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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:53 pm
by Luv2Skydive
Joyleaf wrote:kristina wrote:ah, you're probably right! i had a feeling it was a bit far-fetched. :p
I don't think things being far-fetched is any reason to exclude them from examination. I mean, check the context--far-fetched gets a good workout in this storyline.

LMAO.....I agree....I think the Creators created "farfetched" so nothing is off-limits at this point.
KRISTINA: I never noticed Jonas' reaction and now that you mention it, I do find it odd that he said that. I think that does have significance and when it comes out why he said that I'll give you your kudos.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:00 pm
by lookinginonyou
Steph1636 wrote:After years of raising her, they prepare her for the ceremony. And when she decides not to do it, it wrecks the Orders entire plan for 16 years. That is the reason why they got soo angry at her parents.
But why would her parents allow her to not go through with the ceremony? If their purpose was solely the ceremony, would they not force her to go through with it? They wouldn't really care what she thinks or does.
But, they told her to stay with Daniel (untypical of them) to stay away from the Order. I think it's more than just for the ceremony.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:01 pm
by lonelyelendi
lonelyelendi wrote:bethy wrote:nakita wrote:How could he not know Bree wasn't his natural daughter?? The only way that could happen is if his wife carried a baby to term, went to the hospital without him, and had the babies switched at birth before the father got to visit the mother
I can think of lots of ways....and all I need is Maury or Montel as inspiration.
I've had lots of fertility experience...7 years of miscarriages and premature birth of one baby, plus tons of other stuff....up to and including adopting my two boys...I can think of all kinds of scenarios. Here's one...totally off the wall (
or is it???)
Let's say Bree's mother was implanted with an embryo via IVF sans knowledge of her husband. Remember, Bree won't go to the police because the 'Order is Everywhere" -- so it's quite logical to assume that it inculdes some doctors of the fertility specialist kind...especially if they deal with biotechnology.
Bree's mother is pregnant! She delivers and they raise Bree as their own...even though genetically, she isn't related to them one bit. Bree's mother knows, but her father doesn't. They never have any more children, because it might become apparent that Bree doesn't quite look like the other kids. Therfore, The Order keeps mom on birth control...or they even fake a uterine problem at Bree's birth and sterilize her to ensure there will be no more children.
When they are taken away, her mother reveals this to her father...The Order confirms it. He gets angry and is now seen as a threat...perhaps to reveal a big conspiracy of some kind. He waits until he hears from Bree...escapes the Order long enough to tell Bree what's going on, knowing what will happen to him.
The Order kills him...but he's already told Bree all kinds of important details. However, she's still a teenager...and her emotions are all about her the man she looked up to as her father was her "real" father and now she refuses to talk to her mother because she deceived them both.
That fits with what we saw in this video.
It is highly possible that the embryo used was created using stem cells from some ancient bloodline royalty. Bree states that her dad is not her dad and her mom is not her mom, so we know that neither parent is actually related to her. That leads me to believe that her mother was implanted, through IVF, with the embryo of some ancient bloodline, perhaps even crowley...all without her father knowing.
I like to think of this as the "Jesus at 12" syndrome. As is pointed out in the movie "Dogma," the bible skips from Jesus at age 12 to Jesus at age 30. What happened during those 18 years? Well, the movie explains it as Jesus not being able to come to terms with his divinity,
a lot like Bree not being able to come to terms with what her dad told her....that is my theory so far...any comments?
No one seems to have noticed this so I am bumping it ^^
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:04 pm
by betz28
i thought the video was great....bree is forced to grow up now and face a new that she thought never existed. i don't have much to contribute so i'll not take up too much space here. i do think there may be something with the theory that jonas and bree are actually siblings. there is still so much unanswered that will all come out in time i suppose. anyways....great video!
edit: that you mention it jonas did act in a strange way when he saw brees dad for the first he knew him. thanks for mentioning that. i think there is something to it.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:14 pm
by betz28
omegawoman wrote:I have a very close friend who adopted a baby that the agency called a "bred baby". This child was bred special for a sacrifice. The parents of this child were chosen for certian character traits. Apparantly it was all a part of some weird satanic cult. The baby was to be sacrificed around the age of 3, and there were several other children as well. This brings back memories of this adoption.
BTW- the little girl is now an adult and doing fine.
just had to comment on this...strange and scary things go on in this world! glad your friend is doing ok.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:26 pm
by joygasm
lookinginonyou wrote:Steph1636 wrote:After years of raising her, they prepare her for the ceremony. And when she decides not to do it, it wrecks the Orders entire plan for 16 years. That is the reason why they got soo angry at her parents.
But why would her parents allow her to not go through with the ceremony? If their purpose was solely the ceremony, would they not force her to go through with it? They wouldn't really care what she thinks or does.
But, they told her to stay with Daniel (untypical of them) to stay away from the Order. I think it's more than just for the ceremony.
Maybe they did the one thing that they were not supposed to and grew attached to her. They actually did care about what she thought or did. That can happen. At least, it really looks like that is what her father did. I believe he did just find out that she was not his real daughter. As for the mother's situation... I think she probably knew the whole time. Maybe she came clean to the father. Maybe she began to regret the whole thing. She had a quilty conscience.
