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Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:51 pm
by Lurker
TheeBerean wrote:lonelygirl15 wrote:Yep I agree. I wish I could convince her how dangerous this situation is. That the Order is NOT good and we are. Lurker, we just want to help her. There was and is no intent to harm her. I hope you understand.
No, we do not understand. You have an ally in Lurker (whom I respect) ...
That's nice of you to say, TB. I'm honored.
TheeBerean wrote:Looking at the forum board it appears you have lost most of your support. Not only that -- b/c people on this board helped you find Julia, you have made all of us accomplices in your crime.
I'm not sure that's the case. Languorous Lass or consideration could probably say better than I, but I don't think that anyone on the forum could be implicated in this criminally. I don't even know if Sarah or Taylor could be. Maybe it's different where kids are concerned, but finding information on where someone lives generally isn't illegal, especially if they offered that information up themselves in a public space.
Really, for that matter, aside from us giving Bree Jules' myspace, she figured it all out without us anyway. Zavalla and the rest, I mean. She inferred it all from Jules' blog, from Taylor and from what Daniel found back on Lucy's computer.
Also, it would be impossible to prove that the forum members intended for Bree to forcibly remove the girl from her home since they haven't been telling her to do that prior to this.
One might say that ethically we're involved, but even then, that's not a bad thing. They're trying to save Jules, not harm her.
TheeBerean wrote:Voyboy's idea is a good one. Because of your over reaction, there is no longer any room for error. You have to convince her of the Order's true nature. There is no other option but victory.
We agree on this, though.
TheeBerean wrote:The Bree that fled her home, determined to stop the order is dead. A monster has taken her place.
Actually, I don't think Bree's ever talked in terms of trying to stop the Order until now with Jules. She definitely didn't back when she and Daniel ran away from home.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:18 pm
by consideration
Of course, Bree only responds to those who support her decision.
Bree, you fucked up. Again. Good job.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:51 pm
by Twilight_gem78
that would be the best corse of action at this moment
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:45 pm
by voyboy
consideration wrote:Of course, Bree only responds to those who support her decision.
Bree, you fucked up. Again. Good job.
She needs support more than ever now. Lurker had mentioned in a differrent thread that another way to look at this is what great lengths Bree is going to help a total stranger.
Okay. We dont know what the ceremony is about. But we know its not good. In fact, I would bet money that there is no recovery from whatever it is,
"the girl" has to do for it
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:50 pm
by consideration
voyboy wrote:She needs support more than ever now.
I have trouble supporting her kidnapping a little girl.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:03 pm
by gabrielsgirl2419
Ok guys! Make her comfortable. Tieing her up wasn't a good idea. That will only make her freak out! Let her see the videos and see what happens. After that... you guys need to really think about where to hide out b/c you know ppl will be looking for you. by people i mean authorities. Where are the watchers anyway? If she is the "chosen one" where are they? why aren't they protecting her? Can this be a set up? Watch out!
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:20 pm
by dogger1972
Let's not absolve Jonas and Daniel of their sins either. Both have minds of their own, both have stood up to Bree in the past. Daniel seems content these days to be Bree's lapdog, and Jonas lacks the courage of his convictions. If he thought this was wrong, stop them or at the very least, refuse to participate.
Bree, you're just a kid so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your motives, at least, are good. But you really should seriously start to examine how you react to crisis situations. It's obvious neither of the boys has a backbone, so you arent going to be able to rely on them to keep your crazier notions in check. Think these things through. There is nothing more useless in the world than somebody who cannot excercise good judgement under stress.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:36 pm
by voyboy
RoseCrowley wrote:Showing her all the videos is a great idea! Let's get some soda and popcorn and make it a movie night


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:56 pm
by Esteed
Did you not learn from the last time you tied someone up? Or have you so quickly forgotten about how you wronged your friend Jonas?
Apparently you have.
u think?
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:23 pm
by modelmotion
"maybe this is wrong?
U think?
You screwd up big time! You, Jonas and Daniel are all headed for jail no matter what you do now.
Maybe the Order can get you out of this. I just don't know what to tell you.
I hear that Argentina is a pretty good place to hide out for the rest of your life.
Miles, you got her into this. What do you suggest?
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:12 pm
by ladysolitary85
Bree, I'm glad your taking up the showing her the videos ideas. Just keep trying.... like I said in another thread, if all else fails have Taylor and Sarah come over.... maybe if she remembers Taylor she'll listen knowing a familar face.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:48 am
by sarahsnotebook
My God, Bree, just be careful. I know Alex said they "don't need you anymore", but they will no doubt be on alert now.
be safe
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:12 am
by modelmotion
Hey Bree, glad ur back!
I have not been around myself. I have been in a bunker hiding from the 436 for the past few days. Well it turns out to be a few days but my watch only shows 8 minutes. Ppl are saying it was a tear in the space time continuum but i dont know. I dont really get all that stuff. Anyway, enough about me.
Remember back in the day we were talking about the Moonies and you said you did not know much about New Age cults. Well now I think u understand what I am talking about. They used to have to kidnap pple back from the cult and deprogram them........ it was harsh.
And then there was Jonestown. OMG that did not end well at all. I was once at a party with the dude that started the shooting at that. He, of course did not make it out but his mom and sister got deprogrammed just before the mass suicide.
So anyway, what i am saying Bree is that there is hope if you let pple help you.
Be safe.
jonas is evil
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:36 am
by modelmotion
Hey Bree, I really wanted to talk to you in the chat last night but my computer could not handle the software in that chat site you were using. You really should try using IRC chat. It works much better. A bunch of us used to use it to talk to Maddy.....oh, but wait, I dont think you ever knew Maddy..did you? Oh well she was really nice, but she ended up getting was sad.
Anyway, I did not get to talk to you. I just wanted to say that I kinda know what you are going thru. I know that once people were with the Moonies for some time their old friends and family seemed so irrelevant. I mean they just did not get the better world thing. U know what I am talking about! And well new friends within the group were so nice and supportive. The used to chant "Blast with love" and encourage you anytime you did something wrong.
So, ya that must feel really bad to be just ripped out of such a supportive enviroment, but just remember you are not alone in this.
Re: jonas is evil
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:35 am
by voyboy
modelmotion wrote:Hey Bree, I really wanted to talk to you in the chat last night but my computer could not handle the software in that chat site you were using. You really should try using IRC chat. It works much better. A bunch of us used to use it to talk to Maddy.....oh, but wait, I dont think you ever knew Maddy..did you? Oh well she was really nice, but she ended up getting was sad.
Anyway, I did not get to talk to you. I just wanted to say that I kinda know what you are going thru. I know that once people were with the Moonies for some time their old friends and family seemed so irrelevant. I mean they just did not get the better world thing. U know what I am talking about! And well new friends within the group were so nice and supportive. The used to chant "Blast with love" and encourage you anytime you did something wrong.
So, ya that must feel really bad to be just ripped out of such a supportive enviroment, but just remember you are not alone in this.
oh for the love of