input! I read everything but this part seemed the most interesting. Of course, I recall there being a lot more red flags in that particular video which may help explain the references to these olympic games in the last two videos. So, he was thrown in the water and his dead body a log....he couldn't breathe because, well, he was dead. Heh.......A corpse in the water who failed to navigate his path and who brought about his own demise. Gemma talking about not breathing. Thor lied about being in that race. Bree remarks on Danielbeasts being in the way and possibly obstructing one's path at the end of the video. He took her away from her parents and ultimately The Order to keep her safe but his sincere efforts to protect her may end up being the catalyst for her demise. Or his. Gemma is in Europe. The Atlantic seperates her from Bree and Daniel. Longitude. The maps on Lucy's computer. Traveling. Struggle. Water. Tomorrow, when I come up for air from my research paper, I will view that video again and perhaps I can make my thoughts more concise. But thanks for the help! I need to think this through more. Sorry. I know I'm making no sense. Perhaps that video has nothing to do with these recent ones. Like spacegirl said, it seems rather useless. Our theories get nowhere.[/quote]

Seriously, drop it, k? I've read several of these insulting little speeches in which hypocrisy rings LOUDLY. You complain about how rude people are and then continue to be WAY more rude than anyone has been to you. It's silly. Comment on the video. If someone doesn't agree with you, don't take it to heart so much. It's teh internets. MAybe if you weren't so defensive, condescending and insulting, you wouldn't feel so victimised. Either way, enough with these insulting little digs at everyone phrased in such an "I'm superior to you all" way. It's super hypocritical, and not everyone on this forum wants to read pages of high school drama. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:25 am
by sweetie55
Well put Kasdeja! Let's increase the peace, agree to disagree on issues, and actually discuss the videos! 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:31 am
by Kasdeja
Now we need a new video! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:34 am
by Noelle
YEAH! I can't wait for a new one. However, I hope it isn't put up for another three or so hours, and the same for tomorrow, because then I'll drive myself crazy trying to make the school computers show the video!


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:55 am
by Kasdeja
lol, that's how I feel when the weekend comes.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:19 pm
by Reb
I think that gemma is acting more and more suspicious as time goes on. this video deffaintely had threatening undertones. Two main points having read what has been said on this thread.

1) Refering to p monkey as a w*nker did seem slightly odd. While I have met people who have done it in a light hearted way it is usually to people that they know well not someone who they share the realationship that bree and gemma have.

2) If gemma is indeed hinting the P monkey is bugged then the question becomes how would she know that?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:15 pm
by sparkybennett
Reb wrote:I think that gemma is acting more and more suspicious as time goes on. this video deffaintely had threatening undertones.

If gemma is indeed hinting the P monkey is bugged then the question becomes how would she know that?

She would know about the plant if she never really left the order , she may be one of them and is acting as a plant trying to gain Bree's trust.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:30 pm
by Reb
sparkybennett wrote:
Reb wrote:I think that gemma is acting more and more suspicious as time goes on. this video deffaintely had threatening undertones.

If gemma is indeed hinting the P monkey is bugged then the question becomes how would she know that?

She would know about the plant if she never really left the order , she may be one of them and is acting as a plant trying to gain Bree's trust.
Thats what I thought but then if that is the case then why is she telling bree? to gain her trust maybe?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:35 pm
by Kasdeja
If she wants to gain her trust...she should make a video to Bree with more than silliness and vague allusions...and actually research what she told her she would research. I'm starting to think Gemma is just a distraction.