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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:03 pm
by Luv2Skydive
Kasdeja wrote:AGuyNamedJoe wrote:It is obvious Jonas is not interested in Bree's problems with the Order. He may be a little concerned for his own safety but not for Bree. For him, it is all about his desire for Bree, her body, and getting her to come out of the room so he can "check her out" once again. His fantacy about her making her body hard for him in the bedroom is very transparent. He thought his little plan to "get" her would be so simple. I'm sure he never had problems with any of the others he seduced into his love palace.
Daniel, Jonas is stealing the girl you love. If she ever comes out of that room she will have no defense against all of his charm, good looks, money, and all his neat "stuff". Daniel, Jonas is better than you in every way. You don't even have a car. Your only chance is to wait. Guys like Jonas, once they've "had their way" with someone they usually just move on to their next conquest.
Sorry dude, but you gave her to him.
Wow...saw nothing pointing to him wanting her body in any of his videos. Methinks some of ya need to get your mind out of the gutter sometimes.
I gotta agree with's almost sick to think of her that way since she is so immature...but I'm a girl so what do I know?
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:04 pm
by Broken Kid
Lurker wrote:Kasdeja wrote:kageyuki wrote:Was anyone there to get video of the drop, last night?
It's been requested that all of this such info be kept in the OpAphid thread section...since not everyone wants to follow the ARG.
Personally, I don't understand why some people are opposed to OpAphid or Tach being mentioned. Hell, they get mentioned in the main videos. They're part of the story.
It's super helpful when folks point us to the videos and fill in the details. I think Kas was noticing that the thread could go way off topic with a discussion of OpAphid-ARG drops and such, and that's what she suggested goes to the OpAphid area. That's my guess...
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:05 pm
by Kasdeja
Lurker wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:kageyuki wrote:Was anyone there to get video of the drop, last night?
It's been requested that all of this such info be kept in the OpAphid thread section...since not everyone wants to follow the ARG.
Personally, I think anything that can better help us understand what we're discussing is fair game to be brought up here. Imagine trying to follow the LG15 storyline at this very moment without the benefit of watching Tachyon's latest videos. We'd all be "Wtf"-ing over where that footage of Gemma with Lucy came from.
So, again, if stuff from OpAphid and Tachy's story can help us understand the main one, bring it in. Whether it be e-mails or videos. We can get the benefit of the extra information without the game aspects being brought over here.
Personally, I don't understand why some people are opposed to OpAphid or Tach being mentioned. Hell, they get mentioned in the main videos. They're part of the story. I watch all the canon videos, even if I don't play the ARG. Come on, people, I know some complained about the canonicity of Tach and Op, but -- really -- it's only a couple of extra videos to watch every week (and we don't even get a new OpAphid video every week for that matter). It's not a big deal. And it cuts down on the wait for more videos. There's no need to be so hard-assed over it.
This was requested so that all those who don't wish to delve into the game don't have to see it here. It's all in the OpAphid area, should someone want to hash out all that. The creators said that we didn't have to watch the ARG vids in order to enjoy the LG15 saga. For the respect of all it was requested to keep them separated for the most part.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:06 pm
by Luv2Skydive
The boxing gloves are behind can see them when he gets up.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:06 pm
by Kasdeja
Or...I could just agree with BK's take...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:08 pm
by kageyuki
People sure love to jump to their own conclusions, don't they?
Didn't Jonas use those boxing gloves in the "Trust Issues" video? Maybe he forgot to put them back on the bookcase. Maybe they didn't belong there to begin with? Why store a pair of boxing gloves on top of a shelf of books?
I don't really want to think what Jonas may have done to Bree with anything. Why think the worst when things don't look that great in the first place. It's like youre adding fuel to the fire...
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:09 pm
by AGuyNamedJoe
breewithcrackers wrote:i don't think he'd be encouraging Daniel to come if that's how he really felt...

He knows Daniel is the lesser man. It will make his conquest of Bree all the sweeter to have him there. It's a guy thing, you would'nt understand.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:11 pm
by Kasdeja
AGuyNamedJoe wrote:breewithcrackers wrote:i don't think he'd be encouraging Daniel to come if that's how he really felt...

He knows Daniel is the lesser man. It will make his conquest of Bree all the sweeter to have him there. It's a guy thing, you would'nt understand.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:14 pm
by kageyuki
Kasdeja wrote:This was requested so that all those who don't wish to delve into the game don't have to see it here. It's all in the OpAphid area, should someone want to hash out all that. The creators said that we didn't have to watch the ARG vids in order to enjoy the LG15 saga. For the respect of all it was requested to keep them separated for the most part.
I understand all that and will try to keep to the writers' wishes, but these are the forums. and probably 80-90% of us
are involved in some way in the ARG...
From time to time, subjects pertaining the ARG will come up.
If we're supposed to keep the main storyline and the ARG so separate, why do we keep
all the the discussions regarding videos of Bree, Daniel, Gemma, Jonas, Op Aphid and Tachyon all in the same section?
It's like trying separate air. Some of it's always going come around the sides of what you're trying to use to hold it back.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:15 pm
by omegawoman
nobackspacebutton wrote:OMDUDE HIS BOXING GLOVES ARE GONE
What has he done with Bree???
Pic from Video "Trust Issues"
Pic from This Video

I noticed something was missing, it looked a little empty back there.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:16 pm
by omegawoman
Double post- but I just realized that this video is shot from a different angle, like are we supposed to notice something?
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:16 pm
by aprilawz
AGuyNamedJoe wrote:breewithcrackers wrote:i don't think he'd be encouraging Daniel to come if that's how he really felt...

He knows Daniel is the lesser man. It will make his conquest of Bree all the sweeter to have him there. It's a guy thing, you would'nt understand.
He's right, Bw/C, you and everyone else would have to shave off several IQ points before you could get your thinking down to a level where this would make sense....

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:17 pm
by Way2Curious
I don't follow the ARG really, but I do watch those videos. I think some people were looking for a Jonas/Tachyon connection earlier in the thread. Noticing the bowling trophies and then thinking about Tachyon's bowling vid, didn't she mention that some guy there at the bowling alley was "getting a little too close for comfort" but not knowing if he was one of theirs or something like that?
I don't really know if there is a connection there but it might be worth noting for those who think they might have a link of some sort.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:17 pm
by Luv2Skydive
omegawoman wrote:nobackspacebutton wrote:OMDUDE HIS BOXING GLOVES ARE GONE
What has he done with Bree???
Pic from Video "Trust Issues"
Pic from This Video

I noticed something was missing, it looked a little empty back there.
You can see them in the last second.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:17 pm
by nobackspacebutton
I'm not sure..I've been looking at the backgrounds....all i notice is that there are a lot of round objects...snowglobes...there are some vases...books...but I can't make out the books. There are two pictures that you can barely make out, but again, I'm not sure of the importance or relevance of the background yet.