As for Bree and Jonas being siblings... I do not have any doubt at this point. I think Bree's "Mom" stole her. This could have happened in many ways. Bree's mom could have been a nurse or doctor delivering the baby. Maybe Jonas's mother did homebirths and just had a midwife to deliver her baby and that midwife was Bree's mom. The baby could have been taken from the hospital or from their home.
Why did they just disappear 10 years later? Because they knew their child was out their, they never gave up looking. As a mother, if my daughter came up missing, I know I would never stop looking for her. Maybe at some point they found out about the order. Maybe they dug too far and the order felt threatening and decided Jonas's parents needed to disappear.
It's really not that far-fetched... I mean it is... but I think I have seen a few Lifetime movies that played out like this.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:54 pm
I don't like the idea that Jonas is her brother. I think it's stupid. Even if they were, why would they choose Bree and not him?
I definitly think Bree's father didn't know he wasn't her biological father. It would make sense why she wouldn't want to talk to her mom. I mean after all, Why wouldn't she want to talk to her mom? Unless she was angry at her for lying all this time.
Oh, and some people are saying maybe the memorial vid was to her bio' dad. Come on ppl it was to her father that she was raised by. They couldn't know anything then, why would bree tell that. I don't think (at least bree's father) would put Bree in harms way. I mean you watch this baby grow and you raise her. They had to be attached (well father atleast).
And what about the moving? New Zealand and Australia. Ok that was probably to explain slips in accent but im just saying. And Bree did say she wasn't always homeschooled. Why would they switch?
The only thing I'm really confident about is Bree's mother knowing she was 'adopted' and Bree's father didn't. But if she's mad at her mother, then the father had to tell her that he didn't know if the theory about his 'crisis' is correct.
But when Bree is talking about her father's 'crisis' and it is the not knowing adoption thing. How would he say it?
"Bree, dear, I don't know how to say this but.....I recently found out from your mother that you were adopted."
Because why is she so mad at her mom?
:OOh another edit:
I just wanted to add about that moving thing. Is there anything to do with the fact that the places she moved to she always just stayed at each place for 2 years?
"i was born in America and then I moved to New Zealand when I was eight........ When I was ten we visited the Northern Territory of Australia....... And then, when I was twelve, we moved to England......So we lived in England for two years and then we moved to America.."
EEh it's probably just a funny coincidence.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:05 pm
by kristina
yeah, now that i think about it, it porbably isn't jonas' dad, but i STILL think he recognized him.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:08 pm
Why did they just disappear 10 years later? Because they knew their child was out their, they never gave up looking.
If that was true they either intentionaly gave up Bree or that just doesn't make sense. I'm saying like, How could the mother not know she gave birth to 2 kids. The only way it could be possible if Jonas and Bree were related would be if Jonas was also adopted.[/quote]
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:10 pm
by betz28
kristina wrote:yeah, now that i think about it, it porbably isn't jonas' dad, but i STILL think he recognized him.
agreeing with you on that!
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:18 pm
by kristina
betz28 wrote:kristina wrote:yeah, now that i think about it, it porbably isn't jonas' dad, but i STILL think he recognized him.
agreeing with you on that!
oh, good

see, that was what i initially though, and i was trying to find out why he reacted that way.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:25 pm
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:31 pm
by Chartreuse
EEVEE wrote:I don't like the idea that Jonas is her brother. I think it's stupid. Even if they were, why would they choose Bree and not him?
But I've
only heard about girls being chosen for the ceremony. Like, in all of the talk about people being chosen, it's always been girls. These kinds of cult-ish ceremonies and rituals and such usually center around females.
I am really growing to like this Bree and Jonas being siblings theory. As to them not "looking alike"... first of all, they're played by actors who aren't related, so they're not going to JUMP OUT at you as being siblings right away. Second, they obviously grew up differently, lived through different situations and lifestyles, and that has a lot do to with the person you come out to be, physically and mentally and otherwise. Think
The Face on the Milk Carton if you've read it.
Here's what I think may have happened. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas had Jonas. Two years later, they had a little girl. The little girl was stolen from them and given to Mr. and Mrs. Bree. OR Mrs. Bree herself stole Bree... and that's why Bree is not wanting to talk to her mother any time soon. Anyhow, while Bree is moving all over, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas disappear.
Bree gets "selected" for the ceremony. Bree goes through the fake ceremony and all in October.
Jonas finds some kind of file or note or something in his parent's office that refers to a daughter that had been stolen. Maybe they had investigated and clues led back to the Order eventually, but the Order had them killed or kidnapped when they got too close.
Bree and Daniel are on the run. Jonas "comes across" Bree online, sees that she's about the same age and is related to this same Order thing. If she's not his sister, she probably at least knows more stuff about what happened to her and his parents. Jonas offers a safe haven.
I don't know if this even works... I didn't get much sleep last night and I dreamed about Jonas so I want him to be important. >.<
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:32 pm
by iamcool
its on youtube:
description: Wasn't gonna post this, but I needed to clear my head a little
tags: LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast dad said crisis parents hamster conflicted
is her dad a hamster?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:48 pm
by spaciegirlreturn