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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

when i first started watching these videos, i never foresaw anything this dark and creepy. i have a feeling the religion isn't as scary as people are making it. of course i'm intrigued by all the analysis and when the clues started hinting at a horror plot i became even more engrossed. but idk i just think it's more of a soap opera than a horror movie... it's about teenagers and their problems, with a mix of societal and religious conflict. i don't anticipate any ghost stories or canabalism to become involved. that would be totally creepy, but not where the story seems to be going unless you really look deep into details. and no matter what, someone finds a way to counteract the interpretations.
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Re: Cassie videos

Post by fakename »

winterdreams123 wrote:I was watching the last cassie video, and I accidentally hit the pause button, and the image it paused at was kind of weird. It looked like bodies on the ground, maybe it's my imagination.. but does anyone else see it? It's after the birds, and then there is two shots of bree, then right before it goes into other shots of the playground, about five seconds into it.... ?
-----Section removed by HyeMew due to detailed analysis of Manson murder picture. Discussion of such, especially outside the cassie forum, is prohibited. Sorry, I know you're new and might not know that yet. (BTW I agree with your final conclusion, which I kept below:)-----
I don't think the lonelygirl plot could parallel the Manson murders even if the creators wanted it to. They should stick to the easy stuff, like Crowley.
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Post by OooSIRENooO »

I do like the whole idea of this one, much more interesting, but I only saw this turn coming. Obviously the creators of LG15, after seeing what was happening since everyones' discovery that it was a fake, decided to cast our interest else where. So Bree "suddenly" has this family "trauma" and has to end posts. uh-huh. a little too conventient. And its obviously MUCH more interesting with the possibility that the LG15 creators aren't involved. And hey, that way if it goes too far and someone gets hurt, they can't be blamed for it!
Love the cassieiswatching saga, but needs to be much more interesting.
And i agree that Brees' religion is being mad out to be much worse than it is. But what does it matter? Its all fake anyway.....