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Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:09 pm
by ihavenopantson
Kasdeja wrote:Actually, if you watched the video at all you'd see why you are so wrong and disagreed with.
I've never said Cu Roi discouraged others to search, so how would watching the vid again show me to be wrong?
I've just talked about some of the Cu lovers.
Only a couple of people have disagreed with me, and I think they misunderstood what I was saying, rather than disagreeing with what I was saying.
You are actually the only person still talking about the Cu brown-nosers issue, I think thats because everyone else accepts that I have made a fair point and moved on
Kasdeja wrote:But, go on insulting people and keeping up this little farce.
who did I insult?
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:14 pm
by Nicole
ihavenopantson wrote:
You are actually the only person still talking about the Cu brown-nosers issue, I think thats because everyone else accepts that I have made a fair point and moved on
No, actually, I quit talking about it because I'd rather not spend my time defending myself to somebody over the internet because it's stupid. Almost as stupid as people who instigate fights over the internet, but whatever. You're acting like a 13 year old boy who looks for stuff to do after he finishes his homework. I'm over it.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:41 pm
by helix52
ForeverMourn wrote:I am still waiting for his vid... I just wanna see it... boredom.

I want to see it too..
Edit: Unless.. it's already been posted.. I haven't finished reading this whole thing yet..
Edit AGAIN: Okay, yes, I would like to see it.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:46 pm
by ihavenopantson
wintermute wrote:
So which is it? Because I say "mute" at the end of every message, or because I go by "Wintermute?" I'm not bent out of shape or anything, but you just contradicted yourself.... Search for other threads on where the handle comes from. (cyberpunk is feminine now... but if you want further background, do a google for "wintermute crusades knight" for where Gibson may have gotten his inspiration)
I didnt contradict myself at all.
in the first post I said "saying "mute" at the end of every message is a very feminine thing to do, thats probably why people assume you are female, I sure did also"
so I was talking about why other people assumed you were female, and at the end saying "I sure did also" meant I also thought you were female.
then in the second post I said "that is just my theory on why I assumed you were female, not that you sign an abbreviation, but because 'wintermute' isnt a very manly kind of a handle to use."
so that time I was talking about why I thought you were female, not the others you had spoken of.
so no contradiction
I dont know where the name comes from, or who 'Gibson' is, it just doesnt come across as a handle that any straight male I know would use
wintermute wrote:You've insulted me. I'm sure others feel insulted by your comments as well...
I doubt it, if others were insulted, they would have said so.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:52 pm
by ihavenopantson
truestory wrote:How is it a feminine thing to do? I assumed earlier that mute was a guy. Probably because I know plenty of guys who sign their name at the bottom of everything [email, blog, forum etc.]
signing a name isn't exclusive to males.
and signing a name is alot different than signing something like 'mute'
while 'wintermute' doesnt infer either male or female, neither does 'fabric softener' and if someone started using that as a handle, the last thing you would think they are would be a straight male.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:58 pm
by helix52
blah blah blah blahblahblahBLAH..
Isn't this thread about Drop 3??
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:05 pm
by ihavenopantson
Nicole wrote:No, actually, I quit talking about it because I'd rather not spend my time defending myself to somebody over the internet because it's stupid. Almost as stupid as people who instigate fights over the internet, but whatever. You're acting like a 13 year old boy who looks for stuff to do after he finishes his homework. I'm over it.
this coming from the person who called another poster an idiot just for asking if it was suspicious that Cu Roi found all 3 clues.
so apparently, it's stupid to defend yourself on the net, but ok to attack others on it
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:12 am
by martha
Is this lame argument ever going to end? Where are the mods when they are needed to lock/delete this junk?
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:36 am
by katz31
All of you! This is your mother speaking! (
well not really but just go with it).
Stop fighting this instant! Don't make me come up there!
Besides, we can use all this verbal energy to solve that impossible anagram over in the other thread!
Thank you. That is all.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:41 am
by martha
I am a huge anagram tard. I tried last night, but I kept getting stuff that didn't make sense. Maybe it's the anagram solver that I use, but I don't like words either.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:52 pm
by wintermute
Nos wrote:and here I was thinking Wintermute was a super powerful god like AI....
At least someone here knows their cyberpunk
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:02 pm
by Nos
Hecka ya. Gibson is pretty damned sweet. *nods*
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:09 pm
by vertigo
katz31 wrote:All of you! This is your mother speaking! (
well not really but just go with it).
Stop fighting this instant! Don't make me come up there!
Besides, we can use all this verbal energy to solve that impossible anagram over in the other thread!
Thank you. That is all.
Mom, you win!
And Nicole, your new avatar got me lolling like there's no tomorrow!
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:50 am
by Cu_Roi
Yes...Nicole's avatar is pure genius.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:54 am
by helix52
Hey Cu Roi, have you posted your video of finding drop number three?