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Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:04 pm
by Steph1636
awww poor Daniel! We need to help him!
I wouldn't really call it much of an intervention. Although the lamp on the face thing was pretty cool
Do I sense still some feelings for Bree?
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:06 pm
by Smelltheflowers
Although seeing Daniel in so much pain was difficult, I must admit that I was really happy to hear he still deeply cares for Bree (Shut up, I'm a true romantic)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:07 pm
by silvermoon
Part of me feels so bad for Daniel.
The other part wants to kick him in the pants and tell him to stop being such a baby and stop feeling sorry for himself.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:15 pm
by gigglingmonk
This video really touched a nerve with me. I guess its in a good way, but I'm not sure. See, my mom is an alcoholic and I've tried so many times to get her to quit and she always sounds just like DB when shes trying to justify it. Needless to say, watching this really brought some emotions close to the surface. All I can say is that while he thinks that drinking is the "normal' way to deal with this, it isn't. Alcohol is a depressant, no matter what it feels like at the time, eventually, it will bring you lower than you already were and he needs to realize that doing this isn't helping him.
I decided to stop semi-ranting because if I continued anymore, I was probably going to end up crying. 
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:26 pm
by ericski
aside from db being in this low place, what really struck me was how jonas was back and forth w/ him until he said he was the only one not lying about something. jonas had no response to that.
would i be going out on a limb to say the site is speedier? Yeah!!
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:35 pm
by Sami
kellylen wrote:ahaha this video makes me laugh

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:38 pm
by Aithne
And that, is how a true alcoholic reacts to an intervention! Leaving those who tried to 'intervene' with nothing to say. If Daniel keeps this up, I say they drop him off on the side of the road somewhere.
Sorry, I don't mean that. I just don't have patience with Daniel like this. I don't think I have anything else to say about this video (I guess there really is a first for everything).
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:38 pm
by Cabby
Oh daniel, I think you're a good looking guy
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:39 pm
by Chlowee
jonas got pretty quiet after DB started blasting some painful truths. touchy video.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:41 pm
by Aithne
gigglingmonk wrote:This video really touched a nerve with me.
I can relate. If you need to talk (ever), feel free to PM me (anytime), I'm almost always available.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:49 pm
by Chelseyrl
I just finished the transcript, here is his little speech:
Daniel: - it's all crap. I don't buy it for a single second. That little fake smile you put on and that- if, if anybody here is acting like a normal, well-adjusted human being... it's me. I'm not lying about anything. I'm being honest. This does suck. And there is nothing to do, right now. There's...nothing. Wh- look where we are. Whatever, dude. (Pats pillow and lays down on his bed) You know what man, what do you want me to say to you? You want me to tell you I'm sorry for this? (Sits back up) I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry...I'm not more like you. I'm sorry I can't wake up and go... work out just to work out my problems. I'm sorry that I'm not this good-looking guy that can have- second she sees him and forget about her best-friend and... and just forget! And move past it and then when I finally, finally find someone else that's, that's kinda real to me, I'm sorry that she was fake too. Whatever. I'm sorry I'm not more like you. You're cool, I consider you a friend but, just stay out of my face. (Points to liquor bottle) Unless you wanna join me, get the hell out.
lol, why would Jonas cut out Bree's name? It's pretty obvious who DB is first talking about.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:50 pm
by Melisa
I feel bad for Daniel.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:54 pm
by watching_watchers
Wow. Its about time someone confronted Daniel about his drinking, but I'm not sure it should have been done while he was drunk or hung over. If Jonas thinks that Daniel needs to see himself drunk or hung over then maybe he should put a hidden camera up in his room or pretend to join him sometime and record it, rather than trying to show him what hes like while hes like it.
I also think that Daniel really feels like Bree wants Jonas and left out, since him and Bree didn't work and Alex and him didn't either. Daniel may have really bad luck with girls but when he finds someone special [Hopefully Bree in my opinion] then they will be perfect for each other and be happier than they thought they could ever be.
Daniel does need help but I just really think a different approach needs to be taken, and maybe by Bree instead to show him that she still cares about him and doesn't want him to be that way. Because I think hes feeling like hes done so much for her to help her and protect her and now she doesn't need him anymore and only needs Jonas. Even though, obviously thats not the case. [I hope.]
When Jonas did this he probably made a lot more tension than there needs to be between the two of them and I'm pretty sure Daniel isn't going to forget all of this just because he was drinking, and he can still watch the video.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think Jonas took the wrong approach and Bree needs to sit down and talk to Daniel when hes completely sober and let him know she still cares for him and needs him and doesn't want him to be harming himself the way he is and moping around depressed over Alex or herself for that matter, and that he can find someone and is needed and special.
Okay, I'm done.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:56 pm
by Chelseyrl
Yeah, but this did show Daniel that Jonas does care, even if he doesn't know how to always go about doing things.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:57 pm
by WriterGirl
I feel bad for Daniel.
Me, too. *Hugs Daniel*
jonas got pretty quiet after DB started blasting some painful truths. touchy video.
He backed up, too. I noticed the camera shot was visibly further away than it had been.
That was pretty intense.