Future romance/hookup between Jonas & Sarah

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Re: Future romance/hookup between Jonas & Sarah

Post by Lurker »

sanguine105 wrote:I see Daniel as better-suited for Taylor, especially after that whole Sarah-cherry stem stunt. I don't think he bought it. Besides, Taylor's all about the breaking and entering - Danielbeast can't resist a girl with an intelligent, yet mischievous mind.
Sarah seems rather smart too. I mean, she was the only one to recommend they just knock on the door.

In any case, I think she's different enough from him to keep him on his toes, and that's probably a more interesting dynamic there (for us and them). If he gets with either and she actually treats him right, though, I'll be happy. He deserves it.

I just think it should be Sarah.
sanguine105 wrote:I still think that Daniel has a thing for Bree. Did you see his face when Sarah even insinuated that Jonas and Bree have a romantic connection?
I was thinking about that. I'm thinking it's not so much that he still wants Bree as it is that Jonas assured him he didn't have an interest there. I think he was able to let go of the Bree issue as easily as he did in part because he didn't think there was a competition at work between he and Jonas (even though he still felt inferior to him).
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Post by Hippie »

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Post by Lurker »

Hippie wrote:Welcome to Lurker Psychology 101!

I must admit I'm practicing without a license.

But, yeah, that's just my take on it. Maybe that's how I'd feel in that position.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

And I'm kinda thinking that Taylor is maybe a bit young for Daniel...
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Post by mincartaugh »

Just coming up to speed on this vid, but my impression was not favorable for the Daniel/Sarah hookup. Daniel will go to great lengths for the women he loves and Sarah is just the kind of girl to lead him straight into trouble. She is acting way to agressive for Daniel as well.

From Daniel's point of view, keep in mind his past choices. Bree was a damsel in distress; Alex was an unattainable. Both of these required Daniel make the first move.

Taylor, on the other hand is just a bit young for him. If he doesn't watch it he could be charged with statutory rape. Daniel did seem to favor Taylor, though. I don't think it was just a residue of the tricks Sarah pulled on him, either. He looked genuinely impressed with her sleuthing skills.
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Post by sanguine105 »

mincartaugh wrote:If he doesn't watch it he could be charged with statutory rape. Daniel did seem to favor Taylor, though.
So he can date her - he just can't make any sexual advances on her. I'm sorry, but I'm just not a fan of Sarah. Taylor is my girl through and through (I hope she's not in the Order!) haha
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Re: Future romance/hookup between Jonas & Sarah

Post by Particular »

sanguine105 wrote:I still think that Daniel has a thing for Bree. Did you see his face when Sarah even insinuated that Jonas and Bree have a romantic connection?
Yeah, I thought his reaction was a bit biased there, lol. Poor Danielbeast :( Well, he has two new girls to keep his attention now, so hopefully with himn occupied we might see a bit more Jonas/Bree relationship development.
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Re: Future romance/hookup between Jonas & Sarah

Post by RoseCrowley »

sanguine105 wrote:I see Daniel as better-suited for Taylor, especially after that whole Sarah-cherry stem stunt. I don't think he bought it. Besides, Taylor's all about the breaking and entering - Danielbeast can't resist a girl with an intelligent, yet mischievous mind. I still think that Daniel has a thing for Bree. Did you see his face when Sarah even insinuated that Jonas and Bree have a romantic connection?
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

Daniel isn't use to the aggressive girls. Plus he's still a little jaded thanks to Alex. So naturally he's going to be a jerk to Sarah, but, eventually she'll break through.
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Post by Kelly »

Ooooo! I love potential romantics.

I'm way way way too much of a Bree/Jonas girl to think that anyone else could even have a crush on him. I want Jonas with Bree, or no one.

I think Daniel and Sarah would be cute. Daniel and Taylor...maybe...but it's too predictable. "I'm going to marry this girl!" Uh huh. Plus, Sarah was SO pushing Daniel's buttons. I think she's smart. She's worked out that Bree and Jonas are flirting (don't say it wasn't obvious) and Daniel is Jealous. She likes Daniel, and seems like the type of person that would tease the guy she likes...so she's teasing him.

I don't really care if they get together or not though. Jonas/Bree all the way! I think it might be a bit too much if everyone starts dating...except Taylor...because there are only two guys. :p

If there's only one couple, it's Jonas and Bree. If that absolutely can't happen (ie. the sibling theory *coughlamecough*)...then Daniel and Sarah.
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Post by megs229 »

I posted this (idea, not word for word) somewhere else but I think it might go along well with the Lurker Psychology 101 discussion :-D Anyways, I think Daniel is over Bree in a sense, but not completely over her. I think he was fine with the Jonas/Bree thing when he had Alex but now that he doesn't have her, he may not be as okay with it. I think that if Beast were to hook up with either Sarah or Taylor (I will state my preference at the end) then he may be okay with Bree and Jonas again. I think it has something to do with how he feels if they were together but he didn't have someone, like he was a third wheel or something. Also, I do get this idea that Beast feels inferior to Jonas for one reason or another and that if Jonas had Bree and Beast had no one that would make things worse. I dunno, but I think it is something along those lines. Onto yet another subject. I think I would be okay with Beast being with either one of the girls because they both have great qualities that would be good for Beast. I do however have to say that even though she is young, I would pick Taylor because I have a fear of Sarah hurting the Beast, and he has had enough of that. Although if Beast and Taylor did get together, it would make me wonder what Sarah would do. I just don't think she would sit back and be happy for everyone......
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Re: Future romance/hookup between Jonas & Sarah

Post by onsweetavenue »

HeartofSorrow wrote: Breeze what are you talking about? I must have read something different because I honstly got the impression she has a thing for Daniel. Granted she called him a pu...wimp, but what did she expect he thought he had a gun to his back. But I still say she wants DB over Jonas. Main reason... Daniel is the ladies man not Jonas. Why else every girl in the fourm would call him Batman?
I kinda thought she liked Daniel too. First, teasing someone is the equivalent of the little girl in the playground pushing her crush down so the gun in the back thing makes sense. Then she was vying for his attention in the car and she said she wished the guy would pay more attention or talk to her more in her blog.

Sounded like daniel to me.
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Post by PinkoLady »

I think the Doctor video, as well as the last one, have pretty much established that she's into Daniel and not at all into Jonas... at all. I loved Bree and Jonas together in "She's Missing" though I've generally been anti-relationships-in-LG15.
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