0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]

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Post by girlnextdoor »

Yeah I agree... she's not going to use faux-sympathy to get her point across to Jonas. She's basically saying that life is not fair and it's easier to just move on when things aren't as you'd expected.
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Post by Sam fan »

My first thought was 'Theater of the Absurd". I mean, like the classical theater would have a drama, and at intermission, there would be a farce or 'comedie absurde'.

Actually that wasn't my first thought. I won't post that since I want to stay on topic and anyway this is PG-13 .
But after that descent into brief fantasy, I did see the earmarks of classical greek "Comedy/Tragedy" and this was like the sarcastic/ironic comedy break.
I agree about it being a way to bridge the hiatus until Jessica Rose is again available...

I also agree that the sisters might want to factor in Jonas being un-self-absorbed enough to be paying for their room and board... or at least have a back-up plan for if he takes his credit card and leaves.

The ending was also pretty sharp... "Why are 'so many people like Jonas...'? Made me think "wow, the Creators must have been having a lot of upset email forwarded to them lately and this is kind of an answer to that." :lol: I'm probably way off about that.

Tag team public humiliation is one way to get through to somebody, but I agree with whoever(s) said that Jonas may likely run...

Jonas' adios could be the next video... and I can picture later video with DB and Sarah finally finding Bree somewhere, surrounded by Order people, in the midst of the ceremony... a robed and hooded figure enters the circle with sword in hand, a sword finely sharpened to cleave young flesh at first blow... the hood is removed... and there stands Jonas... in trance... as the Order chants and Bree drops her robe, the better to take the sword.

nah, that would never play on YT. :lol:
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Post by WriterGirl »

Three posts by smarter people than me who said exactly what I was thinking:
tricky-ticky-tavi wrote:Okay, so these past few videos have not been super-mature. However, I do feel mostly for Jonas.

I don't know why everyone is saying that Jonas is being self-centered. His problems are directly tied to Bree, his love for her, and her life/death situation. What do Sarah's problems involve? Herself and her "confusing crossroads". She seems a bit more self-involved than Jonas ever has been. His problems are at least tied to this mission of saving another human being, while Sarah's involve Sarah. (not to mention her blisters and toenails...)
Verity wrote:I don't understand why anyone would think it's cute and funny to mock someone who's girlfriend has just been brainwashed and/or kidnapped. What, you're not allowed to be a little bit "selfish" if your girlfriend just disappeared? For your "friends" to then sit around laughing at your e-mail seems very unnecessary and cruel. Friends can deal with someone whining and crying if their girlfriend just disappeared. Instead, all they seem to be interested in is somehow shifting the focus back to themselves, when actually nothing as upsetting has just happened to them. Also, these videos don't do anything for the series or help in the search for Bree. Did it occur to them that while they're making these videos complaining about Jonas not doing anything, they're actually not doing anything either? As far as we've seen, Jonas is the one who's done the most to find Bree so far. However, there's no way he'll be able to put all his feelings to one side and just look for Bree. His feelings are part of the reason he's looking for her, and they might actually help him find her.
giddeanx wrote:I had thought the Jonas was the most competent of the crew, but Jonas is feeling, I am sure, very isolated. He has now had two very important people in his life betray him.(Alex and Bree) His parents are gone.(possibly) Now everyone is turning against him. He grasped for Taylor in a last ditch effort then this. You could tell that Jonas was on the edge before this, where do you think this will leave him.

None of them are acting like adults, but how can you expect them to none of them are adults. They need to focus stop this squaballing and find Bree. Thier time could be better spent there. If ever this team needed a mentor and leader it would be now.
Here's what I think the problem is: Everyone, in all their teenage wisdom (:roll:) thinks they're completely right, and no one is.

Apparently I'm blind, but I don't see how Jonas is being selfish. He's upset, yes, because his friend is missing, and in danger and quite possibly crazy, and he was kind of an ass to Taylor in that email. But selfish? He's trying to find and help Bree. And Sarah and Daniel (mostly Sarah, I'll grant, but Beast isn't exactly stopping her) are doing nothing but flirting at the most inappropriate times and making fun of Jonas for being upset in a situation where he has every right to do so.

And then he reaches out for help from the one person who maybe can control Sarah- her sister- only to be ridiculed more.

Honestly, if he chose to dump their asses in that house, and take his car and all his money with him, I wouldn't blame him in the least.

This is so frustrating! The only character I still like right now is Bree, and she's not even here! And truly, if this is how they were acting when she was there, I don't blame her.

This group needs to either work it out, or split up. I fear the latter is the most likely result.

Creators, please fix this. I want to like these characters again. :(

Sorry for the long post.
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Post by hollyxmas »

I did not like this video. They're all supposed to be friends.
Plus its not just Bree thats on his mind. Jonas admitted in the video running for life, that the upbeat attitude he used to have was a fake.
He still is worrying about whether or not is parents are alive and where they could be. In the video aiding and abetting, he talked about wanting to go home and how much he would rather be searching for his parents. He said he didn't know how much longer he could keep doing this.
And he mentioned theres still stuff with Alex.
He admitted he lost it when he was at the lake.
He probably feels alone right now.
Jonas has definetly made some mistakes on how he's been handling things (he did admit he overreacted though), and I agree he has not really been any more helpful with finding Bree then anyone else.
But right now, I feel more bad for him then anyone.

