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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:09 pm
by Inigo
I really liked this video. Great song, and great acting
It's sad that people still find something to complain about (I believe someone even said earlier that "there's got to be something to complain about") I don't see anything wrong with the video whatsoever.
Bree's reaction is understandable. People try to block out sad feelings by doing things that make them focus on something else.
They obviously uploaded the video in an internet cafe, or Daniel brought a laptop with him and the went to a starbucks. It's a no brainer. They kept saying they were bored so they just stopped, edited the video and uploaded it.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:14 pm
by Beautiful Nightmare
Hey, Inigo, that's a
triple post, dude.
Y'know, I was just thinking about something.
Bree said she didn't recognize anyone who was at the fake ceremony.
She said she recognized Baldy McCreepy as one of the people at the fake ceremony, and she thinks he's a deacon.
What makes her think he's a deacon if she'd never seen him before the ceremony?
Probably not important. Just wondering.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:21 pm
by CriticalThinking
Woohoo! I've been gone for a while, but I'm baaaaack!! Anyways, I'm happy to see Bree and Daniel happy-go-lucky, and yet they still have the religion drama going. I haven't read the other ten pages of post.. but I'm guessing we have to repost those maps for Daniel so they can drive there...? Ahh, well I hope they stop by Florida.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:48 pm
by Kasdeja
Beautiful Nightmare wrote:Hey, Inigo, that's a
triple post, dude.
Y'know, I was just thinking about something.
Bree said she didn't recognize anyone who was at the fake ceremony.
She said she recognized Baldy McCreepy as one of the people at the fake ceremony, and she thinks he's a deacon.
What makes her think he's a deacon if she'd never seen him before the ceremony?
Probably not important. Just wondering.
Maybe she wasn't high up enough to have met the deacons previously? Hard telling...
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:49 pm
by scheidel21
Some things that I thought....I apologize if someone else has posted them but scanning through I didn't really see them phrased this way.
It's obvious Bree's parents knew something was going to go down, they sent Bree to Daniel's house and told her to stay there. At some point they must have put the note in P-Monkey (and the money) knowing that something was going to happen. They wouldn't answer the phone for Bree trying to keep her at a distance and away from whatever went down.
Why trust Daniel? First how many choices do they have, who does Bree know well enough to count on besides Daniel? Second despite the negative influence he briefly had on Daniel, he didn't force her it was her choices that betrayed her parents trust. Given that they had some time to cool down they may have realized that after all the time Daniel spent at their house he is for the most part a trustworthy friend, who is fairly responsible, and obviously they liked him for the most part, that is why they let him back into Bree;s life willingly. They may have also realized how Bree's rebellion was partially beacauce of the sheltered life she had lived, in combination with the pressure of being chosen (which she never really understood what for) They are just as fallible as anyone else.
Why would her parents not put up a fight or something? They are of course sacrificing themselves for Bree in some way. The religion may have blackmail on them, or be threatening to do something to Bree, or just because we didn't see a gun doesn't mean they don't have one. Obviously Bree's parents seem sullen as they are going to the car and as the vehicle moves away.
The Note: We don't know what it says entirely, but it does say to stay wih Daniel. It mayhave more information, like about what is going on, etc... or it may not. We don't know.
Hotel/Motel Rooms You can rent them when you're 18 just depends on the place lots of mom and pops (not roach motels) and even some chains will let you most won't let you pre-book though.
Bree's Behavior is relatively normal, one cannot be crying all the time, she is acting somewhat childish, and I believe that is her coping mechanism, Daniel is there to protect her. Besides she seems to be attempting to just think about other things, so as not to cry, honestly wasting tears is not productive in any endeavor.
Driving and Gas prices, high they may be perhaps they have a destination in mind, or are trying to put as much distance between them and teh religion as they can, maybe the note from her parents said, that Bree should get as far away from there as possible.
I think that there should be plenty of clues within the video particulalry if they do have adestination in mind.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:54 pm
by islandlove
when daniel and bree were in the car and the radio was on
i thought i heard a low male voice( or maybe a voice changer? sounded somewhat robotic) say something and i thought it said parents
can anyone check this out?
