0215 - "The Mad Scientist" [6/19/07]

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Post by PinkRanger »

I think that yes Jonas is being a bit whiney lately BUT having said that...

when he made the comment about trimming the grass with Sarah I think it was more of a joky kind of comment. Almost like when you have a fight with someone and haven't been talking with them for a while and then the first time you start talking again its all awkward? Kinda like that.

Maybe he was trying to break the awkwardness.

He's still whiney though.


Edit: Actually after watching the video once again, I disagree with myself! He seemed rude and still angry. oh well :P
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Post by Skunkwaffle »

Hey give Jonas a break.

He obviously had PMS. His ovaries were probably KILLING him during that video.
Yeah, you got... stuck a fish in the face.
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Post by BrokenAngel »

Skunkwaffle wrote:Hey give Jonas a break.

He obviously had PMS. His ovaries were probably KILLING him during that video.
Aboslute funniest thing I have read all day...... seriously I was drinking and spit iced tea all over my monitor and keyboard.....Damn you Skunkwaffle!!!!!!!!!! :smt042 :smt043
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Post by Aponi »

hollyxmas wrote:
Sheqinah wrote:
kellebag wrote: Not at all! I felt that his reactions were justified... Also I like Sarah a little bit more now that she apologized. She's acting like she actually cares, which is kinda nice. :)

I would be disappointed in Jonas character if he could recover 100% from such a complex situation he just did. Keep in mind the guy gave up his own comforts in life, just found out his parents were in the order and may of been killed by it or institionalized to some degree. That his aunt is not who she seems to be. Was tied up and then kidnapped and drugged. Loved and was betrayed and picked up the bill for all of this to boot. My reaction would be the same, grow up and help or something. And the characters had not been saying anything directly to each other. This was healthy confrontation and to Sarah's credit she did not act like a dip and do something skanky or emo.

When he noticed Sarah being contrite picking the grass, he lightened up on her. Makes sense to me.
Very well put. :)
:( I want a new vid but i'd even settle for some character-in-the-forums action right now. Or a Bree HoO vid? Did we ever figure out why she was drugged if she went volunatirly and seems to still want to go voluntarily? Why would she need to be given drugs/ brainwashed?
The names Julie.
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Post by Shaneener »


I thought there'd be a new video.
But nooooooo.

I, however, am very happy.
Kismetologist and BrokenAngel had posts right after each other.
Why is that awesome?

It makes is easier to view both of their


So yes.
My next video prediction?

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Post by kisselle »

Flautapantera wrote:I shall now refer to Isaac Gilman as Neutro Geno.
:!: :!: :!: Excellent :!: :!: :!:

LOVE that wordsmithing, & now off to read no telling how many pages of the Sweaty Jonas thread, ahhhh . . .
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Post by HeatherAnneDear »

aww. sarah said she was sorry to jonas. i knew she had a heart!
sarah is an idiot!
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Post by Kanazaka »

As often as he has dressed up as a doctor (well, twice, but still :) ) and researched drugs, Daniel should become a doctor when this whole Order business is over with. I think he'd be good at it. And, yeah, Jonas is going through some serious Bree withdrawal :lol: .
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