frankenstein girl wrote:It won't be ending soon. The Creators said they were going to be merging all the videos to one account on you tube in the next couple weeks and all this other new stuff. They wouldn't put all that effort into getting more viewers if they were going to straight up end it any time soon.
Just to clarify further, when I say "soon" be aware that I'm talking "soon" in LG15 terms. With the pacing of the series up to this point, a month or two of attention on the main plot and then an ending would qualify as soon.
SharpI wrote:Lurker wrote:I wonder if I'm really the only one who sees the idea of an ending as a good thing? I love the series as much as anybody, but it seems like I'm the only one so far who has suggested them building toward an ending from here on would be fantastic.
Do I just have a different perspective on storytelling? I'd be interested in hearing some views from those who aren't as thrilled at the notion as I am.
It's inevitable that LG15 end, and a planned leave-on-a-high-note end is better than a fizzle-out jump-the-shark end, but I hope the ceremony is not the end. (And I doubt it will be.) The series isn't about the ceremony, it's about Bree.
Again, just to be clear, I don't think the thing will just end with the ceremony, or that it will even end with the showdown with OpAphid. I only suggested that perhaps we'll see them building toward the ending from now on, and that it will come (relatively) soon.
To be honest, assuming that the good guys win, I think the very last video will actually come several episodes
after the crisis is over. Even if Bree comes out on top in all this, her life is still very much going to be different from what it was before. Her dad is dead, her mom is a villain (who might end up dead too), and I doubt anyone's going to still be paying the bills at her old house.
We'll all want to know what's going to become of Bree. Would she go live with Daniel at his old place, would both of them continue staying at Jonas', would she go somewhere else? Would she plan to go to school, etc.?
So, yeah, really they could spend a while resolving everything with OpAphid and still have a couple of weeks to go on an epilogue, if you will. If the good guys win, an epilogue's going to be necessary.
So, again, when I say "building toward the ending" and "maybe the ending will be soon," I'm talking a month to two months of focused narrative with relevant developments and a resolution.
SharpI wrote:So I would be disappointed if the series took on the sort of intense focus you described. Seems to me it would be shedding what made it unique in exchange for something that's on TV any day.
...If I were in Bree's position, I would think about Daniel and the ceremony and Lucy A LOT. But if Jonas accidentally throws me into the swimming pool (swoon) I would stop thinking about all that for a while. Life goes on, you know? LG15 is different because it's largely made up of all the little moments that traditional moviemaking cuts out, IMO.
"Life goes on"? How? "Little moments"? Why?
The idea that the first is true and that the second is good has been what made the series painfully stagnant so many times. The worst part isn't even always that they were irrelevant moments, but often that they were unrealistic:
-Jonas: "Wow, Bree's Dad just totally got capped, yo."
-Daniel: "It ain't no thing. Here, hold the camera while I look depressed, bro. I'm gonna edit this shit into something awesome later."
-Jonas: "I hear ya, D-Bone. There. Got it. Aw, man, that's great. Keep looking just like that. If I didn't know better, I'd swear the dad of the girl you love just got blown away."
-Daniel: "He actually did, didn't he?"
-Jonas: "Oh, that's right. *laughter* Good catch, Beast."
-Daniel: "It's all good. *laughter*"
-Jonas: "Okay, okay. Here, take the camera and film me some now."
-Daniel: "Alright, alright. Oh,
nice, Jo-Jo. Damn, man. Is she your girl or mine? You look all fucked up over this."
-Jonas: "Ha. Thanks, man. I'm a pretty good actor, huh? I don't even like gi- I mean, yeah. Here, I can look even more depressed."
-Daniel: "That's what I'm talking about right there. This video is going to be
-Jonas: "Damn straight. Hey, look at Bree walking off over there, bro. Man, she looks like a wreck. You'd better film this. It'd make a great scene if you edited this part so that everything looks red and Bree's walking really fast as she leaves that line of footrpints behind her."
-Daniel: "Nice thinking, Jo-Dawg! You might make a good director yourself."
Bree: "Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my dad just got wasted, my mom's a total bitch -- should have known she wasn't my birth mother; we have nothing in common -- and, worst of all, those two jackasses that keep risking their lives for me won't stop asking if I'm okay. I tell them "f**k off!" everytime but it's like they never hear me. They just keep asking whenever I walk to the kitchen to make a sandwich.
And I swear Daniel starts sweating and soooobbing everytime he's near me. What the hell is that loser's problem? Jeez. What a fucking dork.
Anyway, enough about those two. Let's talk about me. 'Cause, as you all know, the universe revolves around me and progresses soooolely according to my will. I'm not quite sure how everything that's happened for the last few months fits into that, but you know what they say... I work in mysterious ways. I can't question my judgment. I'm sure there's soooome good reason I wanted all this to happen this way.
But, yeah, it's time for me to grow up! *nods head emphatically while smiling* I can't stand hanging around these two little kids anymore. It's like all they care about is feelings, or soooome crap like that. Soooo immature. I want to talk grown-up stuff! Instead of worrying about that stupid Order or whatever (I'm sure they'll just go away), I'd like all you guys to tell me what I should do for a career.
Now, I know I don't have a lot of schooling or even a high school diploma, but if I walk into Jackson Hewitt and bat my eyelashes at them, I'm sure they'll make me president and CEO. If that's what I want to do, I mean. I know doing tax papers would
totally be using my medulla oblongata (I love that word), but I don't know... I don't really like numbers. And, honestly, Jackson Hewitt? I could have Microsooooft if I wanted it.
If I wanted it."