Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:00 pm
The best that I can tell the only people who learn ancient Egyptian are Egyptologists. Is The Order really a group of Egyptologists from the University of Edinburgh? OH NO!
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
robtomorrow wrote:The best that I can tell the only people who learn ancient Egyptian are Egyptologists. Is The Order really a group of Egyptologists from the University of Edinburgh? OH NO!
God forbid she back out of thatCassies_Head wrote:robtomorrow wrote:The best that I can tell the only people who learn ancient Egyptian are Egyptologists. Is The Order really a group of Egyptologists from the University of Edinburgh? OH NO!
I think you're right....maybe the ceremony was just Bree singing 'Walk Like an Egyptian' after all.
Yea, since the "reveal" I haven't deluded myself thinking this religion Bree was in was real (and I was highly doubtful long before that), but I do believe wholeheartedly that the producers started with an idea of one. Yes, I think they wanted to use Thelema, and back before anyone got in a tizzy about it, it was ok. Now, they're backtracking to cover their asses, for several reasons, probably. But NO WAY do I think for a second that this was planned, this "The Order" business. Bree specifically calls her religion a religion, says she is religious, etc etc. She actually talks quite a bit about it all in her You Tube comments for "My Parents Suck...", in one place responding to the question, "What beliefs?" with:DontHaveAClue wrote:sunbean, the only incoherence I see here is with respect to what some people were thinking it was, not to what the creators may have in mind. So why are you disappointed? Because it doesn't fit something we came up with on google? As far as I know, we do not write the story plot and we did not learn anything on what that cult is in this video. Only what it's not. I don't agree. This video is not stupid, just useless for the people who knew it wasn't Thelema.sunbean wrote:Totally agree, stupidest video yet. ......It has no coherence anymore. So disappointing. BIG BIG thumbs down, creatazors.
This was just before the introduction of Crowley (the very next video he makes his first appearance), and the logical conclusion is of course that he is the "certain person" they believe in, or at minimum, the disciple of the "set of rules" they believe in, not some Egyptian mumbo-jumbo secret society. And obviously, back when they wanted everyone to believe Bree was a real girl, the religion had to be based in reality. Now that the story is exposed, they are free to take it to a realm of complete fabrication, which is fine, and probably better in that people will quit bitching about misrepresentation. I just don't want to be treated like an idiot in the process of their flipping the facts of the story: isolated smart girl, boy, strict parents, mystery religion. It's one of the main plot points that has been around from the beginning - in fact I believe it's where the story was always meant to lead, specifically to the ceremony that they so royally screwed up. It was a religion. I didn't find that info on Google, I found it in the plot they laid out plainly in the videos and early comments left by Bree and Daniel. Them saying different now is complete BS and if they don't know that, well I'm telling them. My main disappointment is that they are pulling out of this in such a cowardly way - they had a great thing going, but the magic(k, haha) is over.In a certain a certain set of rules...and not Jesus Christ! I/we believe in evolution!
Which "many" videos cleary established this so I can go back and watch them again?lonelygirl wrote:thank you. don't know why people are so disappointed it's not thelema when i think the many of the previous videos have clearly established it as not being thelema. gemma just confirmed it for us.Kasdeja wrote:Actually, the only people who have said it was Thelema were fans speculating the religion. We had Thelemites come in and share with us what Thelema is about, and while it looks like it is one of the religions the creatatrons pulled ideas from, it was pretty obvious that it was NOT Thelema. The creators never said it, Brie never said it. It was our speculation, so the creatatrons are not back tracking or making us forget anything. Everything so far still makes sense with crowley, etc.Luv2Skydive wrote: I refuse to do anymore research for fear of the anger/disappointment later on when the Creators try to make something as important as Crowley/Thelema disappear. They aren't the only ones who spend a lot of time on LG15 and they need to remember that when they do $#@% like this. Not Thelema? Bullsh*t.
Ditto.....just from watching the vlogs, reading the message boards, and some research I just get the feeling that the creators take 1 step forward and then 2 steps back with the plot.spaciegirl wrote:I don't think anything has been "clear" ever. I find that to be frustrating on many levels.
