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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:05 pm
by Chelseyrl
Who knows? According to Sarah's Myspace blog, she has a thing for Jonas.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:16 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Daniel looked hott in this one.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:51 pm
by chevalier
Kasdeja wrote:I guess I'm the only one that thought this video was too short and a bit stupid.
No, you're not. Yes, it was interesting that Sara(h) held Daniel captive with lipstick, and yes, it was interesting that...well, actually that's about all that happened, except some fodder for the fangirls.
How can everyone say they like Sara(h) when we've seen 10 seconds of her? Why was that video so short? This is the opposite of Hollywood: Mesh and Co. are long on time, short on funds. Couldn't they have told us why she showed up instead of her sister, or something?
I have a sinking feeling that they've only got five minutes of footage they're going to try to stretch over the next three videos.
And how the hell is she emo? I don't think that term was clearly defined to begin with, but it's even worse now.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:57 pm
by PolkadotConfederation
Chelseyrl wrote:Who knows? According to Sarah's Myspace blog, she has a thing for Jonas.
That makes me just sad.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:58 pm
by charliebrown
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Daniel looked hott in this one.
His hair look good!
Great Vid. Just the name cracked me up then the part with the lipstick got me laughing too!
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:04 pm
by Wisi Girl
chevalier wrote:Kasdeja wrote:I guess I'm the only one that thought this video was too short and a bit stupid.
No, you're not. Yes, it was interesting that Sara(h) held Daniel captive with lipstick, and yes, it was interesting that...well, actually that's about all that happened, except some fodder for the fangirls.
How can everyone say they like Sara(h) when we've seen 10 seconds of her? Why was that video so short? This is the opposite of Hollywood: Mesh and Co. are long on time, short on funds. Couldn't they have told us why she showed up instead of her sister, or something?
I have a sinking feeling that they've only got five minutes of footage they're going to try to stretch over the next three videos.
And how the hell is she emo? I don't think that term was clearly defined to begin with, but it's even worse now.
I agree. It was very short, void of any real information and full of thrills for fangirls and desperate viewers alike. That is why everyone is jumping up and down over Sarah. We have little to be excited about at this point.
However, I wouldn't say this video was "stupid" but it wasn't mind blowing either.
Edited for additional thoughts: I just have to include my recent observations. We have all noticed how much females dominate the LG15 world. And with the introduction of two new girls, we also have two SISTERS! Why not a brother? Why more girls? I don't know if this continues the belief that women have more power and importance within the community of the HoO or if the creators are constantly casting females because it draws more viewers? I don't get it but it is defintely interesting to me that we have two new girls and two sisters. I rather wish someone would have a brother. Or another Jonas would contact Bree. I want more balance.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:13 pm
by Wisi Girl
Lurker wrote:impulse wrote:No it doesn't matter much. What matters is that after 12 videos of nonsense, we get a 1.29' vid, that we could expect would finally go somewhere plot wise, but we get random girl pulling out a stupid stunt and Daniel complaining about his boxers.
As one of the biggest complainers of recent problems with the plot (okay, recent and longtime problems with the plot), I thought I should reiterate that I liked this.
Why can other fans express their disappointment over videos but I can't? I don't get it. Am I so negative? I think not. I suppose I just get on your nerves for some strange reason.
You might want to let the entire community know that you are one of the biggest complainers....for my sake. I am being undeservedly attacked over the same issue. Do you think I am too negative?
I doubt she is random. We will be seeing a lot of her. Especially because a lot of fans seem to like her. Frankly, I like "random girl" as well. I suppose I am just as desperate as everyone else to find enjoyment in this series again. Basically, I rather liked this video. Probably the first pointless video I semi-enjoyed. Well, I can't even say it was pointless. A new character was introduced, even if it was quick and vague. Eh, nevermind. I can't decide whether I liked it or not....
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:39 pm
by Leaven
The video was okay, but after what? thirty seconds of Sarah I don't understand why people are falling over themselves for her. I think we need to see a tiny bit more of her before making judgements.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:53 pm
by Emsmu
Leaven wrote:The video was okay, but after what? thirty seconds of Sarah I don't understand why people are falling over themselves for her. I think we need to see a tiny bit more of her before making judgements.
