Sarah seems rather smart too. I mean, she was the only one to recommend they just knock on the door.sanguine105 wrote:I see Daniel as better-suited for Taylor, especially after that whole Sarah-cherry stem stunt. I don't think he bought it. Besides, Taylor's all about the breaking and entering - Danielbeast can't resist a girl with an intelligent, yet mischievous mind.
In any case, I think she's different enough from him to keep him on his toes, and that's probably a more interesting dynamic there (for us and them). If he gets with either and she actually treats him right, though, I'll be happy. He deserves it.
I just think it should be Sarah.
I was thinking about that. I'm thinking it's not so much that he still wants Bree as it is that Jonas assured him he didn't have an interest there. I think he was able to let go of the Bree issue as easily as he did in part because he didn't think there was a competition at work between he and Jonas (even though he still felt inferior to him).sanguine105 wrote:I still think that Daniel has a thing for Bree. Did you see his face when Sarah even insinuated that Jonas and Bree have a romantic connection?