Hymn of One seminar (leaked from Craigslist)

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by Gidget »

This whole thing is still boggling my mind! I'm still not sure if I agree with it, but at the same time I'm dying to go. If I had a friend that was into the series with me I'd totally road trip it out there. I'm only a few hours away. I didn't get an email, but I'd probably just lurk from a distance...

I'm really curious if it'll be IG or OOG. I assume it'll be IG, and thats why they need to keep it 35 people. Wow anything can happen. This is so weird.
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Post by EEVEE »

OMG I'm just finding out about this, sounds so cool.
Darn and I forget what E-mail account I used, I probably wouldn't have gotten one anyway right? I scored a 40% :?
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Post by givingin2registering »

yeah - apologies if I've misunderstood, but setting something up where you have to turn people away (after 35 are admitted) sounds a bit messy.
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Post by GregGallows »

givingin2registering wrote:yeah - apologies if I've misunderstood, but setting something up where you have to turn people away (after 35 are admitted) sounds a bit messy.
Your right, they could riot.

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Post by watermelonhead »

I"m sure a lot of the people being 'recruited' will be paid actors to keep everyone in-character.

So expect some 'extras' or 'plants' in the audience to keep people in 'order'. Still, this seems like it would be a lot of fun! Too bad I live on the east coast
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watermelonhead wrote:I"m sure a lot of the people being 'recruited' will be paid actors to keep everyone in-character.

So expect some 'extras' or 'plants' in the audience to keep people in 'order'. Still, this seems like it would be a lot of fun! Too bad I live on the east coast

You mean within the 35? Or maybe a certain number of people for the audience and the 35 invites are just part of the ratio?
ie: 35 invites/15 actors
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