iamcool wrote:
please may i ask what they were doing looking in dumpsters?
Some of my friends back home have some rather...anarchistic tendencies. And are poor. So they'll dumpster dive a) because it's free food and b) because they hate capitalism, and it's a way to eat "the man"'s food without paying, but without actually stealing either.
It's really less disgusting and more profitable than it sounds.
Plus, um...months worth of free chocolate? Come on. I'd rummage through a dumpster for that.
hahahah. the boy i'm moving in with next year is a crazy anarchist who's finally decided to settle down. i know where you're coming from
*sigh*...once you date an anarchist, things are never the same
Half of this thread is talking about how Daniel's behavior doesn't make sense for his situation. With Tachyon's last video, we've just had confirmation that everything that's bothered us about Gemma's character (her fake seeming english-ness, her random stories) is actually something that's supposed to be there. She's not actually in London and is probably acting on behalf of the order.
So, my impulse is that the creators aren't making a mistake here, but that we're supposed to suspect that something is going on.
Reasons to doubt his honesty here:
A) his parent's didn't notice anything weird (What?!)
B) he seems pretty nonchalant about ditching someone his lo-cares about
C) he's disregarded the advice of Tachyon, when he went so far as to ditch his car last time she told him to do anything
D) Go back on his word that he would trust our decision
E) Let's be honest. His "how I got home story" doesn't really make sense. We all seem to think it's a little out of character for him to have witheld money. Also, the fact that he's dropping all this hobo lingo is a little too reminiscent of Gemma's overuse of british slang.
I think he's with Jonas and the fight was staged in an attempt to throw off the Order.
Atleast, that's what my caffiene addled mind is telling me.
Half of this thread is talking about how Daniel's behavior doesn't make sense for his situation. With Tachyon's last video, we've just had confirmation that everything that's bothered us about Gemma's character (her fake seeming english-ness, her random stories) is actually something that's supposed to be there. She's not actually in London and is probably acting on behalf of the order.
So, my impulse is that the creators aren't making a mistake here, but that we're supposed to suspect that something is going on.
Reasons to doubt his honesty here:
A) his parent's didn't notice anything weird (What?!)
B) he seems pretty nonchalant about ditching someone his lo-cares about
C) he's disregarded the advice of Tachyon, when he went so far as to ditch his car last time she told him to do anything
D) Go back on his word that he would trust our decision
E) Let's be honest. His "how I got home story" doesn't really make sense. We all seem to think it's a little out of character for him to have witheld money. Also, the fact that he's dropping all this hobo lingo is a little too reminiscent of Gemma's overuse of british slang.
I think he's with Jonas and the fight was staged in an attempt to throw off the Order.
Atleast, that's what my caffiene addled mind is telling me.
Half of this thread is talking about how Daniel's behavior doesn't make sense for his situation. With Tachyon's last video, we've just had confirmation that everything that's bothered us about Gemma's character (her fake seeming english-ness, her random stories) is actually something that's supposed to be there. She's not actually in London and is probably acting on behalf of the order.
So, my impulse is that the creators aren't making a mistake here, but that we're supposed to suspect that something is going on.
Reasons to doubt his honesty here:
A) his parent's didn't notice anything weird (What?!)
B) he seems pretty nonchalant about ditching someone his lo-cares about
C) he's disregarded the advice of Tachyon, when he went so far as to ditch his car last time she told him to do anything
D) Go back on his word that he would trust our decision
E) Let's be honest. His "how I got home story" doesn't really make sense. We all seem to think it's a little out of character for him to have witheld money. Also, the fact that he's dropping all this hobo lingo is a little too reminiscent of Gemma's overuse of british slang.
I think he's with Jonas and the fight was staged in an attempt to throw off the Order.
Atleast, that's what my caffiene addled mind is telling me.
i agree with you
i think this is a very big posibility, did anyone notice that the room doesn't look familar at all?
on a side note, trainer was talking about nikki recieving a message about a jame dean quote from "rebel without a cause" does anyone know what the exact quote is?
The only thing that's throwing me off is figuring out what the black thing in the corner of the video is. Part of it is definitely a guitar case, but the rest of it really looks like someone in a black suit (as someone else has mentioned), which could either disprove my theory (the Order got him went he went home) or implies that Jonas betrayed them.
Dumpster diving can sometimes be a good way to net some spare cash as well; you can find appliance cords to strip out the copper, or you can find clothing or other items to sell at flea markets or on eBay.
Half of this thread is talking about how Daniel's behavior doesn't make sense for his situation. With Tachyon's last video, we've just had confirmation that everything that's bothered us about Gemma's character (her fake seeming english-ness, her random stories) is actually something that's supposed to be there. She's not actually in London and is probably acting on behalf of the order.
So, my impulse is that the creators aren't making a mistake here, but that we're supposed to suspect that something is going on.
Reasons to doubt his honesty here:
A) his parent's didn't notice anything weird (What?!)
