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Just a random thought...
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:16 am
by majestic58
So I'm new (to the forums, not to the story line) and I might be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off base but... If we discard the crazy and look at the semi-constants in the chat log, the only two that are kind of obvious to me are MUSIC and her use of the word SERIOUSLY... So could those two things together mean something? Did she have a video with the tag or title seriously? (I looked into this, and there are 4 videos wither the word serious in the description or tag... ) one also has the creepyness factor of the words "So don't screw it up now, ok? Because seriously, a monkey could finish this job once the timer sets off the alarm.

" being in the description... Which seeing as how P.Monkey played a big part in the last video may [or may not] matter... But the video is from Tacheyon [or however you spell it...] Maybe she's helping?)
Or is there a song titled "seriously" that relates somehow? Not to mention why are there windchimes hanging on the INSIDE of the window? I don't know.. It's 3am, I'm grasping at straws and I am totally ok if y'all think I'm insane.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:34 am
by curiousGeorge
Obviously miles has learned to use the Adobe After Effects "Exorcist Lite" filter, I kept hoping we would see her head spin 360 degrees, but that must only be in the Professional version.
I'm sure they couldn't afford the Pro Version because they spent all of their money on robust chat software...
Overall, Jess did a pretty good job with this. A few parts were over the top (bad) but most were fairly effective. I didn't laugh at it if that is any indication.
The logic of her posting this is beyond absurd . It's no use even trying to pretend this thing makes any kind of sense...
Soooooo, she had a glimpse of reality at the end. The HoO's brainwashing department must report to the same person as their security department. I am going to send them a copy of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective (notThelema) Cults in hopes of addressing their QA/QC issues
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:52 am
by Mikeeee
I hAtE tHe PeOpLe WhO TyPe LiKe ThIs
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:22 am
by Evan does not exist on the video list.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:35 am
by scheidel21
Now I am not a psychiatric professional by any means, nor do I have any family that has any sort of psychiatric disorder aside from depression. I have, however, seen with a wide variety of psychiatric conditions in myy job as an EMT. First let me say I have seen some people that were totally whacked in the head, who could still function rationally. But their ability to be rational while still seeing the insanity behind them was rathr disquieting. What that may have to do with Bree is only that she may still be able to function at times. Now onto to where I was going with this, someone said it's almost as if she has a split personality. This may be due to other conditions such as regression, which does seem to fit with much of her behavior. However, perhaps she is experiencing shizophrenia or MPD. Even though she outwardly is committed to the order and the ceremony, maybe the trauma of everyhting, and maybe what the order did caused some PTSD that set off MPD and therefore the message was from her, but from the other her in her mind. It is possible that she may have known about sid the clown and the party considering how close she and Jonas were getting before she left.
Anywho, just throwing that out there as a possibility. Her behavior seems to be like that one second one way the next second another.
Also though I'd just add doesn't anyone think Crazy from her first blog would have gone great with this video?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:47 am
by Evan
Now from someone who has asperger's (me) it seems an awful lot like a meltdown. When I have those I forget things and go crazy and If I am left alone (like bree) I do not blow out of control, rather I kinda go crazy to myself for awhile, but if someone intervenes All hell breaks loose.
That is tru btw.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:03 am
by majestic58
Evan does not exist on the video list.
what doesn't?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:18 am
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:Samara wrote:
Although, it is interesting to a point. Remember part of the audition inquired about halting the aging process?
not necessarily, but i like the way you're thinking.
yeah, i see my mom regress, and even though she usually is really peaceful, the basic characteristics of regression are in Bree's behavior. (plus, my mom can still get angry sometimes in her regressed state, and becomes uncharacteristically ticked off, like Bree)
she never forgets us, but it could be because 25+ years of being a mother refuses to let her forget us

she just regresses because her mind feels like for different reasons, she can't cope with the whatever situation with full use of her mental capacities.
edit -- my mom regresses when there's the possibility of her recovering a memory, so it seems like her mind tries to play defense b4 anything actually happens. seems like Bree is just coping as she goes along.
on the other hand, my mom said she would kinda disassociate during those bad times too, so i'm not sure if this tape could be evidence of regression or disassociation...
:this may be useful for any theorizers who know psychology:[/quote]
IDK if we should "go there" ....

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:19 am
Someone made a comment about freewill and can it be free will if she's drugged and brainwashed...
What if the point of the drugs wasnt to brainwash but to regress her to when she wasn't suspicious of the HoO? Get her brain to a clean slate and then try to reason with her. Perhaps they ended up regressing a bit too far to where she doesnt remember P.Monkey (or could be intentional as there was a means of communication that was anti HoO hidden in P.Monkey...
just a thought.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:20 am
by mindinflight
That's all I have to say.
If there's another three day wait in between this one and the next,
I'll have a bloody meltdown. That was INSANE.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:26 am
curiousGeorge wrote:Obviously miles has learned to use the Adobe After Effects "Exorcist Lite" filter, I kept hoping we would see her head spin 360 degrees, but that must only be in the Professional version.
I'm sure they couldn't afford the Pro Version because they spent all of their money on robust chat software...
I liked this video, mostly. It's an interesting twist, and I hope they take it somewhere neat.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:01 am
by meggamoo1
SARAHPHOBIA88 wrote:Bree is in chat. If anyone hasn't mentioned it already.
What where? I don't see it anywhere!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:03 am
by meggamoo1
great acting, most definitely. the best i've seen from jess.
There's deff. some significance to the mirror (split personality) and she was deff. having a breakthrough near the end of the vid.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:04 am
by LC
Could it be that maybe they were giving her such high doses of the epogen in order to get her ready for the ceremony that now she is just going through withdrawl symptoms? Maybe this combined with some lite brainwashing?
poor bree
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:26 am
by je_sais_cequisetrame
Oh my. At first when they dragged her into the car and even through her recruitment videos I wasn't totally convinced that she wasn't just going along with it to help Jules. But now this video has proven that she wasn't as sane as I thought she was. Unless she just lost her mind after they grabbed her... meep. I hate coming in late in a thread because I don't have much time to read the back pages, but I'll sift through them.
Good video, but like Daniel's "Bree and I Hooked Up" I thought it was a hoax or a hack at first because of the stupid spelling.