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Post by consideration »

lonelygirl15 wrote:My mom was really into the Hymn of One. It's strange thinking about her right now... it's been awhile since I have. I guess I didn't really want to. Even though I wasn't super close to her I really miss her. She is my mom, at least the one who raised me, and I'll always cherish the good times we had. It's just ... well, I'm scared about what she might be doing. Is she working with the Order?? I don't know. Everything sorta points in that direction... :(
It does look like your mom is working for the Order, but I would think she doesn't have anything to do with the man who kidnapped you. Even though she wasn't your real mom, I doubt she would want you hurt that way.
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Post by tenshiakui »

lonelygirl15 wrote: My mom was really into the Hymn of One. It's strange thinking about her right now... it's been awhile since I have. I guess I didn't really want to. Even though I wasn't super close to her I really miss her. She is my mom, at least the one who raised me, and I'll always cherish the good times we had. It's just ... well, I'm scared about what she might be doing. Is she working with the Order?? I don't know. Everything sorta points in that direction... :(
:( I wont say I know how hard it is, because I'm not in your position, but I do know what it's like to miss your mom.

It has to be hard right now to ballance your love for your mom, with the worry that she may be part of the Order. But the best thing you can do is try to be strong. You have many here who care about you and want to see you back to happy Bree again.

We don't have all of the facts, and there may be more there with your mom then has been seen. Have faith, if not in religion, in your own heart. Your a good girl, and you have wonderful friends in Jonas and Daniel who support you.

Although we are all here for you, only you can resolve your feelings about your mother. Let the guys know, cry when you can, but for everything else... keep going strong. It's not going to be easy, but you are never, ever, alone.
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Post by voyboy »

Gemma had mentioned that your Mom was a"pillar in the community."
Was that an exaggeration on Gemmas part?
I'm wondering if your Mom possibly has a high position in The Order.
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Post by bleedingtears96 »

thanks :)

Did bree leave?? :( i've never got to talk to bree before...

dude i was almost in vegas the week before the vegas video came out. ><
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Re: shucks

Post by voyboy »

bleedingtears96 wrote:thanks :)

Did bree leave?? :( i've never got to talk to bree before...

dude i was almost in vegas the week before the vegas video came out. ><
Shes probably popping in and out. :wink:
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Post by consideration »

No problem.
I think she did, but since she was on tonight and Daniel was on last night, maybe Jonas will be on tomorrow.
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Post by lonelygirl15 »

tenshiakui wrote:
:( I wont say I know how hard it is, because I'm not in your position, but I do know what it's like to miss your mom.

It has to be hard right now to ballance your love for your mom, with the worry that she may be part of the Order. But the best thing you can do is try to be strong. You have many here who care about you and want to see you back to happy Bree again.

We don't have all of the facts, and there may be more there with your mom then has been seen. Have faith, if not in religion, in your own heart. Your a good girl, and you have wonderful friends in Jonas and Daniel who support you.

Although we are all here for you, only you can resolve your feelings about your mother. Let the guys know, cry when you can, but for everything else... keep going strong. It's not going to be easy, but you are never, ever, alone.
Wow, thank you so much for caring! That was really sweet. :D

It's difficult to talk to the boys. They mean well, but they're not really in the mood to listen right now. I've put them through so much and I just feel awful burdening them with more of my problems.

I think you're right about communication. Daniel, Jonas, and I really need to be more open. We just sort of move on with things and sweep them under the rug. I guess I learned that from my parents. They weren't exactly models of good communication.

My mom was really into being a free thinker and doing what she wanted. The Hymn of One is very heavy on Free Will. Everything has to be done by choice. But now it appears she's working with the Order to get me to do the Ceremony. Kinda goes against the whole free will voluntary idea, right?
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Post by bleedingtears96 »

that would be awesome :)

i'vegotta go to bed... i dono about there but its 11:18 here and i gotta work in the mornin

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Post by trainer101 »

Hey Bree! Long time, no chat. Thanks for checking in again. So, about this Culper Ring...
It's ALL connected...
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Post by bleedingtears96 »

ooooooh it's bree!