I can't wait for the next video. :lol:
(and I hope this post makes sense.)
RIP Maddy and Adam :smt089
I miss the normal not with the HoO Bree. :(
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Post by staticmorning »

Writergirl, im not going to quote that whole thing, but i agree completely.
but no one else seems to like to believe that jonas is human..
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Post by GrrlyDervish »

Being human doesn't give you the right to assume your feelings trump everyone else's feelings, and to lash out hurtfully at your friends.

Also, could we stop calling Bree Jonas' girlfriend?

Unless they somehow got together off camera before the brainwashing it just doesn't count.

Yes he loves her (i think) yes they cuddled/kissed (probably did the nasty) post brainwashing, but I haven't seen a scrap of evidence that thinking normal Bree did those things.

Confused, still mostly brainwashed or Evil (depending on your Bree theory) did those things. I really don't see how that makes her Jonas' girlfriend (especially after she fled like that...at best mebbe EX-girlfriend??)
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Post by sparkybennett »

BlogGirl14 wrote:
sparkybennett wrote:
BlogGirl14 wrote:sarah DOES want to help
I'm wondering what you are basing this on?
on the vid she made she actually wanted to help
She did not appear very sincere.
if you want to help someone you shouldn't mock and berate them.

I don't think she wanted to help at all
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Post by kellylen »

sparkybennett wrote:
BlogGirl14 wrote:
sparkybennett wrote: I'm wondering what you are basing this on?
on the vid she made she actually wanted to help
She did not appear very sincere.
if you want to help someone you shouldn't mock and berate them.

I don't think she wanted to help at all
she didnt mock him at all. she was trying to help him understand why bree may have left. and at the end that was the most genuine I've EVER seen sarah.
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by girlnextdoor »

I agree with Kellylen - have you ever seen Sarah seem more serious about the whole situation than she did there?
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Personally, as much as Jonas is being a whiney bitch and as much as he brought this all on himself... and as much as Taylor was completely justified in calling him out and I would have done the same thing only with more curses and probably no whip......... I really feel sorry for Jonas, more than anyone.

The e-mail was wrong. He was stupid to fall for Bree at a terrible time. But he's the only character who is openly in so much pain, it almost hurts me to see him this way. I mean, I understand that Taylor and Sarah are going through a lot with their parents. And who knows what's on Daniel's mind (COUGH - DANIEL VIDEO - PLEASE - COUGH). But Jonas is hurting so fiercely. It's really just so pathetically sad. I feel so bad.

Finally.. may I just say that my initial impression of Taylor was completely wrong? For someone who freaked out when Sarah posted pictures of herself making funny faces with a beer on myspace, Taylor is certainly taking this 'sex is fun love is pain' thing lightly. And the whole hickey thing. And, well.. it just seems so weird considering she was originally characterized as being prude and young and innocent. When did she grow up?
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Post by staticmorning »

GrrlyDervish wrote:Being human doesn't give you the right to assume your feelings trump everyone else's feelings, and to lash out hurtfully at your friends.
being human does, however, give you the right to reach out to your 'friends', the same friends who went on to mock him and make it seem like they didnt give a damn what jonas did as long as it didnt interfere with their feelings, plans, and *ahem* sexual habits.

im not saying everything he did was perfect, and there are better ways to handle these situations, but when you're hurt and actually in said situation, you don' think of every possibility. we can criticize him because we know more then he does about the other characters, we have time to sit down and think about why each person reacted the way they did. we have time to say 'that was a horrible decision' but in his shoes, we cant really be sure how we'd react.
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Post by numbvox »

I think it's obvious that all trio needs to take a little feel good break to get their heads in order.
They should all go swimming in that lake we saw earlier.

....what? ....no, of course this isn't just an excuse to see Sarah in a bathing suit... Really.......

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Post by tricky-ticky-tavi »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: Finally.. may I just say that my initial impression of Taylor was completely wrong? For someone who freaked out when Sarah posted pictures of herself making funny faces with a beer on myspace, Taylor is certainly taking this 'sex is fun love is pain' thing lightly. And the whole hickey thing. And, well.. it just seems so weird considering she was originally characterized as being prude and young and innocent. When did she grow up?
truly, wtf? She went from a dork, to doing the whole dirty teacher bit...?!
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My question is this....What were we talking about??

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Post by lookinginonyou »

pretty much an amazing video!! :D yay Taylor!! first off, she hasn't fallen off the earth, still there, we can watch her. secondly, she's funny.. i didn't understand it all, but i laughed.. :D
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Post by Ixlikexchalk »

I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but I saw somewhere that Jessica's doing a movie with Lindsey Lohan so maybe the part's not as small as we think. What DOES suck is that this whole show is supposed to revolve around bree. It all started out as HER video blog thing, it's just harder to relate to the story now that the one person you relate to in the series is MIA. We finally get her back for like two webisodes, she's barely even in them, then she leaves? the pace of the show right now is sooo sloowww
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