30 seconds is a lot in the Breeniverse. I happen to like anyone that throws BDJ into a fit for five seconds. I think this is the first time that someone's told them to turn their camera off and they listened?
Well waiting two days for this was not worth it. The Breeniverse moves too slow. I went on a week's vacation about two weeks ago and I came back expecting something new to happen, and no. Nothing interesting. Now something is actually happen and all we get is a few seconds of it? In two days I could write a fanfiction of an entire storyline for DBJ and it would take you at least an hour to read.
And why did Jonas have to throw in that line about Bree being a mother bird? We pretty much knew this before. Im not even excited about where this is going to go. I think I could leave a month, come back and watch it and be interested for half an hour and then go away for another month. I need a little more substance here...
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:56 pm
by Lurker
Wisi Girl wrote:Lurker:
You might want to let the entire community know that you are one of the biggest complainers....for my sake. I am being undeservedly attacked over the same issue. Do you think I am too negative?
Since you asked me here instead of by PM, I assume you want me to answer here. I'm not really sure what to tell you. Obviously the truth, I guess.
In all honesty, the majority of your messages (at least over the past few weeks) appear negative, but you're just being honest, and you may just be someone who is more likely to speak when you're unhappy about something than when you're in good spirits (I don't know that to be the case, I'm just saying you might be; a lot of people are).
There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but what often happens as a result - and what I believe may have happened here - is that others determine that you like having something to complain about all the time, and that you will seek something out to complain about if you must.
I don't think you should have to force yourself to say non-negative things when you don't really want to, though, just to balance it out. You should be true to yourself, and you're obviously entitled to express your dissatisfaction every bit as much as anyone is entitled to expressing the opposite (or a mix of the two).
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:09 pm
by Wisi Girl
Thanks. I agree with that response. I am not normally as negative as I must seem in this forum but recent changes in the LG15 world and my own have somehow affected what I find commment-worthy in these video threads. So, I suppose you are always.
Do you ever get tired of being so clear minded and brilliant?
I also agree that it is important to be who you are. I won't change my tone if I don't feel differently. However, I will refrain from posting as much. I don't think it will change the fact that a lot of negative remarks will be posted in the future. I am not the only one slow to approval as of late. This series is struggling lately, is it not?
Okay, I am dropping it now. I appreciate your balanced answer and I am flattered that you even bothered to respond! I didn't expect that. If I had, I would have asked you in a PM. Sorry to everyone else! I DID drag my own shit into this thread but I didn't intend to drag it out. Sorry, sorry, sorry! Back to the video, eh?
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:43 pm
by seek_inspiration
Chelseyrl wrote:Who knows? According to Sarah's Myspace blog, she has a thing for Jonas.
Actually, she doesn't specify. She says she has a "new man," and that he'll eventually come around. Then she mentions what a wimp Daniel is. This could either be because she has a thing for Jonas or possibly that she teases Daniel because she has a thing for him.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:18 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Leaven wrote:The video was okay, but after what? thirty seconds of Sarah I don't understand why people are falling over themselves for her. I think we need to see a tiny bit more of her before making judgements.
I personally really like Sarah so far. I do realize that we haven't SEEN much of her, but I have read all her blogs and I love Sylvia Plath. Judging by the tone of her blogs, she strikes me as someone I could hang out with and just bitch about how much everyone sucks. It would be sick.
Although, I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE emo. So if she listens to that shit, I'll have to rethink my position.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:58 pm
by Lurker
seek_inspiration wrote:Chelseyrl wrote:Who knows? According to Sarah's Myspace blog, she has a thing for Jonas.
Actually, she doesn't specify. She says she has a "new man," and that he'll eventually come around. Then she mentions what a wimp Daniel is. This could either be because she has a thing for Jonas or possibly that she teases Daniel because she had a thing for him.
That's true. It could mean either.
Though even if she did mean Jonas, she could change her mind.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:04 pm
by Susan
impulse wrote:Sheqinah wrote:yoruba wrote:So is it Sara or Sarah. Because it says Sara in the description.
But anyway, the video was kinda fun but I hate the title.
I just don't like the word 'emo'.
Um,.... dumb question here, but what does emo mean? I have been hoping to figure it out but never have.
it's all there:
Interesting. So the original emo was beatnik.