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Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:34 pm
by longlostposter
I liked this girl. She could definitely add to the series...and...she can act.
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:44 pm
by nicole_x
I really like her! She's a good actress, very believable.
BTW, on the comments on her Youtube page she says:
"So I searched for 'new ceremony girl' (from my comments) on youtube, and found a Nikki Bower video, which led me to lonelygirl15. This is some weird stuff, guys.
I think I'm going to start watching from the beginning"
Does this mean she has a chance at being the "new girl?"
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:01 pm
by ShardinsKitten
She is definitely in my favorites for a new girl. She is a lot like Bree, but isn't that what it should be. I mean yea it's supposed to be a "new girl" but they would have to raised and stuff in the same manor Bree was in order to be fit for the ceremony. So I would kinda expect the "new girl" to be similar to Bree.
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:15 pm
by Susan
We've had so many good candidates! So how did we end up with Jules???
OK, that's rhetorical.
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:42 pm
by iampenguin
She has to be the girl...I mean...Her hat is too awesome for her NOT to be the girl!
And she doesn't annoy me like Jules does...
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:17 pm
by Lurker
ShardinsKitten wrote:She is definitely in my favorites for a new girl. She is a lot like Bree, but isn't that what it should be. I mean yea it's supposed to be a "new girl" but they would have to raised and stuff in the same manor Bree was in order to be fit for the ceremony. So I would kinda expect the "new girl" to be similar to Bree.
I wouldn't even call her all that similar, to be honest. Sure, there's some of the same potential influences, but she seems significantly different to me. The way it should be.
Not meant as a diss to Jules (this is directed more to how she's been written), but in the same number of videos, Allison managed to get us to know her a lot better.
Susan wrote:We've had so many good candidates! So how did we end up with Jules???
OK, that's rhetorical.
I know that was rhetorical, but Jules was their selected girl before they even uploaded "New Girl," I'm sure. I really don't think we were ever supposed to pick one.
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:24 pm
by Susan
I know, Lurker, that's why it hurts. Once we headed down this road, the Creators should have seen what a wonderful opportunity it was and jumped on it. Instead we have a powerplay.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:34 am
by Skelly
Regarding the Latin and the person who said this:
I love is law, I love under custom
'Love is the Law, Love under Will' is a Thelemic quote.
New Video
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:25 pm
by truncatedslinky