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Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:54 pm
by Luv2Skydive
spaciegirl wrote:Luv2Skydive wrote:Inigo wrote:Tell ya what Luv2Skydive, let's make peace

You do seem more down to earth than the other Gemma skeptics.
And I agree with the guy who praised Gemma...
I'm no fanatic about anyone....sometimes I think Bree and Daniel both do dumb things.....I think a lot of people judge others by how they might react in a situation and not everyone is going to react the same way!

Well, I judge all of them and I don't really like any of them to be honest. I don't hate them either. In real life, I wouldn't assosciate with them....even if I were closer to their age range, I don't think I would. They're not wacky enough..or funny enough. I do get a feeling that Gemma is hiding something though.
I see your point can make the show more exciting if you have some emotion, either good or bad, towards a character.
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:54 pm
by GoodGollyItsHolly
trust me, spacie isnt bored to death with the show.. shes quite the follower. and we love her for it!
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:43 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Inigo wrote:You sound like this show bores you to death. Why do you watch then?
No it doesn't bore me, because of the story and all the different things that have been incorporated into it..and the format. But, if this were real life and there wasn't anything extraordinary happening to these people, yeah I'd think they were boring. They are very wholesome without the underlying themes and plot, don't you think? I'm not saying wholesome is just aint my bag.
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:45 pm
by thejyav
trainer101 wrote:spaciegirl wrote:I thought they were moving around too.
Yeah, isn't that kinda the point of being "on the run"?
thats true but it would seem to not be the case. The feeling I got was they weren't getting to far from home.
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:48 pm
by thejyav
Inigo wrote:Yeah I guess she should have just grabbed the next flight to LA when she surely doesn't have enough money for a plane ticket and she also has a life of her own to think about. I don't hear you complaining about Bree not worrying where her parents are.
You say these things only because you think in the Breeniverse, everything revolves around Bree. It doesn't.
................its the BREENIVERSE! does revolve around here.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:01 am
by Reb
To the people who were complaining about people disliking gemma. I don't dislike gemma I just think that she is meant to be an evil character and I stand by that. I deffinately think that all her motivations and her character are much more interesting if she is infact working for the order.
Just a little thing that bugs me though, it is obvisous that gemma isn't really british and isn't really in london but the things that she said today are really unrealistic. Firstly if she is at university then she wouldn't have a teacher as such she would have a lecturer or a tutor and would refer to them as such. Secondly I can't imagen any lecturer or tutor would set that much work to hand in the next day it just doesn't happen. Essay titles are set weeks if not months in advance. Now I am not just saying this to be picky I was wondering if it might be that these blatant errors were put in on purpose to enphasise the fact that she isn't actually who she says she is and is really out to get bree with the rest of the order.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:07 am
by khjq
Reb wrote:To the people who were complaining about people disliking gemma. I don't dislike gemma I just think that she is meant to be an evil character and I stand by that. I deffinately think that all her motivations and her character are much more interesting if she is infact working for the order.
Just a little thing that bugs me though, it is obvisous that gemma isn't really british and isn't really in london but the things that she said today are really unrealistic. Firstly if she is at university then she wouldn't have a teacher as such she would have a lecturer or a tutor and would refer to them as such. Secondly I can't imagen any lecturer or tutor would set that much work to hand in the next day it just doesn't happen. Essay titles are set weeks if not months in advance. Now I am not just saying this to be picky I was wondering if it might be that these blatant errors were put in on purpose to enphasise the fact that she isn't actually who she says she is and is really out to get bree with the rest of the order.
I'm hoping that Gemma is with the Order, it'll all make sense that way.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:14 am
by DontHaveAClue
Reb wrote:
Just a little thing that bugs me though, it is obvisous that gemma isn't really british and isn't really in london but the things that she said today are really unrealistic. Firstly if she is at university then she wouldn't have a teacher as such she would have a lecturer or a tutor and would refer to them as such. Secondly I can't imagen any lecturer or tutor would set that much work to hand in the next day it just doesn't happen. Essay titles are set weeks if not months in advance. Now I am not just saying this to be picky I was wondering if it might be that these blatant errors were put in on purpose to enphasise the fact that she isn't actually who she says she is and is really out to get bree with the rest of the order.
I have to disagree with this argument.
Most students don't talk about their "lecturers" or "tutors", they talk about their "teachers" or "professors". (I'm an academic btw). Now, about next day essays. I guess you and I never attended the same classes. Next day assignments do happen. I've seen some pretty brutal stuff at university. Survival of the fittest! And when it's not the case, students generally find themself doing it the night before it's due anyway.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:07 am
by DontHaveAClue
Pi wrote:
Speaking of paper... what's that written in yellow hightlighter on Gemma's paper? Can anyone make it out?
To me it reads "CHECK".
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:58 am
by sweetie55
Why in the world would she write 'CHECK'??? Seems she has another agenda to attend to other than homework....Also it looks like a eye of horus or a cross thing right next to it.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:10 am
by DontHaveAClue
sweetie55 wrote:Why in the world would she write 'CHECK'??? Seems she has another agenda to attend to other than homework....Also it looks like a eye of horus or a cross thing right next to it.
Or maybe she used an inductive argument in her essay, and then, while reading back, thought: "oh I'd better check that". Nooooo...that's not plausible. I was just kidding y'all!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:14 am
by Kasdeja
I still don't see how anyone can tell what the writing is...
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:17 am
by AutoPilate
Kasdeja wrote:I still don't see how anyone can tell what the writing is...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:18 am
by Kasdeja
AutoPilate wrote:Kasdeja wrote:I still don't see how anyone can tell what the writing is...

flunkin' social studies...
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:04 pm
by Reb
DontHaveAClue wrote:I have to disagree with this argument.
Most students don't talk about their "lecturers" or "tutors", they talk about their "teachers" or "professors". (I'm an academic btw). Now, about next day essays. I guess you and I never attended the same classes. Next day assignments do happen. I've seen some pretty brutal stuff at university. Survival of the fittest! And when it's not the case, students generally find themself doing it the night before it's due anyway.
Maybe it is different depending on the university that you go to. I am a student and all my friends refer to our lecturers by their names really. If they were talking to someone who didn't know what the lecturer was they would probably call them their lecturer. With reguards to next day assignments, I am aware that they happend infact my consultant set me one earlier this week, however I am yet to hear of a place where they would set a 5,000 work essay for the next day, it takes time to look up references etc and I honestly don't believe that it could be done to a high quality standard.
However I do agree with you that gemma might just have left if to the night before it is due in as I know people who do that.