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Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:08 pm
by WriterGirl
HisGirl wrote:Wouldn't it be a SCREAM if the messages were all from Bree's other personality and way back in the "Cassie is Bree's alter ego" theory days we were RIGHT????


I know, I know. it's crazy.

But, that would be funny.

And as far-out as it is, it sure would explain a thing or two.
This would be awesome. Seriously. I love that theory.

My theory on the code: Friday, at low tide, they're taking Bree by boat to wherever the Ceremony will be. This will be Daniel and Jonas' last chance to get her back.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:50 pm
by mugglemagsUK
Shaneener wrote:
TOSG wrote:The first words after "look back" plays are:

"Friday Early Low Tide Yacht Club Parents Slip(?)"

(I couldn't quite make out the last word).

I think that this is the secret message, or at least part of it. There exists a Low Tide Yacht Club ( ), but it doesn't appear to be LG15-affiliated.


Sooo... early Friday morning during low tide at a yacht club, someone's parents will... slip?


The Ceremony will be Friday in the early morning during low tide at a yacht club. She knows because her parents slipped up and told her? (Her = Bree. If Bree isn't talking in code, then Her = Whoever is doing the codes.)


How exciting!! Maybe it's Nikki B helping to write her messages!!!


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:54 pm
by galatea024
i really feel that it is alex... it just makes sense to me... and it all seems to be things that jonas would understand (the pony place, etc. -his parents yacht... his cousin would easily know those little extras and the order wouldn't know where to meet them or what those codes meant or where they would lead to - all inside talk.)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:15 pm
by Sam fan
:smt015 :smt015 :smt015 wha ?! :shock: Oh! Yes! It would be really cool if er.. er.. something happened... :smt017

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:36 pm
by Absynth
I secretly hope it is Cassie. I haven't been that scared in my whole life as I was for the month or so when Cassie was around and then when Op started up. I'm dying for that thrill again. It's what made me a Lonelycracker.

I hope it's Cassie

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:20 pm
by Sheqinah
mugglemagsUK wrote:
Shaneener wrote:
TOSG wrote:The first words after "look back" plays are:

"Friday Early Low Tide Yacht Club Parents Slip(?)"

(I couldn't quite make out the last word).

I think that this is the secret message, or at least part of it. There exists a Low Tide Yacht Club ( ), but it doesn't appear to be LG15-affiliated.


Sooo... early Friday morning during low tide at a yacht club, someone's parents will... slip?


The Ceremony will be Friday in the early morning during low tide at a yacht club. She knows because her parents slipped up and told her? (Her = Bree. If Bree isn't talking in code, then Her = Whoever is doing the codes.)


How exciting!! Maybe it's Nikki B helping to write her messages!!!

I never thought of it, but Nikki B being the inside person coding the promo's makes sense too. I prefer to think it is Alex. But Nikki B has become HoOish and she is involved with media...

Isn't a slip a kind of boat? I cannot find it on the Wikipedia, but there is a few references on the web to a slip being a sort of specialized dock for yachts. There is a sloop as a kind of boat, and maybe Jonas as a kid called it a slip?

Parents Slip would mean the message is as usual directed to Jonas. (making it all the more probable the insider is Alex over Nikki B)

The insider may be arranging to meet on the boat, or there may be something happening at that time.

I expect the ceremony to happen at night rather than the dead of day... I also expect a little more build up and hints to the actual ceremony day... so I am inclined to think that it is a behind the scenes meet up rather than ceremony break up time.

Maybe the 1B3D compound can be passed on to the insider to switch out the medication they are giving her???

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:21 pm
by teambree
ok... i need some help here... sorry for totally being WAY behind on this one... but what the HECK does TCC stand for (as much as i wanna believe the canon cassie) :smt060

ETA: I'm almost 100% sure that they meant the boat slip, as in where you dock your boat in the marina.

ETA (again): nevermind i checked the LGpedia... silly me!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:46 pm
by hamovbala4ever89
ok guyz i watchced the video again, and i did hear all of those words, but how did u guyz find out that is the clue?? i mean how did u find out to put those specific words together in order to make that code////???.......did my question make any sense??? lol

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:52 pm
by Aponi
hamovbala4ever89 wrote:ok guyz i watchced the video again, and i did hear all of those words, but how did u guyz find out that is the clue?? i mean how did u find out to put those specific words together in order to make that code////???.......did my question make any sense??? lol
It's like the last vid, the title gives you the 'key' to solve the puzzle.
Before, you had to follow 'your happiness' litterally, follow the words that follow 'your happiness'.

In this vid you have to look back, litterally, look back at the words preciding the phrase 'look back'. We just take the words that come before 'look back' is stated, the first, then the second, etc. There isn't random words, we take the order as it happens.

Hope that helps.

Edit because I'm getting confused about this looking back and following stuff lol

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:22 pm
by pariah164
Ugh. *does a facepalm a la Sarah*

WTF creators? Seriously. W. T. F.

I demand more than stupid HoO stuff every other video. Give us something USEFUL. Or at least more interesting than this bullsh*t.

Sorry, I'm just so fed up with the damn filler.


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:32 pm
by WriterGirl
Sheqinah wrote:I never thought of it, but Nikki B being the inside person coding the promo's makes sense too. I prefer to think it is Alex. But Nikki B has become HoOish and she is involved with media...
Maybe...they're working together? They may have put Nikki B. in charge of scripting the videos due to her journalistic background, but Alex may be having her slip the messages in. Given Alex's connection to the TAAG, the Order probably wouldn't trust her to write the ads, so they'd have to work around that.

The only problem, I think, with this theory is that I don't think we really know how long Nikki's been with the HoO, so she might not have been there for the first one. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on that.) But IMO, this would be an amazing way to bring Nikki from "sorta canon-ish" to "Canon."

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:25 am
by Shaneener

Need... new... video...

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:54 am
by hamovbala4ever89
Aponi wrote:
hamovbala4ever89 wrote:ok guyz i watchced the video again, and i did hear all of those words, but how did u guyz find out that is the clue?? i mean how did u find out to put those specific words together in order to make that code////???.......did my question make any sense??? lol
It's like the last vid, the title gives you the 'key' to solve the puzzle.
Before, you had to follow 'your happiness' litterally, follow the words that follow 'your happiness'.

In this vid you have to look back, litterally, look back at the words preciding the phrase 'look back'. We just take the words that come before 'look back' is stated, the first, then the second, etc. There isn't random words, we take the order as it happens.

Hope that helps.

Edit because I'm getting confused about this looking back and following stuff lol

ahhh lol yup, thanx bunches ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:58 am
by HeatherAnneDear
she seemed so depressed...

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:08 pm
by cittiecait
i've said this in other threads but im sure the insider is toby... jonas' cousin... and tcc means take care cousin... its always been the sig after the insider has given a destination to go