It's a really tough choice, since think they all are really hot, and I'd do it will any of them.
But if it's got to be just one probably Taylor, because Sarah is way too into guys, and according to her myspace, she just wants to hook up, not be in a relationship.
Besides, I think there's still a good chance of Taylor being gay
Julia, Talyor, Sarah, Bree, will any of you Play with Me?
so it's down to thier characters. Taylor seems sweet but I don't think I'd have much to talk to her about Bree is intelligent so I like that, but Sarah just pips her to the post
me and sarah ofcourse. she's my future wife even tho she doesnt know it yet. and then we will find gemma and hide her in our basement for fun. *Sigh* and Beast if she really wants i guess