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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:38 am
by CDegeyter
In Daniel's latest myspace blog he says:
"Then somehow we suddenly were off on a tangent. She was yelling, I was confused, suddenly lizards were involved.. "
Did he hear Gecko too?
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:41 am
by Kasdeja
Gah, was just researching a possible White Album connection in the other thread...and lizards...makes me think of Happiness is a Warm Gun.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:41 am
by Woo
Daniel frm myspace is Hyemew, a moderator on here.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:44 am
by CDegeyter
Woo wrote:Daniel frm myspace is Hyemew, a moderator on here.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:45 am
by HyeMew
That's ok, good eye

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:11 am
by jakethesnake
Although I'm not convinced Bree is saying "Dendera" I can piece together a bit of a connection...
The Hathor Temple is the main temple in the Dendera temple complex. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess, related to the god Horus, most notably as his mother. Horus was the god of the sky, and was associated with the sky: with one eye being considered the sun and his
weak eye the moon. Anybody remember Bree's video about her lazy eye?
So if Bree is to be considered some form of Horus, what does this mean about the ceremony, and her religion?? Well i have no idea
If I wanted to stretch this dubious link further I could mention that Horus is seen as the son of Osiris, born to avenge Osiris's death. Horus was only born after the death of Osiris, through the resurection of Osiris. Osiris was said to be drowned by Apep, an evil god. Horus was hidden untill old enough to fight Apep, and when he did, they fought such a fierce battle that only ended when the gods intervened declaring Horus the winner and expelling Apep. Perhaps (now this is a reeeaaalll stretch) Cassie can be seen as Osiris. She has disappeared/died and now through Bree's ceremony Bree will succeed her, ultimately avenging her death?... Nah thats just crazy talk, a bridge too far I think.
Just some ideas I'd thought I'd throw into the mix. Hope someone can find them interesting

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:27 am
by Joanna
Daniel: Just put it in D.
Bree: Does D stand for Daniel?
So we'll get Just put it in Daniel.
Kinda funny lol.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:22 am
by tigerlilylynn
If I wanted to stretch this dubious link further I could mention that Horus is seen as the son of Osiris, born to avenge Osiris's death. Horus was only born after the death of Osiris, through the resurection of Osiris. Osiris was said to be drowned by Apep, an evil god. Horus was hidden untill old enough to fight Apep, and when he did, they fought such a fierce battle that only ended when the gods intervened declaring Horus the winner and expelling Apep. Perhaps (now this is a reeeaaalll stretch) Cassie can be seen as Osiris. She has disappeared/died and now through Bree's ceremony Bree will succeed her, ultimately avenging her death?... Nah thats just crazy talk, a bridge too far I think.
That would make us Isis. Gathering the scattered parts of Osiris and putting him back together...only with fewer limbs. ;p
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:43 am
by Broken Kid
This is driving me crazy. I must have listened to that spot in the video at least 200 times, and although I grant you she has an accent and might combine syllables, I can't hear denderah (or whatever). It still does not sound like three syllables. I hear definitely two syllables, the last one ending in an "o" (I suppose it could be "uh"). And there's a hard sound in the middle that sounds mostly like a "k".
Everyone seems convinced now that she's saying "denderah". I think the tag was there to throw us off, not to lead us in the right direction. That would be more like what they have done in the past...
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:51 am
by Kasdeja
What bugs me the most about this that she is not allowed to hang around with Daniel, anymore, right? And she doesn't really get to leave the house, much...and yet here she is, in the middle of the day...sneaking in a driving lesson with daniel.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:57 am
by Traegorn
Well, her parents could have been at work - or they just might not check into her room all that often during the day.
This may be the first time she's snuck out during the day also - so she might have gotten busted when she got home.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:00 pm
by sparklenvy
If it was early afternoon, both of her parents could have been at work.
It would actually probably be easier for someone to sneak out of the house while they're parents where gone (if you knew a set time that they would be back) opposed to sneaking out at night while there was a chance your parents might wake up and realize you're not there.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:08 pm
by Tinman
Quick question. If Bree lives in the middle of nowhere and she is "Hours away from a mall", why is she driving around Los Angeles? Or even if it's L.A. substituting for her so called hometown, it sure looks way too big to be the place she describes she lives in.
I'm starting to believe the whole, "Bree tells lies" thing...
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:11 pm
by CDegeyter
sparklenvy wrote:If it was early afternoon, both of her parents could have been at work.
It would actually probably be easier for someone to sneak out of the house while they're parents where gone (if you knew a set time that they would be back) opposed to sneaking out at night while there was a chance your parents might wake up and realize you're not there.
My wife and I homeschool our children. I dont think that we would leave our daughter alone during the day while we both go to work on a regular basis. I dont buy that both parents work. We know her dad works so maybe her mom was out shopping or something and had to drive hours away and that is when she snuck out.
I'm just praying that this doesnt turn into yet another "homeschool is evil" story.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:18 pm
by Kasdeja
CDegeyter wrote:sparklenvy wrote:If it was early afternoon, both of her parents could have been at work.
It would actually probably be easier for someone to sneak out of the house while they're parents where gone (if you knew a set time that they would be back) opposed to sneaking out at night while there was a chance your parents might wake up and realize you're not there.
My wife and I homeschool our children. I dont think that we would leave our daughter alone during the day while we both go to work on a regular basis. I dont buy that both parents work. We know her dad works so maybe her mom was out shopping or something and had to drive hours away and that is when she snuck out.
I'm just praying that this doesnt turn into yet another "homeschool is evil" story.
That's what I was thinking, wouldn't make sense for both to work during the day if she was homeschooled. The people I know that homeschool their children always have a parent with them during the day. Usually the mother, honestly.