B) he seems pretty nonchalant about ditching someone his lo-cares about
C) he's disregarded the advice of Tachyon, when he went so far as to ditch his car last time she told him to do anything
D) Go back on his word that he would trust our decision
E) Let's be honest. His "how I got home story" doesn't really make sense. We all seem to think it's a little out of character for him to have witheld money. Also, the fact that he's dropping all this hobo lingo is a little too reminiscent of Gemma's overuse of british slang.
I think he's with Jonas and the fight was staged in an attempt to throw off the Order.
Atleast, that's what my caffiene addled mind is telling me.
i agree with you
i think this is a very big posibility, did anyone notice that the room doesn't look familar at all?
on a side note, trainer was talking about nikki recieving a message about a jame dean quote from "rebel without a cause" does anyone know what the exact quote is?
the room does not look familiar but he could be in another room in his house. the guitar case has been in his videos before in the other room...shoot, i dunno.
This came across as really sincere to me. The only reason I have to doubt it is Daniel's recent huge changes of plan/opinion on how to deal with Jonas.
But in itself, I thnk it's a believable video. The first thing I thought when I watched is was, he has stopped believing that there is a real danger from the Order. That seemed to be the cause of their fights when he wanted to go home and she didn't. Daniel seems to forget the reality of the danger pretty quickly.
He's the one who talked Bree into the reality of the danger, but the more time goes by with no one running up and assaulting them, the more Daniel seems to assume it's all okay. I think if he really believed there was a big threat to Bree right now, he wouldn't have gone away and wouldn't be planning for a normal future.
I think it's time for a scary wake up call for the beast!
cynicar wrote:The only thing that's throwing me off is figuring out what the black thing in the corner of the video is. Part of it is definitely a guitar case, but the rest of it really looks like someone in a black suit (as someone else has mentioned), which could either disprove my theory (the Order got him went he went home) or implies that Jonas betrayed them.
i can see what you mean, i've kept my eye on it the entire video though and it hasn't moved even a teny tiny bit even once, so i don't think it's a person, but there's something weird back there other then the guitar case, could it be black clothes hanging on the top of the guitar case, implying the fact that he's been up to something secretivly
cynicar wrote:The only thing that's throwing me off is figuring out what the black thing in the corner of the video is. Part of it is definitely a guitar case, but the rest of it really looks like someone in a black suit (as someone else has mentioned), which could either disprove my theory (the Order got him went he went home) or implies that Jonas betrayed them.
i can see what you mean, i've kept my eye on it the entire video though and it hasn't moved even a teny tiny bit even once, so i don't think it's a person, but there's something weird back there other then the guitar case, could it be black clothes hanging on the top of the guitar case, implying the fact that he's been up to something secretivly
I think this is one of those cases where something in the background just isn't relevant. If it was supposed to be something that important, I'd think it would be brought to our attention a little bit better.
And if it was a person, obviously they wouldn't just be standing there while Daniel made this video.
I don't understand the whole "abandoned the car" thing. They left the car parked on a city street someplace. Odds are, it's either still there, or the local police towed it someplace.
Cars aren't "anonymous" any more. It's Daniel's car. The police know it's Daniel's car by now, too. He needs to think real seriously about going to fetch it soon, or he's going to get a nastygram from the police, together with a fat bill for storage and impound fees.
So, since the order knows where he is now anyway, he should get mom or dad to drive him over to pick up his car, bring it home, tear it apart until he finds the alleged bug, and then voila!, he's got his untraceable car back!
Someone mentioned in the comments on the main page Daniel got a hair cut before the Vh1 Big in '06 awards, before "The Test" video and before "You're Decision".
I just checked and it DOES seem quit a bit shorter!
robtomorrow wrote:Someone mentioned in the comments on the main page Daniel got a hair cut before the Vh1 Big in '06 awards, before "The Test" video and before "You're Decision".
I just checked and it DOES seem quit a bit shorter!
Busted? Was there a test? Did we decide anything?
Oh well
He mentions in this one that he got his hair cut... so the other videos were shot before the Vh1 thing, and this one either right before it or after it.
robtomorrow wrote:Someone mentioned in the comments on the main page Daniel got a hair cut before the Vh1 Big in '06 awards, before "The Test" video and before "You're Decision".
I just checked and it DOES seem quit a bit shorter!
Busted? Was there a test? Did we decide anything?
Oh well
He mentions in this one that he got his hair cut... so the other videos were shot before the Vh1 thing, and this one either right before it or after it.
Exactly, I meant the hair cut was before the videos were posted, in other words the test was a farse. the decision was already made.
robtomorrow wrote:Someone mentioned in the comments on the main page Daniel got a hair cut before the Vh1 Big in '06 awards, before "The Test" video and before "You're Decision".
I just checked and it DOES seem quit a bit shorter!
Busted? Was there a test? Did we decide anything?
Oh well
He mentions in this one that he got his hair cut... so the other videos were shot before the Vh1 thing, and this one either right before it or after it.
Exactly, I meant the hair cut was before the videos were posted, in other words the test was a farse. the decision was already made.
Yeah, good point. Guess that confirms people's suspicions that he/they chose goodgollyitsholly (is that her handle?) because she was a known supporter of Jonas.