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Creative Ideas for the LG-15 Web-Site
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:44 pm
by Marbella
Welcome to this forum, where everyone may come together to brainstorm ideas to improve the overall experience on the LG-15 website. Specifically, this relates to technical design issues and requests.
Everyone is welcome. Meeping is allowable. Let us know what's on your mind and what creative thoughts you have to share!!

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:54 pm
by WatchingOne
Hey Marbella, thanks for that. this can serve as a great repository for some of the ideas like modelmotion posted. And the advantage is, when a new video is posted, the ideas won't dissapear like they do on the front page.
I really don't have any stunning insights right this second, these kind of things take time to come up with, but don't get discouraged if it takes a while. Remember, we're trying to come up with something unique and functional!!
And when someone comes up with something stunning (which i'm sure they will!!) there should be a way to email it or post it for the creators, don't you think?

an open letter to Miles
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:56 pm
by modelmotion
An open letter to Miles:
Miles, now that there is a lull in the “battle of the comments page” its perhaps time to reflect and look to the future.
I think it would be smart to take advantage of current technology to channel comments into something new and exciting…….a so called “social networking” dimension to the LG universe.
Here is one view of the LG universe:
1. the video story itself
2. the forum discussion
3. the LGpedia
4. the comments community (social networking?)
You stated in a note to Lizard that it was your thought that eventually comments could run using the same “engine” as the forum. Current comments run on Word Press and I am not sure what engine forum uses. Your thought was that the comments could still be made on the home page but then they would be automatically archived in the forum format. At least that how I interpret your note.
As you mentioned a short term fix is to simply move the bulk of the comments to an Work Press archive page. I think that would keep everyone happy for now. However it also leaves them with different registration for comments and forums sections of the site. Personally I dont have a problem with that…….but I know you would like to see a single sign in and thats the driving force behind the integration with the forum engine.
However I think there may be a better way to take comments. Its basically become a “social networking site” in that its a very social place. Its not chat but its not a forum either. Its more like time delayed group instant messaging if that makes any sense. Well, one concept would be to develop the profiles pages into pages that take inspiration from MySpace. In other words allow people a high degree of personalization over their profile page and build messaging into their profile page. I am just throwing this out there. I am not sure how it would integrate with comments but my gut is that this kinda social networking direction would work far better with the comments community than the more rigid forum direction.
Perhaps we can generate some excitement for taking the comments community in a new direction using things like AJAX to make user profiles pages easy to design. Lets take LG15 into the future.
response from Miles
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:57 pm
by modelmotion
These ideas are fantastic and they are 100% inline with the ideas we
are already working on. We're very close to bringing an experienced
programmer on board to implement a lot of these ideas. I think you'll
like what you see in the next few months. Thanks!
beta team
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:59 pm
by modelmotion
Is there any kind of organised beta effort? Those usually involve a non disclosure agreement but its easier to work with idea if you know what is already in the works. If the Creators are going to be totally open about future development in these discussion there is no need for the NDA....but otherwise it might help.
There is nothing worse than contributing idea only to find out that decisions have already been made!!!!
submit idea button
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:02 pm
by modelmotion
It would be great if we could get a "submit ideas" link on the home page to make it one click to get here.
A simple html link in the video reponse column would be all we would need.
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:05 pm
by WatchingOne
I would sign up for a beta in a second!! I'd love to see where it's going.
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:12 pm
by Marbella
Thanks for keeping us all up to date on all the discussion so far!
creative community
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:15 pm
by modelmotion
I think we have a very creative community. I think that should be the key to whatever we do. For example the songs in LGpedia could be on people profile pages which would be great. I think we have seen people create some great icon in the forum. I think we should channel that energy without cluttering the main "comment format". I think we have seen a tendency to wards creating groups such as the cult of the Orange slurpee and the LG15 Defence Force so I think we should allow those to develop.
I think the key is to find a technology platform that will allow all this and more to happen.
My opinion is that the forum engine is way to restrictive and we should look around at the new social neworking sites to see what we can "borrow" from there.
However if the decision has already been made on where to take this thing then I think someone should speak up now and save us all a lot of time.
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:00 pm
by betz28
nice to meet ya marbella!!!!!
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:09 pm
by WatchingOne
I think since they're still looking for a programmer that the final solution has not been agreed to yet. That's why i think any new ideas would be ripe for the picking about now.
the good and the bad of beta testing
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:25 pm
by modelmotion
Yea, I totally agree. It would be great to have a really open dialogue on where to take things. However Miles has already indicated that they do have ideas on where they are going to take things. I suspect those are not set in stone however.
The thing i hate about most user feedback is that it gets ignored. The thing I hate about many beta programs is that its already too late to influence the direction and its more just a question of making sure the code works correctly. However a few beta programs have been extremely successful at working with users to develop idea and I hope that is what we can do here.
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:36 pm
by Marbella
Nice to meet ya too, Betz..
Way cool eye make-up... Is that yours or a pic you foun online?
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:00 pm
by modelmotion
Has anyone else been having problems with notes.
I have sent a few and they went thru as blank messages.
I have also noticed that the archieves messages are a bit of train wreck. I admit that I am a pack rat who saves everything and thats not always a good thing.
Notes is a pretty cool messaging tool but its clearly one where improvement could be made. Its probably part of the WordPress platform but I am not sure about that.
I am curious to know what other people have experience with notes.
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:51 pm
by Marbella
BK and I were talking about approaching the Creators with the idea of a private chat with those of us most interested in streamlining the site in a manner that will be harmonious to everyone. Would you be interested in participating in something like this?
I am glad Miles is a "man with a plan," but he is also flexible. If an idea is clearly better than one he has already, he is happy to embrace it. However, he has to take multiple viewpoints into account with every decision he makes. Can you imagine that? I think he would need to be paid a CEO salary for doing that, and I'm sure he cannot while still paying actors and maintaing the site!
Just let me know, OK?
(Oh and I've never had a problem with blank notes, BTW. I wonder why you are?)