You just made merobtomorrow wrote:I don't think they are backtracking, to backtrack you need to know where you've been. I think they are lost. They left a trail of crumbs so they can find there way back, but the crumbs got eaten by the birds.
Maybe that was the message in Gemmas Horrid Roomates video.
I think so too.....I hope I'm wrong.robtomorrow wrote:I don't think they are backtracking, to backtrack you need to know where you've been. I think they are lost. They left a trail of crumbs so they can find there way back, but the crumbs got eaten by the birds.
Maybe that was the message in Gemmas Horrid Roomates video.
Yes, yes and yes. Put better than I ever could. This pretty much is what I was trying to say before.sunbeam wrote:DontHaveAClue wrote:
sunbean wrote:
Totally agree, stupidest video yet. ......It has no coherence anymore. So disappointing. BIG BIG thumbs down, creatazors. Rolling Eyes
sunbean, the only incoherence I see here is with respect to what some people were thinking it was, not to what the creators may have in mind. So why are you disappointed? Because it doesn't fit something we came up with on google? As far as I know, we do not write the story plot and we did not learn anything on what that cult is in this video. Only what it's not. I don't agree. This video is not stupid, just useless for the people who knew it wasn't Thelema.
Yea, since the "reveal" I haven't deluded myself thinking this religion Bree was in was real (and I was highly doubtful long before that), but I do believe wholeheartedly that the producers started with an idea of one. Yes, I think they wanted to use Thelema, and back before anyone got in a tizzy about it, it was ok. Now, they're backtracking to cover their asses, for several reasons, probably. But NO WAY do I think for a second that this was planned, this "The Order" business. Bree specifically calls her religion a religion, says she is religious, etc etc. She actually talks quite a bit about it all in her You Tube comments for "My Parents Suck...", in one place responding to the question, "What beliefs?" with:
In a certain a certain set of rules...and not Jesus Christ! I/we believe in evolution!
This was just before the introduction of Crowley (the very next video he makes his first appearance), and the logical conclusion is of course that he is the "certain person" they believe in, or at minimum, the disciple of the "set of rules" they believe in, not some Egyptian mumbo-jumbo secret society. And obviously, back when they wanted everyone to believe Bree was a real girl, the religion had to be based in reality. Now that the story is exposed, they are free to take it to a realm of complete fabrication, which is fine, and probably better in that people will quit bitching about misrepresentation. I just don't want to be treated like an idiot in the process of their flipping the facts of the story: isolated smart girl, boy, strict parents, mystery religion. It's one of the main plot points that has been around from the beginning - in fact I believe it's where the story was always meant to lead, specifically to the ceremony that they so royally screwed up. It was a religion. I didn't find that info on Google, I found it in the plot they laid out plainly in the videos and early comments left by Bree and Daniel. Them saying different now is complete BS and if they don't know that, well I'm telling them. My main disappointment is that they are pulling out of this in such a cowardly way - they had a great thing going, but the magic(k, haha) is over.
I guess I didn't realize until now just how irritated I am with this series. It could have been pretty good, and started out that way. It's been rolled throught the mud now, though, and they've let far too many influences tamper with the essence that started this out so brightly. Star = faded. It makes me sad, but I guess I'm out. Sad I don't even recognize the characters anymore, and they were what made it worth watching to begin with.
This wasn't meant to be a rant at you, Don'tHaveAClue, btw, I just used your response as a jumping-off point. I hope that comes across.
This is one of the things I've been trying to point out.. people are saying they always knew it wasn't religion even never mind Thelema. crap. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A RELIGION...luv2skydive wrote:Which "many" videos cleary established this so I can go back and watch them again?
Yeh, this is what I meant when I mentioned LOST earlier. If that show manages to tie everything up coherently, then fair play to the creators of that show, it would end up being one of the greatest shows of all time. I'm worried for that show, which has a team of writers and millions of pounds worth of backing, never mind LG....luv2skydive wrote:To me, a good show/movie is one that throws you for loops all the time, but the creators know the conclusion from the beginning so as to have the viewer say "Ohhhhhhh wow, I didn't see that coming but now it all makes sense!" at the end (i.e. Sixth Sense). I don't feel that with LG15. I feel as if they go as far as they can in one direction, then for whatever reason change direction and leave us really confused!