Screencaptures from Video
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:10 pm
by Smelltheflowers
I decided to take a few screen captures from the video for peope to take a look at. I know many were upset about how dark the images were, so hopefully this will help a little. I also posed a few questions that came to my mind while watching the video. Sorry for the poor quality, I can't do much about it
Photo 1: Lucy leading Bree's parents to the waiting car
Photo 2: Lucy loading something into the trunk of the car. Have there been any speculations as to what Lucy is loading or taking out of the trunk of the car?
Photo 3: Lucy waiting by the car after leading Bree's parents to it. What was the Deacon doing in their house while Lucy waited outside?
Photo 4: The Deacon emerging from Bree's house
Photo 5: The Deacon seemingly looking at the camera, or at the vary least, in Daniel and Bree's direction.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:14 pm
by Steph1636
Just logged on today and saw the new video! OMG this was an awesome vlog! It was really long too! Don't really feel like doing a full review. But I can't wait till the next video!
Re: Screencaptures from Video
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:28 pm
by silvermoon
Smelltheflowers wrote:
Have there been any speculations as to what Lucy is loading or taking out of the trunk of the car?
Yep, if you read back a couple of pages, BK said he thinks that it was Thor and Owen or probably an overnight bag for Bree's parents.
I suggested that maybe she has Bree's hard drive to search for ideas of where Bree and Daniel might be heading. Perhaps as a way for the cult to find Bree's videos and add Lucy into the onscreen characters (at least I'm hoping!)
Edit to add: in the picture of the Deacon seemingly looking into the camera, he could very well also have been looking at Lucy, who at that point was standing opposite of him on the other side of the car.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:33 pm
by DontHaveAClue
Hi all! I'm back after a two-week trip! Lots of videos to watch. The last one is definitely awesome. LG15 is turning into a road movie! I love road movies. That's the best genre in american film.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:36 pm
by thejyav
trainer101 wrote:Theories. theories... what are your theories?
- Who or what is the "cult". It hardly seems like any kind of religious organization.
- Where have the parents been taken?
- Were they abducted or did they go voluntarily and Bree is over-reacting?
- If Bree and Daniel check into a hotel with a credit card, is the cult powerful enough to have access to banking records and track them down?
-Most importantly, will we ever get enough clues to put together a fluid working theory?
Why does it not seem like a religious organization?
It seemed to me that they were not being forced and yet not going of their own accord either.
Dan said they got money so I doubt they will use a credit card.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:38 pm
by thinkitthrough
Does Bree have a standing Hard drive I thought she had a Lap Top... and come to think of it they did go inside so maybe they went to grab her computer and her clothes, toothbrush, hair brush, essential you see her clean up with and P. Monkey (which I think is a indication from the creators of the way Bree is acting about things. Just playing like a kid and having fun so she doesn't have a break down)
I for got the s on essentials
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:41 pm
by silvermoon
thinkitthrough wrote:Does Bree have a standing Hard drive I thought she had a Lap Top... and come to think of it they did go inside so maybe they went to grab her computer and her clothes, toothbrush, hair brush, essential you see her clean up with and P. Monkey (which I think is a indication from the creators of the way Bree is acting about things. Just playing like a kid and having fun so she doesn't have a break down)
I for got the s on essentials
Gah! I don't remember them specifically saying that her computer was a laptop, but if it is, that ruins my whole plot line!
I was really hoping for some good, onscreen cult interaction!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:44 pm
by thejyav
trainer101 wrote:NikkiBowerReport wrote:ooops, that came out the wrong way.
At your leisure, when you get around to it... go find that damned note!
No offense taken. I'm at your (everyone's) service...
Woohoo! My kinda woman!

glad someone else said it before me
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:44 pm
by thinkitthrough
Yeah me too... I thought it would be cool to have them get on here and tell Bree what you had said before about her doing the cermony or else your parents get the chop! or something like that.