I've got it, Bree. She's CHOOSIng to force you to do it.

Hah... your mom is mean if only she knew what they have put you through.

Maybe you should get to a payphone and call your old house... see if she's home!

Then you could hear her voice and let her know you're safe... maybe tell her what happened. If only you could just have a phone conversation with her...
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Post by tenshiakui »

lonelygirl15 wrote: Wow, thank you so much for caring! That was really sweet. :D

It's difficult to talk to the boys. They mean well, but they're not really in the mood to listen right now. I've put them through so much and I just feel awful burdening them with more of my problems.

I think you're right about communication. Daniel, Jonas, and I really need to be more open. We just sort of move on with things and sweep them under the rug. I guess I learned that from my parents. They weren't exactly models of good communication.

My mom was really into being a free thinker and doing what she wanted. The Hymn of One is very heavy on Free Will. Everything has to be done by choice. But now it appears she's working with the Order to get me to do the Ceremony. Kinda goes against the whole free will voluntary idea, right?
Honestly, dear, I dont think they would mind much if you share. As long as you are willing to listen to their conserns as well. I know how hard guys are to talk to at that age, after all... anyone know a guy truly in touch with his feelings when young? :>

They may not be open to communication much, but you all really need to talk. After everything, if you dont have each other, you are lost!

I agree, however, it does seem like the whole Free Will vrs The Order does contradict itself ALOT. There is a long running debate about there being different factions in the Order... Now this is just my opinion... but it seems like the Watchers are the Free Will side and the others like the guy who took you are the other side. Let's hope your mother is part of the Free Will side.

Who knows what the other side may have done to her, but I dont think any woman who loves their child would willingly do anything to harm that child.
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Post by consideration »

lonelygirl15 wrote:Wow, thank you so much for caring! That was really sweet. :D

It's difficult to talk to the boys. They mean well, but they're not really in the mood to listen right now. I've put them through so much and I just feel awful burdening them with more of my problems.

I think you're right about communication. Daniel, Jonas, and I really need to be more open. We just sort of move on with things and sweep them under the rug. I guess I learned that from my parents. They weren't exactly models of good communication.

My mom was really into being a free thinker and doing what she wanted. The Hymn of One is very heavy on Free Will. Everything has to be done by choice. But now it appears she's working with the Order to get me to do the Ceremony. Kinda goes against the whole free will voluntary idea, right?
No matter how annoyed Daniel seems, he really cares about you, Bree, and I bet he wouldn't mind talking to you. Jonas, too.
You guys have been through some tough stuff, so more open communication would probably benefit all of your relationships.

I suppose her excuse is that you'll eventually choose to do the ceremony if they limit your options. Stay strong, Bree.
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Post by voyboy »

I do agree with concid and and tensh. You three have been through too much together to not be communicating well.
You are like your own little family so to speak.
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Post by Esteed »

Hi Bree. I've been following your videos for a while now, though I've never really made too many posts to the community. Glad to see the three of you are okay and that you made it safely out of Vegas. Had me worried for a little while there.

I do have some advice, but bear with me on this one. I'm a bit of a geek, so my metaphors and advice often come through the lens of video games or comic books. Now, the Order is definitely a secret society type thing, right? Well, and this may be totally off-base since it's based on fictional stories from books/movies/games/whatever, it's possible that they may have done something to all three of you mentally. It's entirely possible that they didn't, but it's also possible that they placed some sort of triggers in your minds. So my advice would be to try and find a "deprogrammer" and see what they have to say. Although it would be hard to explain just why you were concerned about triggers, I suppose.

Other than that, just keep your head held high, and remember: You've survived everything else the Order has thrown at you. You survived being kidnapped for three days. You can survive whatever comes next, no matter how hard the Order tries to psyche you out. Being tough isn't about being all Sigourney-Weaver-as-Ripley style butt-kicking. It's about persistence, strength of heart, confidence, and tenacity. All of which you have an enormous amount of.
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Post by milowent »

Bree, will you marry JayHank? He's been working up the courage to ask you. Just kidding. Glad you guys got out of there alive, that was WAY scary.
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