LOST is a great example! I'm just happy I'm not alone....I know there are die-hard LG ya'll but the latest vlogs just don't fit together and the creators really need to do major damage control to regain credibility with me and hopefully others!trunbuns wrote:Yes, yes and yes. Put better than I ever could. This pretty much is what I was trying to say before.sunbeam wrote:DontHaveAClue wrote:
sunbean wrote:
Totally agree, stupidest video yet. ......It has no coherence anymore. So disappointing. BIG BIG thumbs down, creatazors. Rolling Eyes
sunbean, the only incoherence I see here is with respect to what some people were thinking it was, not to what the creators may have in mind. So why are you disappointed? Because it doesn't fit something we came up with on google? As far as I know, we do not write the story plot and we did not learn anything on what that cult is in this video. Only what it's not. I don't agree. This video is not stupid, just useless for the people who knew it wasn't Thelema.
Yea, since the "reveal" I haven't deluded myself thinking this religion Bree was in was real (and I was highly doubtful long before that), but I do believe wholeheartedly that the producers started with an idea of one. Yes, I think they wanted to use Thelema, and back before anyone got in a tizzy about it, it was ok. Now, they're backtracking to cover their asses, for several reasons, probably. But NO WAY do I think for a second that this was planned, this "The Order" business. Bree specifically calls her religion a religion, says she is religious, etc etc. She actually talks quite a bit about it all in her You Tube comments for "My Parents Suck...", in one place responding to the question, "What beliefs?" with:
In a certain a certain set of rules...and not Jesus Christ! I/we believe in evolution!
This was just before the introduction of Crowley (the very next video he makes his first appearance), and the logical conclusion is of course that he is the "certain person" they believe in, or at minimum, the disciple of the "set of rules" they believe in, not some Egyptian mumbo-jumbo secret society. And obviously, back when they wanted everyone to believe Bree was a real girl, the religion had to be based in reality. Now that the story is exposed, they are free to take it to a realm of complete fabrication, which is fine, and probably better in that people will quit bitching about misrepresentation. I just don't want to be treated like an idiot in the process of their flipping the facts of the story: isolated smart girl, boy, strict parents, mystery religion. It's one of the main plot points that has been around from the beginning - in fact I believe it's where the story was always meant to lead, specifically to the ceremony that they so royally screwed up. It was a religion. I didn't find that info on Google, I found it in the plot they laid out plainly in the videos and early comments left by Bree and Daniel. Them saying different now is complete BS and if they don't know that, well I'm telling them. My main disappointment is that they are pulling out of this in such a cowardly way - they had a great thing going, but the magic(k, haha) is over.
I guess I didn't realize until now just how irritated I am with this series. It could have been pretty good, and started out that way. It's been rolled throught the mud now, though, and they've let far too many influences tamper with the essence that started this out so brightly. Star = faded. It makes me sad, but I guess I'm out. Sad I don't even recognize the characters anymore, and they were what made it worth watching to begin with.
This wasn't meant to be a rant at you, Don'tHaveAClue, btw, I just used your response as a jumping-off point. I hope that comes across.This is one of the things I've been trying to point out.. people are saying they always knew it wasn't religion even never mind Thelema. crap. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A RELIGION...luv2skydive wrote:Which "many" videos cleary established this so I can go back and watch them again?Yeh, this is what I meant when I mentioned LOST earlier. If that show manages to tie everything up coherently, then fair play to the creators of that show, it would end up being one of the greatest shows of all time. I'm worried for that show, which has a team of writers and millions of pounds worth of backing, never mind LG....luv2skydive wrote:To me, a good show/movie is one that throws you for loops all the time, but the creators know the conclusion from the beginning so as to have the viewer say "Ohhhhhhh wow, I didn't see that coming but now it all makes sense!" at the end (i.e. Sixth Sense). I don't feel that with LG15. I feel as if they go as far as they can in one direction, then for whatever reason change direction and leave us really confused!
sorry for the long post guys