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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:51 am
by kristin
And to think, I thought I caught this one early...
I really hope we didn't lose Jonas...who will be my Internet eye candy if not him?
I'm assuming we didn't, since he had the camera and I doubt Bree and Daniel would have had the time to recover that and not Jonas.
I'm also assuming the blonde was Lucy, just because she's the only blonde lady the videos have made a point of emphasizing in the past, and it would make sense for her to be there when Bree handed herself over.
Prolly good that Dan was in a blindfold when the flash went off, eh? Bet Tachy accounted for that. That hugging part with the whispers reminded me of the ending of Lost in Translation, when the girl whispers something the audience can't see or hear in the guy's ear, and we're left to assume it was something big and profound.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:51 am
by Dani
Absynth wrote:Inigo wrote:I just did some research and apparently, there are no flights from fiji to LA
prolly layovers in guam. fiji is a long way
could also possibly be that the nearest and largest airfield that the malaysia airlines could go to is in Brisbane, dunno how she could get from Fiji to there though
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:51 am
by trainer101
cosmicdancer wrote:
---err... curses. Curse you Yahoo photos for not allowing me to link images properly!
Fixed your image link for ya! Should be okay now.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:54 am
by TheMightyZan
Sorry for the second post, but I also wanted to ask if maybe the reason it's a black screen when you here Bree say "Daniel?...Daniel?!?!?...RUN!" Is because it's showing she couldn't see, was making sure it was him, then running. Might also be why it takes a minute for Jonas' camera to start filming again.
Sorry, I want to know everything about this video that is humanly possible.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:54 am
by BlueEyes
Oh man! Just like everyone else (well, mostly everyone else) I think is the best LG15 vid yet!
I love how they have the shot of the air plane taking off, and then Tachyon's name, as if to say "Tachyon flying in for the rescue"
And about the whole "How was Bree able to see after the flash bomb?" I think that she knew what was going to happen, so she protected her eyes some how.
Yeee! I cant wait to see what happens next!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:55 am
by Onewen
Are these the Creators??

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:55 am
by Sheqinah
TheMightyZan wrote:Sorry for the second post, but I also wanted to ask if maybe the reason it's a black screen when you here Bree say "Daniel?...Daniel?!?!?...RUN!" Is because it's showing she couldn't see, was making sure it was him, then running. Might also be why it takes a minute for Jonas' camera to start filming again.
Sorry, I want to know everything about this video that is humanly possible.

Makes sense to me!!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:57 am
by watching_watchers
TheMightyZan wrote:Sorry for the second post, but I also wanted to ask if maybe the reason it's a black screen when you here Bree say "Daniel?...Daniel?!?!?...RUN!" Is because it's showing she couldn't see, was making sure it was him, then running. Might also be why it takes a minute for Jonas' camera to start filming again.
Sorry, I want to know everything about this video that is humanly possible.

Thats a very good idea I hope thats the case. :]
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:58 am
by Sheqinah
Apparently the Order does not have standard commission shades

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:58 am
by janesalteredstates
Luv2Skydive wrote:So. Huh. Does this mean we are back to where we started? Bree and Daniel STILL running from the Order? Do we know anything more, such as WHO IS THE ORDER? WHAT IS THE CEREMONY? WHY BREE?
Alright, let's go play from foosball and practice skateboarding, and then we can have a movie marathon! Whoohoo!
No, no not at all. With Tachyon on their side they aren't running, they're fighting. And Tach has plenty 'o info on the Order. Expect to know more.
That's right kiddies, it's a
whole new game. 
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:58 am
by Cabby
I come home from the bar to THIS! what a great night!
this is by far the best video so far. I'm so excited.
I'm trying to make my roomate excited but... it seems she had a better time at the bar than I.
Tomorrow she will be all "omg you need to see the LG vid."
I don't have the time to read through the comments right now, but does it look like bree is whispering something as she hugs daniel?
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:00 am
by Inigo
Onewen wrote:Are these the Creators??

I only spotted Mesh at first, but the other one without a beard is most definately Miles. And the guy with the beard is probably Greg wearing a fake beard
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:00 am
by chevyfudd
I have watched this video a thousand times, I love it.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:00 am
by Lo-ver-ly
What does Jonas say at about 00:38? It's the shot where Bree and Daniel are hugging and Lucy's shielding her eyes.... it ends in "tation" but it's verrry muffled.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:01 am
by cup o' noodles
janesalteredstates wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:So. Huh. Does this mean we are back to where we started? Bree and Daniel STILL running from the Order? Do we know anything more, such as WHO IS THE ORDER? WHAT IS THE CEREMONY? WHY BREE?
Alright, let's go play from foosball and practice skateboarding, and then we can have a movie marathon! Whoohoo!
No, no not at all. With Tachyon on their side they aren't running, they're fighting. And Tach has plenty 'o info on the Order. Expect to know more.
That's right kiddies, it's a
whole new game. 
Oh, with Tach, what's the name of this game? The Inevitable And Utterly Badass Defeat Of The Order?